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There exist a large literature on the application of $q$-statistics to the out-of-equilibrium non-ergodic systems in which some degree of strong correlations exists. Here we study the distribution of first return times to zero, $P_R(0,t)$, of a random walk on the set of integers ${0,1,2,...,L}$ with a position dependent transition probability given by $|n/L|^a$. We find that for all values of $ain[0,2]$ $P_R(0,t)$ can be fitted by $q$-exponentials, but only for $a=1$ is $P_R(0,t)$ given exactly by a $q$-exponential in the limit $Lrightarrowinfty$. This is a remarkable result since the exact analytical solution of the corresponding continuum model represents $P_R(0,t)$ as a sum of Bessel functions with a smooth dependence on $a$ from which we are unable to identify $a=1$ as of special significance. However, from the high precision numerical iteration of the discrete Master Equation, we do verify that only for $a=1$ is $P_R(0,t)$ exactly a $q$-exponential and that a tiny departure from this parameter value makes the distribution deviate from $q$-exponential. Further research is certainly required to identify the reason for this result and also the applicability of $q$-statistics and its domain.
We focus on a linear chain of $N$ first-neighbor-coupled logistic maps at their edge of chaos in the presence of a common noise. This model, characterised by the coupling strength $epsilon$ and the noise width $sigma_{max}$, was recently introduced by Pluchino et al [Phys. Rev. E {bf 87}, 022910 (2013)]. They detected, for the time averaged returns with characteristic return time $tau$, possible connections with $q$-Gaussians, the distributions which optimise, under appropriate constraints, the nonadditive entropy $S_q$, basis of nonextensive statistics mechanics. We have here a closer look on this model, and numerically obtain probability distributions which exhibit a slight asymmetry for some parameter values, in variance with simple $q$-Gaussians. Nevertheless, along many decades, the fitting with $q$-Gaussians turns out to be numerically very satisfactory for wide regions of the parameter values, and we illustrate how the index $q$ evolves with $(N, tau, epsilon, sigma_{max})$. It is nevertheless instructive on how careful one must be in such numerical analysis. The overall work shows that physical and/or biological systems that are correctly mimicked by the Pluchino et al model are thermostatistically related to nonextensive statistical mechanics when time-averaged relevant quantities are studied.
As well known, Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics is the correct way of thermostatistically approaching ergodic systems. On the other hand, nontrivial ergodicity breakdown and strong correlations typically drag the system into out-of-equilibrium states where Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics fails. For a wide class of such systems, it has been shown in recent years that the correct approach is to use Tsallis statistics instead. Here we show how the dynamics of the paradigmatic conservative (area-preserving) standard map exhibits, in an exceptionally clear manner, the crossing from one statistics to the other. Our results unambiguously illustrate the domains of validity of both Boltzmann-Gibbs and Tsallis statistics.
In a recent paper [textit{M. Cristelli, A. Zaccaria and L. Pietronero, Phys. Rev. E 85, 066108 (2012)}], Cristelli textit{et al.} analysed relation between skewness and kurtosis for complex dynamical systems and identified two power-law regimes of non-Gaussianity, one of which scales with an exponent of 2 and the other is with $4/3$. Finally the authors concluded that the observed relation is a universal fact in complex dynamical systems. Here, we test the proposed universal relation between skewness and kurtosis with large number of synthetic data and show that in fact it is not universal and originates only due to the small number of data points in the data sets considered. The proposed relation is tested using two different non-Gaussian distributions, namely $q$-Gaussian and Levy distributions. We clearly show that this relation disappears for sufficiently large data sets provided that the second moment of the distribution is finite. We find that, contrary to the claims of Cristelli textit{et al.} regarding a power-law scaling regime, kurtosis saturates to a single value, which is of course different from the Gaussian case ($K=3$), as the number of data is increased. On the other hand, if the second moment of the distribution is infinite, then the kurtosis seems to never converge to a single value. The converged kurtosis value for the finite second moment distributions and the number of data points needed to reach this value depend on the deviation of the original distribution from the Gaussian case. We also argue that the use of kurtosis to compare distributions to decide which one deviates from the Gaussian more can lead to incorrect results even for finite second moment distributions for small data sets, whereas it is totally misleading for infinite second moment distributions where the difference depends on $N$ for all finite $N$.
