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90 - Ulrich Bunke 2012
The main aim of this paper is the construction of a smooth (sometimes called differential) extension hat{MU} of the cohomology theory complex cobordism MU, using cycles for hat{MU}(M) which are essentially proper maps Wto M with a fixed U(n)-structure and U(n)-connection on the (stable) normal bundle of Wto M. Crucial is that this model allows the construction of a product structure and of pushdown maps for this smooth extension of MU, which have all the expected properties. Moreover, we show, using the Landweber exact functor principle, that hat{R}(M):=hat{MU}(M)otimes_{MU^*}R defines a multiplicative smooth extension of R(M):=MU(M)otimes_{MU^*}R whenever R is a Landweber exact MU*-module. An example for this construction is a new way to define a multiplicative smooth K-theory.
240 - Ulrich Bunke 2010
Generalized differential cohomology theories, in particular differential K-theory (often called smooth K-theory), are becoming an important tool in differential geometry and in mathematical physics. In this survey, we describe the developments of the recent decades in this area. In particular, we discuss axiomatic characterizations of differential K-theory (and that these uniquely characterize differential K-theory). We describe several explicit constructions, based on vector bundles, on families of differential operators, or using homotopy theory and classifying spaces. We explain the most important properties, in particular about the multiplicative structure and push-forward maps and will sta
124 - Ulrich Bunke 2010
The initial motivation of this work was to give a topological interpretation of two-periodic twisted de-Rham cohomology which is generalizable to arbitrary coefficients. To this end we develop a sheaf theory in the context of locally compact topological stacks with emphasis on the construction of the sheaf theory operations in unbounded derived categories, elements of Verdier duality and integration. The main result is the construction of a functorial periodization functor associated to a U(1)-gerbe. As applications we verify the $T$-duality isomorphism in periodic twisted cohomology and in periodic twisted orbispace cohomology.
124 - Ulrich Bunke 2009
We construct an analytic multiplicative model of smooth K-theory. We further introduce the notion of a smooth K-orientation of a proper submersion and define the associated push-forward which satisfies functoriality, compatibility with pull-back diagrams, and projection and bordism formulas. We construct a multiplicative lift of the Chern character from smooth K-theory to smooth rational cohomology and verify that the cohomological version of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem for families lifts to smooth cohomology.

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