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The two Tevatron Electron Lenses (TEL1 and TEL2) are installed in Tevatron in 2001 and 2006 respectively. TEL1 is operated as the vital parts of the Tevatron for abort gap beam clearing, while TEL2 is functioning as the backup as well as the test device for beam-beam compensation, space charge compensator and soft beam collimator. Both of them are working exceptionally reliable after a few initial kinks being worked out. Their operations in Tevatron are summarized in this report.
We present a detailed error analysis of a Rydberg blockade mediated controlled-NOT quantum gate between two neutral atoms as demonstrated recently in Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 010503 (2010) and Phys. Rev. A 82, 030306 (2010). Numerical solutions of a master equation for the gate dynamics, including all known sources of technical error, are shown to be in good agreement with experiments. The primary sources of gate error are identified and suggestions given for future improvements. We also present numerical simulations of quantum process tomography to find the intrinsic fidelity, neglecting technical errors, of a Rydberg blockade controlled phase gate. The gate fidelity is characterized using trace overlap and trace distance measures. We show that the trace distance is linearly sensitive to errors arising from the finite Rydberg blockade shift and introduce a modified pulse sequence which corrects the linear errors. Our analysis shows that the intrinsic gate error extracted from simulated quantum process tomography can be under 0.002 for specific states of $^{87}$Rb or Cs atoms. The relation between the process fidelity and the gate error probability used in calculations of fault tolerance thresholds is discussed.
We demonstrate the first deterministic entanglement of two individually addressed neutral atoms using a Rydberg blockade mediated controlled-NOT gate. Parity oscillation measurements reveal an entanglement fidelity of $F=0.58pm0.04$, which is above the entanglement threshold of $F=0.5$, without any correction for atom loss, and $F=0.71pm0.05$ after correcting for background collisional losses. The fidelity results are shown to be in good agreement with a detailed error model.
We present the first demonstration of a CNOT gate using neutral atoms. Our implementation of the CNOT uses Rydberg blockade interactions between neutral atoms held in optical traps separated by >8 murm m. We measure CNOT fidelities of F=0.73 and 0.72 using two different gate protocols, and show by measurement of parity oscillations that the gate can be used to generate two-atom states with fidelity at the threshold for entanglement. We anticipate that the long range nature of the Rydberg interaction will be attractive for future extensions of this work to multi-qubit systems.
227 - X. L. Zhang , R. S. Fletcher , 2008
We develop a projection imaging technique to study ultracold plasma dynamics. We image the charged particle spatial distributions by extraction with a high-voltage pulse onto a position-sensitive detector. Measuring the 2D width of the ion image at later times (the ion image size in the first 20 $mu$s is dominated by the Coulomb explosion of the dense ion cloud), we extract the plasma expansion velocity. These velocities at different initial electron temperatures match earlier results obtained by measuring the plasma oscillation frequency. The electron image size slowly decreases during the plasma lifetime because of the strong Coulomb force of the ion cloud on the electrons, electron loss and Coulomb explosion effects.
138 - X. L. Zhang , R. S. Fletcher , 2008
We present the first observation of an instability in an expanding ultracold plasma. We observe periodic emission of electrons from an ultracold plasma in weak, crossed magnetic and electric fields, and a strongly perturbed electron density distribution in electron time-of-flight projection images. We identify this instability as a high-frequency electron drift instability due to the coupling between the electron drift wave and electron cyclotron harmonic, which has large wavenumbers corresponding to wavelengths close to the electron gyroradius.
We measure the expansion of an ultracold plasma across the field lines of a uniform magnetic field. We image the ion distribution by extracting the ions with a high voltage pulse onto a position-sensitive detector. Early in the lifetime of the plasma ($< 20$ $mu$s), the size of the image is dominated by the time-of-flight Coulomb explosion of the dense ion cloud. For later times, we measure the 2-D Gaussian width of the ion image, obtaining the transverse expansion velocity as a function of magnetic field (up to 70 G). We observe that the expansion velocity scales as B$^{-1/2}$, explained by a nonlinear ambipolar diffusion model with anisotropic diffusion in two different directions.
106 - R. S. Fletcher , X. L. Zhang , 2007
Three-body recombination, an important collisional process in plasmas, increases dramatically at low electron temperatures, with an accepted scaling of T_e^-9/2. We measure three-body recombination in an ultracold neutral xenon plasma by detecting recombination-created Rydberg atoms using a microwave-ionization technique. With the accepted theory (expected to be applicable for weakly-coupled plasmas) and our measured rates we extract the plasma temperatures, which are in reasonable agreement with previous measurements early in the plasma lifetime. The resulting electron temperatures indicate that the plasma continues to cool to temperatures below 1 K.

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