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102 - Han-Xin Yang , Tao Zhou , 2015
We propose a dynamic model for a system consisting of self-propelled agents in which the influence of an agent on another agent is weighted by geographical distance. A parameter $alpha$ is introduced to adjust the influence: the smaller value of $alpha$ means that the closer neighbors have stronger influence on the moving direction. We find that there exists an optimal value of $alpha$, leading to the highest degree of direction consensus. The value of optimal $alpha$ increases as the system size increases, while it decreases as the absolute velocity, the sensing radius and the noise amplitude increase.
167 - Dong Hao , Zhihai Rong , Tao Zhou 2014
Repeated game theory has been one of the most prevailing tools for understanding the long-run relationships, which are footstones in building human society. Recent works have revealed a new set of zero-determinant (ZD) strategies, which is an important advance in repeated games. A ZD strategy player can exert a unilaterally control on two players payoffs. In particular he can deterministically set the opponents payoff, or enforce an unfair linear relationship between the players payoffs, thereby always seizing an advantageous share of payoffs. One of the limitations of the original ZD strategy, however, is that it does not capture the notion of robustness when the game is subjected to stochastic errors. In this paper, we propose a general model of ZD strategies for noisy repeated games, and find that ZD strategies have high robustness against errors. We further derive the pinning strategy under noise, by which the ZD strategy player coercively set the opponents expected payoff to his desired level, although his payoff control ability declines with the increase of noise strength. Due to the uncertainty caused by noise, the ZD strategy player cannot secure his payoff to be higher than the opponents, which implies strong extortions do not exist even under low noise. While we show that the ZD strategy player can still establish a novel kind of extortions, named weak extortions, where any increase of his own payoff always exceeds that of the opponents by a fixed percentage, and the conditions under which the weak extortions can be realized are more stringent as the noise becomes stronger.
As one of major challenges, cold-start problem plagues nearly all recommender systems. In particular, new items will be overlooked, impeding the development of new products online. Given limited resources, how to utilize the knowledge of recommender systems and design efficient marketing strategy for new items is extremely important. In this paper, we convert this ticklish issue into a clear mathematical problem based on a bipartite network representation. Under the most widely used algorithm in real e-commerce recommender systems, so-called the item-based collaborative filtering, we show that to simply push new items to active users is not a good strategy. To our surprise, experiments on real recommender systems indicate that to connect new items with some less active users will statistically yield better performance, namely these new items will have more chance to appear in other users recommendation lists. Further analysis suggests that the disassortative nature of recommender systems contributes to such observation. In a word, getting in-depth understanding on recommender systems could pave the way for the owners to popularize their cold-start products with low costs.
Understanding spreading dynamics will benefit society as a whole in better preventing and controlling diseases, as well as facilitating the socially responsible information while depressing destructive rumors. In network-based spreading dynamics, edges with different weights may play far different roles: a friend from afar usually brings novel stories, and an intimate relationship is highly risky for a flu epidemic. In this article, we propose a weighted susceptible-infected-susceptible model on complex networks, where the weight of an edge is defined by the topological proximity of the two associated nodes. Each infected individual is allowed to select limited number of neighbors to contact, and a tunable parameter is introduced to control the preference to contact through high-weight or low-weight edges. Experimental results on six real networks show that the epidemic prevalence can be largely promoted when strong ties are favored in the spreading process. By comparing with two statistical null models respectively with randomized topology and randomly redistributed weights, we show that the distribution pattern of weights, rather than the topology, mainly contributes to the experimental observations. Further analysis suggests that the weight-weight correlation strongly affects the results: high-weight edges are more significant in keeping high epidemic prevalence when the weight-weight correlation is present.
114 - Qian Li , Tao Zhou , Linyuan Lv 2013
Identifying influential spreaders is crucial for understanding and controlling spreading processes on social networks. Via assigning degree-dependent weights onto links associated with the ground node, we proposed a variant to a recent ranking algorithm named LeaderRank [L. Lv et al., PLoS ONE 6 (2011) e21202]. According to the simulations on the standard SIR model, the weighted LeaderRank performs better than LeaderRank in three aspects: (i) the ability to find out more influential spreaders, (ii) the higher tolerance to noisy data, and (iii) the higher robustness to intentional attacks.