176 - Ozgur Afsar , Ugur Tirnakli 2012
We generalize Huberman-Rudnick universal scaling law for all periodic windows of the logistic map and show the robustness of $q$-Gaussian probability distributions in the vicinity of chaos threshold. Our scaling relation is universal for the self-similar windows of the map which exhibit period-doubling subharmonic bifurcations. Using this generalized scaling argument, for all periodic windows, as chaos threshold is approached, a developing convergence to $q$-Gaussian is numerically obtained both in the central regions and tails of the probability distributions of sums of iterates.
We propose a generalized entropy maximization procedure, which takes into account the generalized averaging procedures and information gain definitions underlying the generalized entropies. This novel generalized procedure is then applied to Renyi and Tsallis entropies. The generalized entropy maximization procedure for Renyi entropies results in the exponential stationary distribution asymptotically for q is between [0,1] in contrast to the stationary distribution of the inverse power law obtained through the ordinary entropy maximization procedure. Another result of the generalized entropy maximization procedure is that one can naturally obtain all the possible stationary distributions associated with the Tsallis entropies by employing either ordinary or q-generalized Fourier transforms in the averaging procedure.
The probability distribution of sums of iterates of the logistic map at the edge of chaos has been recently shown [see U. Tirnakli, C. Beck and C. Tsallis, Phys. Rev. E 75, 040106(R) (2007)] to be numerically consistent with a q-Gaussian, the distribution which, under appropriate constraints, maximizes the nonadditive entropy S_q, the basis of nonextensive statistical mechanics. This analysis was based on a study of the tails of the distribution. We now check the entire distribution, in particular its central part. This is important in view of a recent q-generalization of the Central Limit Theorem, which states that for certain classes of strongly correlated random variables the rescaled sum approaches a q-Gaussian limit distribution. We numerically investigate for the logistic map with a parameter in a small vicinity of the critical point under which conditions there is convergence to a q-Gaussian both in the central region and in the tail region, and find a scaling law involving the Feigenbaum constant delta. Our results are consistent with a large number of already available analytical and numerical evidences that the edge of chaos is well described in terms of the entropy S_q and its associated concepts.
A nonadditive generalization of Klimontovichs S-theorem [G. B. Bagci, Int.J. Mod. Phys. B 22, 3381 (2008)] has recently been obtained by employing Tsallis entropy. This general version allows one to study physical systems whose stationary distributions are of the inverse power law in contrast to the original S-theorem, which only allows exponential stationary distributions. The nonadditive S-theorem has been applied to the modified Van der Pol oscillator with inverse power law stationary distribution. By using nonadditive S-theorem, it is shown that the entropy decreases as the system is driven out of equilibrium, indicating self-organization in the system. The allowed values of the nonadditivity index $q$ are found to be confined to the regime (0.5,1].
The extremization of an appropriate entropic functional may yield to the probability distribution functions maximizing the respective entropic structure. This procedure is known in Statistical Mechanics and Information Theory as Jaynes Formalism and has been up to now a standard methodology for deriving the aforementioned distributions. However, the results of this formalism do not always coincide with the ones obtained following different approaches. In this study we analyse these inconsistencies in detail and demonstrate that Jaynes formalism leads to correct results only for specific entropy definitions.
The conventional Hamming distance measurement captures only the short-time dynamics of the displacement between the uncorrelated random configurations. The minimum difference technique introduced by Tirnakli and Lyra [Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 14, 805 (2003)] is used to study the short-time and long-time dynamics of the two distinct random configurations of the isotropic and anisotropic Bak-Sneppen models on a square lattice. Similar to 1-dimensional case, the time evolution of the displacement is intermittent. The scaling behavior of the jump activity rate and waiting time distribution reveal the absence of typical spatial-temporal scales in the mechanism of displacement jumps used to quantify the convergence dynamics.

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