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In this paper, we study the transport capacity of large multi-hop wireless CSMA networks. Different from previous studies which rely on the use of centralized scheduling algorithm and/or centralized routing algorithm to achieve the optimal capacity scaling law, we show that the optimal capacity scaling law can be achieved using entirely distributed routing and scheduling algorithms. Specifically, we consider a network with nodes Poissonly distributed with unit intensity on a $sqrt{n}timessqrt{n}$ square $B_{n}subsetRe^{2}$. Furthermore, each node chooses its destination randomly and independently and transmits following a CSMA protocol. By resorting to the percolation theory and by carefully tuning the three controllable parameters in CSMA protocols, i.e. transmission power, carrier-sensing threshold and count-down timer, we show that a throughput of $Thetaleft(frac{1}{sqrt{n}}right)$ is achievable in distributed CSMA networks. Furthermore, we derive the pre-constant preceding the order of the transport capacity by giving an upper and a lower bound of the transport capacity. The tightness of the bounds is validated using simulations.
Geometric quantum manipulation and Landau-Zener interferometry have been separately explored in many quantum systems. In this Letter, we combine these two approaches to study the dynamics of a superconducting phase qubit. We experimentally demonstrate Landau-Zener interferometry based on the pure geometric phases in this solid-state qubit. We observe the interference caused by a pure geometric phase accumulated in the evolution between two consecutive Landau-Zener transitions, while the dynamical phase is canceled out by a spin-echo pulse. The full controllability of the qubit state as a function of the intrinsically robust geometric phase provides a promising approach for quantum state manipulation.
We propose an experimental scheme to realize the valley-dependent gauge fields for ultracold fermionic atoms trapped in a state-dependent square optical lattice. Our scheme relies on two sets of Raman laser beams to engineer the hopping between adjacent sites populated by two-component fermionic atoms. One set of Raman beams are used to realize a staggered pi-flux lattice, where low energy atoms near two inequivalent Dirac points should be described by the Dirac equation for spin-1/2 particles. Another set of laser beams with proper Rabi frequencies are added to further modulate the atomic hopping parameters. The hopping modulation will give rise to effective gauge potentials with opposite signs near the two valleys, mimicking the interesting strain-induced pseudo-gauge fields in graphene. The proposed valley-dependent gauge fields are tunable and provide a new route to realize quantum valley Hall effects and atomic valleytronics.
198 - Fan Wu , Guang-Can Guo , Wei Zhang 2013
We study the phase diagram in a two-dimensional Fermi gas with the synthetic spin-orbit coupling that has recently been realized experimentally. In particular, we characterize in detail the properties and the stability region of the unconventional Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states in such a system, which are induced by spin-orbit coupling and Fermi surface asymmetry. We identify several distinct nodal FFLO states by studying the topology of their respective gapless contours in momentum space. We then examine the phase structure and the number density distributions in a typical harmonic trapping potential under the local density approximation. Our studies provide detailed information on the FFLO pairing states with spin-orbit coupling and Fermi surface asymmetry, and will facilitate experimental detection of these interesting pairing states in the future.
104 - Bruno Chanteau 2013
We present a new method for accurate mid-infrared frequency measurements and stabilization to a near-infrared ultra-stable frequency reference, transmitted with a long-distance fibre link and continuously monitored against state-of-the-art atomic fountain clocks. As a first application, we measure the frequency of an OsO4 rovibrational molecular line around 10 $mu$m with a state-of-the-art uncertainty of 8x10-13. We also demonstrate the frequency stabilization of a mid-infrared laser with fractional stability better than 4x10-14 at 1 s averaging time and a line-width below 17 Hz. This new stabilization scheme gives us the ability to transfer frequency stability in the range of 10-15 or even better, currently accessible in the near-infrared or in the visible, to mid-infrared lasers in a wide frequency range.
