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169 - Troy Lee , Adi Shraibman 2021
One of the strongest techniques available for showing lower bounds on quantum communication complexity is the logarithm of the approximation rank of the communication matrix--the minimum rank of a matrix which is entrywise close to the communication matrix. This technique has two main drawbacks: it is difficult to compute, and it is not known to lower bound quantum communication complexity with entanglement. Linial and Shraibman recently introduced a norm, called gamma_2^{alpha}, to quantum communication complexity, showing that it can be used to lower bound communication with entanglement. Here the parameter alpha is a measure of approximation which is related to the allowable error probability of the protocol. This bound can be written as a semidefinite program and gives bounds at least as large as many techniques in the literature, although it is smaller than the corresponding alpha-approximation rank, rk_alpha. We show that in fact log gamma_2^{alpha}(A)$ and log rk_{alpha}(A)$ agree up to small factors. As corollaries we obtain a constant factor polynomial time approximation algorithm to the logarithm of approximate rank, and that the logarithm of approximation rank is a lower bound for quantum communication complexity with entanglement.
230 - Troy Lee , Zhaohui Wei 2014
The square root rank of a nonnegative matrix $A$ is the minimum rank of a matrix $B$ such that $A=B circ B$, where $circ$ denotes entrywise product. We show that the square root rank of the slack matrix of the correlation polytope is exponential. Our main technique is a way to lower bound the rank of certain matrices under arbitrary sign changes of the entries using properties of the roots of polynomials in number fields. The square root rank is an upper bound on the positive semidefinite rank of a matrix, and corresponds the special case where all matrices in the factorization are rank-one.
Information-theoretic methods have proven to be a very powerful tool in communication complexity, in particular giving an elegant proof of the linear lower bound for the two-party disjointness function, and tight lower bounds on disjointness in the multi-party number-in-the-hand (NIH) model. In this paper, we study the applicability of information theoretic methods to the multi-party number-on-the-forehead model (NOF), where determining the complexity of disjointness remains an important open problem. There are two basic parts to the NIH disjointness lower bound: a direct sum theorem and a lower bound on the one-bit AND function using a beautiful connection between Hellinger distance and protocols revealed by Bar-Yossef, Jayram, Kumar and Sivakumar [BYJKS04]. Inspired by this connection, we introduce the notion of Hellinger volume. We show that it lower bounds the information cost of multi-party NOF protocols and provide a small toolbox that allows one to manipulate several Hellinger volume terms and lower bound a Hellinger volume when the distributions involved satisfy certain conditions. In doing so, we prove a new upper bound on the difference between the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean in terms of relative entropy. We then apply these new tools to obtain a lower bound on the informational complexity of the AND_k function in the NOF setting. Finally, we discuss the difficulties of proving a direct sum theorem for information cost in the NOF model.
Positive semidefinite rank (PSD-rank) is a relatively new quantity with applications to combinatorial optimization and communication complexity. We first study several basic properties of PSD-rank, and then develop new techniques for showing lower bounds on the PSD-rank. All of these bounds are based on viewing a positive semidefinite factorization of a matrix $M$ as a quantum communication protocol. These lower bounds depend on the entries of the matrix and not only on its support (the zero/nonzero pattern), overcoming a limitation of some previous techniques. We compare these new lower bounds with known bounds, and give examples where the new ones are better. As an application we determine the PSD-rank of (approximations of) some common matrices.
In this work we introduce, both for classical communication complexity and query complexity, a modification of the partition bound introduced by Jain and Klauck [2010]. We call it the public-coin partition bound. We show that (the logarithm to the base two of) its communication complexity and query complexi
236 - Aya Hamed , Troy Lee 2013
Say that A is a Hadamard factorization of the identity I_n of size n if the entrywise product of A and the transpose of A is I_n. It can be easily seen that the rank of any Hadamard factorization of the identity must be at least sqrt{n}. Dietzfelbinger et al. raised the question if this bound can be achieved, and showed a boolean Hadamard factorization of the identity of rank n^{0.792}. More recently, Klauck and Wolf gave a construction of Hadamard factorizations of the identity of rank n^{0.613}. Over finite fields, Friesen and Theis resolved the question, showing for a prime p and r=p^t+1 a Hadamard factorization of the identity A of size r(r-1)+1 and rank r over F_p. Here we resolve the question for fields of zero characteristic, up to a constant factor, giving a construction of Hadamard factorizations of the identity of rank r and size (r+1)r/2. The matrices in our construction are blockwise Toeplitz, and have entries whose magnitudes are binomial coefficients.
This report documents the program and the outcomes of Dagstuhl Seminar 13082 Communication Complexity, Linear Optimization, and lower bounds for the nonnegative rank of matrices, held in February 2013 at Dagstuhl Castle.
We show that the quantum query complexity of detecting if an $n$-vertex graph contains a triangle is $O(n^{9/7})$. This improves the previous best algorithm of Belovs making $O(n^{35/27})$ queries. For the problem of determining if an operation $circ : S times S rightarrow S$ is associative, we give an algorithm making $O(|S|^{10/7})$ queries, the first improvement to the trivial $O(|S|^{3/2})$ application of Grover search. Our algorithms are designed using the learning graph framework of Belovs. We give a family of algorithms for detecting constant-sized subgraphs, which can possibly be directed and colored. These algorithms are designed in a simple high-level language; our main theorem shows how this high-level language can be compiled as a learning graph and gives the resulting complexity. The key idea to our improvements is to allow more freedom in the parameters of the database kept by the algorithm. As in our previous work, the edge slots maintained in the database are specified by a graph whose edges are the union of regular bipartite graphs, the overall structure of which mimics that of the graph of the certificate. By allowing these bipartite graphs to be unbalanced and of variable degree we obtain better algorithms.
An $ntimes n$ matrix $M$ is called a textit{fooling-set matrix of size $n$} if its diagonal entries are nonzero and $M_{k,ell} M_{ell,k} = 0$ for every $k e ell$. Dietzfelbinger, Hromkovi{v{c}}, and Schnitger (1996) showed that $n le (mbox{rk} M)^2$, regardless of over which field the rank is computed, and asked whether the exponent on $mbox{rk} M$ can be improved. We settle this question. In characteristic zero, we construct an infinite family of rational fooling-set matrices with size $n = binom{mbox{rk} M+1}{2}$. In nonzero characteristic, we construct an infinite family of matrices with $n= (1+o(1))(mbox{rk} M)^2$.
Let $H$ be a fixed $k$-vertex graph with $m$ edges and minimum degree $d >0$. We use the learning graph framework of Belovs to show that the bounded-error quantum query complexity of determining if an $n$-vertex graph contains $H$ as a subgraph is $O(n^{2-2/k-t})$, where $ t = max{frac{k^2- 2(m+1)}{k(k+1)(m+1)}, frac{2k - d - 3}{k(d+1)(m-d+2)}}$. The previous best algorithm of Magniez et al. had complexity $widetilde O(n^{2-2/k})$.

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