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It is known that any $n$-variable function on a finite prime field of characteristic $p$ can be expressed as a polynomial over the same field with at most $p^n$ monomials. However, it is not obvious to determine the polynomial for a given concrete function. In this paper, we study the concrete polynomial expressions of the carries in addition and multiplication of $p$-ary integers. For the case of addition, our result gives a new family of symmetric polynomials, which generalizes the known result for the binary case $p = 2$ where the carries are given by elementary symmetric polynomials. On the other hand, for the case of multiplication of $n$ single-digit integers, we give a simple formula of the polynomial expression for the carry to the next digit using the Bernoulli numbers, and show that it has only $(n+1)(p-1)/2 + 1$ monomials, which is significantly fewer than the worst-case number $p^n$ of monomials for general functions. We also discuss applications of our results to cryptographic computation on encrypted data.
We prove the Lefschetz property for a certain class of finite-dimensional Gorenstein algebras associated to matroids. Our result implies the Sperner property of the vector space lattice. More generally, it is shown that the modular geometric lattice has the Sperner property. We also discuss the Grobner fan of the defining ideal of our Gorenstein algebra.
We construct a model of the affine nil-Hecke algebra as a subalgebra of the Nichols-Woronowicz algebra associated to a Yetter-Drinfeld module over the affine Weyl group. We also discuss the Peterson isomorphism between the homology of the affine Grassmannian and the small quantum cohomology ring of the flag variety in terms of the braided differential calculus.
We give a characterization of the Lefschetz elements in Artinian Gorenstein rings over a field of characteristic zero in terms of the higher Hessians. As an application, we give new examples of Artinian Gorenstein rings which do not have the strong Lefschetz property.
For the root system of type $A$ we introduce and study a certain extension of the quadratic algebra invented by S. Fomin and the first author, to construct a model for the equivariant cohomology ring of the corresponding flag variety. As an application of our construction we describe a generalization of the equivariant Pieri rule for double Schubert polynomials. For a general finite Coxeter system we construct an extension of the corresponding Nichols-Woronowicz algebra. In the case of finite crystallographic Coxeter systems we present a construction of extended Nichols-Woronowicz algebra model for the equivariant cohomology of the corresponding flag variety.
For the coinvariant rings of finite Coxeter groups of types other than H$_4$, we show that a homogeneous element of degree one is a strong Lefschetz element if and only if it is not fixed by any reflections. We also give the necessary and sufficient condition for strong Lefschetz elements in the invariant subrings of the coinvariant rings of Weyl groups.

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