The quasiparticle interference (QPI) in Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$ is theoretically studied based on two different pairing models in order to propose an experimental method to test them. For a recently proposed two-dimensional model with pairing primarily from the $gamma$ band, we found clear QPI peaks evolving with energy and their locations can be determined from the tips of the constant-energy contour (CEC). On the other hand, for a former quasi-one-dimensional model with pairing on the $alpha$ and $beta$ bands, the QPI spectra are almost dispersionless and may involve off-shell contributions to the scatterings beyond the CEC. The different behaviors of the QPI in these two models may help to resolve the controversy of active/passive bands and whether Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$ is a topological superconductor.
Background: Controlling global epidemics in the real world and accelerating information propagation in the artificial world are of great significance, which have activated an upsurge in the studies on networked spreading dynamics. Lots of efforts have been made to understand the impacts of macroscopic statistics (e.g., degree distribution and average distance) and mesoscopic structures (e.g., communities and rich clubs) on spreading processes while the microscopic elements are less concerned. In particular, roles of ties are not yet clear to the academic community. Methodology/Principle Findings: Every edges is stamped by its strength that is defined solely based on the local topology. According to a weighted susceptible-infected-susceptible model, the steady-state infected density and spreading speed are respectively optimized by adjusting the relationship between edges strength and spreading ability. Experiments on six real networks show that the infected density is increased when strong ties are favored in the spreading, while the speed is enhanced when weak ties are favored. Significance of these findings is further demonstrated by comparing with a null model. Conclusions/Significance: Experimental results indicate that strong and weak ties play distinguishable roles in spreading dynamics: the former enlarge the infected density while the latter fasten the process. The proposed method provides a quantitative way to reveal the qualitatively different roles of ties, which could find applications in analyzing many networked dynamical processes with multiple performance indices, such as synchronizability and converging time in synchronization and throughput and delivering time in transportation.
Heat conduction process has recently found its application in personalized recommendation [T. Zhou emph{et al.}, PNAS 107, 4511 (2010)], which is of high diversity but low accuracy. By decreasing the temperatures of small-degree objects, we present an improved algorithm, called biased heat conduction (BHC), which could simultaneously enhance the accuracy and diversity. Extensive experimental analyses demonstrate that the accuracy on MovieLens, Netflix and Delicious datasets could be improved by 43.5%, 55.4% and 19.2% compared with the standard heat conduction algorithm, and the diversity is also increased or approximately unchanged. Further statistical analyses suggest that the present algorithm could simultaneously identify users mainstream and special tastes, resulting in better performance than the standard heat conduction algorithm. This work provides a creditable way for highly efficient information filtering.
Recent empirical observations suggest a heterogeneous nature of human activities. The heavy-tailed inter-event time distribution at population level is well accepted, while whether the individual acts in a heterogeneous way is still under debate. Motivated by the impact of temporal heterogeneity of human activities on epidemic spreading, this paper studies the susceptible-infected model on a fully mixed population, where each individual acts in a completely homogeneous way but different individuals have different mean activities. Extensive simulations show that the heterogeneity of activities at population level remarkably affects the speed of spreading, even though each individual behaves regularly. Further more, the spreading speed of this model is more sensitive to the change of system heterogeneity compared with the model consisted of individuals acting with heavy-tailed inter-event time distribution. This work refines our understanding of the impact of heterogeneous human activities on epidemic spreading.
Recommender systems use data on past user preferences to predict possible future likes and interests. A key challenge is that while the most useful individual recommendations are to be found among diverse niche objects, the most reliably accurate results are obtained by methods that recommend objects based on user or object similarity. In this paper we introduce a new algorithm specifically to address the challenge of diversity and show how it can be used to resolve this apparent dilemma when combined in an elegant hybrid with an accuracy-focused algorithm. By tuning the hybrid appropriately we are able to obtain, without relying on any semantic or context-specific information, simultaneous gains in both accuracy and diversity of recommendations.

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