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A population of early star-forming galaxies is the leading candidate for the re-ionization of the universe. It is still unclear what conditions and physical processes would enable a significant fraction of the ionizing photons to escape from these gas-rich galaxies. In this paper we present the results of the analysis of HST COS far-UV spectroscopy plus ancillary multi-waveband data of a sample of 22 low-redshift galaxies that are good analogs to typical star-forming galaxies at high-redshift. We measure three parameters that provide indirect evidence of the escape of ionizing radiation: (1) the residual intensity in the cores of saturated interstellar low-ionization absorption-lines. (2) The relative amount of blue-shifted Lyman alpha line emission, and (3) the relative weakness of the [SII] optical emission lines. We use these diagnostics to rank-order our sample in terms of likely leakiness, noting that a direct measure of escaping Lyman continuum has recently been made for one of the leakiest members of our sample. We then examine the correlations between our ranking and other proposed diagnostics of leakiness and find a correlation with the equivalent width of the Lyman alpha emission-line. Turning to galaxy properties, we find the strongest correlations with leakiness are with the compactness of the star-forming region and the speed of the galactic outflow. This suggests that extreme feedback- a high intensity of ionizing radiation and strong pressure from both radiation and a hot galactic wind- combines to create significant holes in the neutral gas. These results not only shed new light on the physical mechanisms that can allow ionizing radiation to escape from intensely star-forming galaxies, they also provide indirect observational indicators that can be used at high-redshift where direct measurements of escaping Lyman continuum radiation are impossible.
120 - Timothy Heckman 2014
We summarize what large surveys of the contemporary universe have taught us about the physics and phenomenology of the processes that link the formation and evolution of galaxies and their central supermassive black holes. We present a picture in which the population of AGN can be divided into two distinct populations. The Radiative-Mode AGN are associated with black holes that produce radiant energy powered by accretion at rates in excess of ~1% of the Eddington Limit. They are primarily associated with less massive black holes growing in high-density pseudo-bulges at a rate sufficient to produce the total mass budget in these black holes in ~10 Gyr. The circum-nuclear environment contains high density cold gas and associated star-formation. Major mergers are not the primary mechanism for transporting this gas inward; secular processes appear dominant. Stellar feedback will be generic in these objects and strong AGN feedback is seen only in the most powerful AGN. In Jet-Mode AGN the bulk of energetic output takes the form of collimated outflows (jets). These AGN are associated with the more massive black holes in more massive (classical) bulges and elliptical galaxies. Neither the accretion onto these black holes nor star-formation in their host bulge is significant today. These AGN are probably fueled by the accretion of slowly cooling hot gas that is limited by the feedback/heating provided by AGN radio sources. Surveys of the high-redshift universe are painting a similar picture. (Abridged).
We develop a model for the distribution of the ISM and star formation in galaxies based on recent studies that indicate that galactic disks stabilise to a constant stability parameter, which we combine with prescriptions of how the phases of the ISM are determined and for the Star Formation Law (SFL). The model predicts the gas surface mass density and star formation intensity of a galaxy given its rotation curve, stellar surface mass density and the gas velocity dispersion. This model is tested on radial profiles of neutral and molecular ISM surface mass density and star formation intensity of 12 galaxies selected from the THINGS sample. Our tests focus on intermediate radii. Nevertheless, the model produces reasonable agreement with ISM mass and star formation rate integrated over the central region in all but one case. To optimise the model, we evaluate four recipes for the stability parameter, three recipes for apportioning the ISM into molecular and neutral components, and eig
251 - Vivienne Wild 2010
Optical nebular emission lines are commonly used to estimate the star formation rate of galaxies and the black hole accretion rate of their central active nucleus. The accuracy of the conversion from line strengths to physical properties depends upon the accuracy to which the lines can be corrected for dust attenuation. For studies of single galaxies with normal amounts of dust, most dust corrections result in the same derived properties within the errors. However, for statistical studies of populations of galaxies, or for studies of galaxies with higher dust contents such as might be found in some classes of transition galaxies, significant uncertainty arises from the dust attenuation correction. We compare the strength of the predominantly unobscured mid-IR [NeII]15.5um + [NeIII]12.8um emission lines to the optical H alpha emission lines in four samples of galaxies: (i) ordinary star forming galaxies, (ii) optically selected dusty galaxies, (iii) ULIRGs, (iv) Seyfert 2 galaxies. We show that a single dust attenuation curve applied to all samples can correct H alpha emission for dust attenuation to a factor better than 2. Similarly, we compare mid-IR [OIV] and optical [OIII] luminosities to find that [OIII] can be corrected to a factor better than 3. This shows that the total dust attenuation suffered by the AGN narrow line region is not significantly different to that suffered by the starforming HII regions in the galaxy. We provide explicit dust attenuation corrections, together with errors, for [OII], [OIII] and H alpha. The best-fit average attenuation curve is slightly greyer than the Milky-Way extinction law, indicating either that external galaxies have slightly different typical dust properties to the Milky Way, or that there is a significant contribution from scattering. Finally, we uncover an intriguing correlation between Silicate absorption and Balmer decrement.
The mass of super massive black holes at the centre of galaxies is tightly correlated with the mass of the galaxy bulges which host them. This observed correlation implies a mechanism of joint growth, but the precise physical processes responsible are a matter of some debate. Here we report on the growth of black holes in 400 local galactic bulges which have experienced a strong burst of star formation in the past 600Myr. The black holes in our sample have typical masses of 10^6.5-10^7.5 solar masses, and the active nuclei have bolometric luminosities of order 10^42-10^44erg/s. We combine stellar continuum indices with H-alpha luminosities to measure a decay timescale of ~300Myr for the decline in star formation after a starburst. During the first 600Myr after a starburst, the black holes in our sample increase their mass by on-average 5% and the total mass of stars formed is about 1000 times the total mass accreted onto the black hole. This ratio is similar to the ratio of stellar to black hole mass observed in present-day bulges. We find that the average rate of accretion of matter onto the black hole rises steeply roughly 250Myr after the onset of the starburst. We show that our results are consistent with a simple model in which 0.5% of the mass lost by intermediate mass stars in the bulge is accreted by the black hole, but with a suppression in the efficiency of black hole growth at early times plausibly caused by supernova feedback, which is stronger at earlier times. We suggest this picture may be more generally applicable to black hole growth, and could help explain the strong correlation between bulge and black hole mass.

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