107 - Bruno Chanteau 2012
We have built a frequency chain which enables to measure the absolute frequency of a laser emitting in the 28-31 THz frequency range and stabilized onto a molecular absorption line. The set-up uses an optical frequency comb and an ultrastable 1.55 $mu$m frequency reference signal, transferred from LNE-SYRTE to LPL through an optical link. We are now progressing towards the stabilization of the mid-IR laser via the frequency comb and the extension of this technique to quantum cascade lasers. Such a development is very challenging for ultrahigh resolution molecular spectroscopy and fundamental tests of physics with molecules.
We propose an experimental scheme to simulate the fractionalization of particle number by using a one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled ultracold fermionic gas. The wanted spin-orbit coupling, a kink-like potential, and a conjugation-symmetry-breaking mass term are properly constructed by laser-atom interactions, leading to an effective low-energy relativistic Dirac Hamiltonian with a topologically nontrivial background field. The designed system supports a localized soliton excitation with a fractional particle number that is generally irrational and experimentally tunable, providing a direct realization of the celebrated generalized-Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. In addition, we elaborate on how to detect the induced soliton mode with the FPN in the system.
We investigate the cold nuclear matter(CNM) effects on dijet productions in high-energy nuclear collisions at LHC with the next-to-leading order perturbative QCD. The nuclear modifications for dijet angular distributions, dijet invariant mass spectra, dijet transverse momentum spectra and dijet momentum imbalance due to CNM effects are calculated by incorporating EPS, EKS, HKN and DS param-etrization sets of parton distributions in nucleus . It is found that dijet angular distributions and dijet momentum imbalance are insensitive to the initial-state CNM effects and thus provide optimal tools to study the final-state hot QGP effects such as jet quenching. On the other hand, the invariant mass spectra and the transverse momentum spectra of dijet are generally enhanced in a wide region of the invariant mass or transverse momentum due to CNM effects with a feature opposite to the expected suppression because of the final-state parton energy loss effect in the QGP. The difference of EPS, EKS, HKN and DS parametrization sets of nuclear parton distribution functions is appreciable for dijet invariant mass spectra and transverse momentum spectra at p+Pb collisions, and becomes more pronounced for those at Pb+Pb reactions.
Jets physics in heavy ion reactions is an important new area of active research at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that paves the way for novel tests of QCD multi-parton dynamics in dense nuclear matter. At present, perturbative QCD calculations of hard probes in elementary nucleon-nucleon reactions can be consistently combined with the effects of the nuclear medium up to $ {cal O}(alpha_s^3) $. While such accuracy is desirable but not necessary for leading particle tomography, it is absolutely essential for the new jet observables. With this motivation, we present first results and predictions to $ {cal O}(alpha_s^3) $ for the recent LHC lead-lead (Pb+Pb) run at a center-of-mass energy of 2.76 TeV per nucleon-nucleon pair. Specifically, we focus on the suppression of the single and double inclusive jet cross sections. Our analysis includes not only final-state inelastic parton interactions in the QGP, but also initial-state cold nuclear matter effects and an estimate of the non-perturbative hadronization corrections. We demonstrate how an enhanced di-jet asymmetry in central Pb+Pb reactions at the LHC, recently measured by the ATLAS and CMS experiments, can be derived from these results. We show quantitatively that a fraction of this enhancement may be related to the ambiguity in the separation between the jet and the soft background medium and/or the diffusion of the parton shower energy away from the jet axis through collisional processes. We point to a suite of measurements that can help build a consistent picture of parton shower modification in heavy ion collisions at the LHC.
79 - Wei Zhang , Qing-feng Zhan , 2011
A modified effective field model was developed to quantitatively interpret the angular dependent magnetization reversal processes in exchange biased Fe/IrMn bilayers. Several kinds of multi-step loops with distinct magnetization reversal routes were observed for the samples measured at various field orientations. Two types of angular dependent switching fields are observed and their transitions are investigated, which are found to be driven by both Fe and IrMn layer thicknesses. Our modified effective field model can nicely describe all the switching field behaviors including the critical effects of the exchange bias induced uniaxial anisotropy on the magnetization reversal processes.

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