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SmB6 has been predicted and verified as a prototype of topological Kondo insulators (TKIs). Here we report longitudinal magnetoresistance and Hall coefficient measurements on co-sputtered nanocrystalline SmB6 films and try to find possible signatures of their topological properties. The magnetoresistance (MR) at 2 K is positive and linear (LPMR) at low field and becomes negative and quadratic at higher field. While the negative part is known from the reduction of the hybridization gap due to Zeeman splitting, the positive dependence is similar to what has been observed in other topological insulators (TI). We conclude that the LPMR is a characteristic feature of TI and is related to the linear dispersion near the Dirac cone. The Hall resistance shows a sign change around 50 K. It peaks and becomes nonlinear at around 10 K then decreases below 10 K. This indicates that carriers with opposite signs emerge below 50 K. Two films with different geometries (thickness and lateral dimension) show contrasting behavior below and above 50K, which proves the surface origin of the low temperature carriers in these films. The temperature dependence of magnetoresistance and the Hall data indicates that the surface states are likely non-trivial.
103 - Kui Jin , Ge He , Xiaohang Zhang 2014
Transition-metal oxides offer an opportunity to explore unconventional superconductors, where the superconductivity (SC) is often interrelated with novel phenomena such as spin/charge order, fluctuations, and Fermi surface instability (1-3). LiTi2O4 (LTO) is a unique compound in that it is the only known spinel oxide superconductor. In addition to electron-phonon coupling, electron-electron and spin fluctuation contributions have been suggested as playing important roles in the microscopic mechanism for its superconductivity (4-8). However, the lack of high quality single crystals has thus far prevented systematic investigation of their transport properties (9). Here, we report a careful study of transport and tunneling spectroscopy in epitaxial LTO thin films. In the superconducting state, the energy gap was found to decrease as a quadratic function of magnetic field. In the normal state, an unusual magnetoresistance (MR) was observed where it changes from anisotropic positive to isotropic negative as the temperature is increased. A constant charge carrier concentration without any abrupt change in lattice parameters as a function of temperature suggests that the isotropic MR stems from the suppression of spin scattering/fluctuations, while the anisotropic term originates from an orbital contribution. These observations point to an important role strong correlations play in this unique superconductor.
Systematic transport measurements have been performed on a series of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 (LCMO) thin films with varying degrees of anisotropic strain. The strain is induced via epitaxial growth on NdGaO3(001) substrates and varied by controlling the thermal annealing time. An antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) state, possibly associated with charge ordering, emerges upon thermal annealing. The Hall effect in these materials exhibits features that are indicative of a percolative phase transition and correlate closely with the emergence of the AFI state. In the paramagnetic phase, the Hall resistivity takes on two slopes in all samples: a decreasing negative slope with increasing temperature at low fields, which is attributed to the carrier hopping motion, and an almost temperature independent positive slope at high fields due to diffusive transport of holes. Significantly, the crossover fields of the Hall resistivity slope at different temperatures correspond to the same magnetization, which is interpreted as the critical point of a magnetic field-driven percolative phase transition. At lower temperatures near the zero-field metal-insulator transition, pronounced enhancement of the Hall coefficient with the development of the AFI state is observed. The enhancement peaks near the magnetic field-driven percolation; its magnitude correlates with the strength of the AFI state and is suppressed with the melting of the AFI state by an in-plane magnetic field. The observations resemble many features of the enhancement of the Hall coefficient in granular metal films near the composition-driven percolation.
We have systematically investigated the doping and the directional dependence of the gap structure in the 122-type iron pnictide superconductors by point contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy. The studies were performed on single crystals of Ba1-xKxFe2As2 (x = 0.29, 0.49, and 0.77) and SrFe1.74Co0.26As2 with a sharp tip of Pb or Au pressed along the c-axis or the ab-plane direction. The conductance spectra obtained on highly transparent contacts clearly show evidence of a robust superconducting gap. The normalized curves can be well described by the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk model with a lifetime broadening. The determined gap value scales very well with the transition temperature, giving the 2{Delta}/kBTC value of ~ 3.1. The results suggest the presence of a universal coupling behavior in this class of iron pnictides over a broad doping range and independent of the sign of the doping. Moreover, conductance spectra obtained on c-axis junctions and ab-plane junctions indicate that the observed gap is isotropic in these superconductors.
We have observed the Josephson effect in junctions formed between single crystals of SrFe1.74Co0.26As2 and Ba0.23K0.77Fe2As2. I-V curves showed resistively-shunted junction characteristics, and the ac Josephson effect was observed under microwave irradiation. By applying an in-plane magnetic field, the critical current is completely modulated and shows a relatively symmetric diffraction pattern, consistent with the intermediate junction limit. The observation of the Josephson effect in the p-n bicrystal structure not only has significant implications for designing phase-sensitive junctions to probe the pairing symmetry of iron pnictide superconductors, but also represents an important step in developing all iron pnictide devices for applications.
We have fabricated c-axis Josephson junctions on single crystals of (Ba,K)Fe2As2 by using Pb as the counter electrode in two geometries, planar and point contact. Junctions in both geometries show resistively shunted junction I-V curves below the Tc of the counter electrode. Microwave induced steps were observed in the I-V curves, and the critical currents are suppressed with an in-plane magnetic field in a manner consistent with the small junction limit. ICRN products of up to 0.3 mV have been observed in these junctions at 4.2 K. The observation of Josephson coupling along the c-axis between (Ba,K)Fe2As2 and a conventional superconductor suggests the existence of a s-wave superconducting order parameter in this class of iron pnictide superconductors.

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