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168 - T. Yu , T. A. Tyson , P. Gao 2014
Two magnetic ordering transitions are found in InMnO3, the paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition near ~118 K and a lower possible spin rotation transition near ~42 K. Multiple length scale structural measurements reveal enhanced local distortion found to be connected with tilting of the MnO5 polyhedra as temperature is reduced. Strong coupling is observed between the lattice and the spin manifested as changes in the structure near both of the magnetic ordering temperatures (at ~42 K and ~ 118 K). External parameters such as pressure are expected to modify the coupling.
172 - T. Wu , T. A. Tyson , H. Chen 2014
High pressure x-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements on RMnO3 (R=Dy, Ho and Lu) reveals that varying structural changes occurs for different R ions. Large lattice changes (orthorhombic strain) occur in DyMnO3 and HoMnO3 while the Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion remains stable. On the other hand, in LuMnO3, Mn-O bond distortions are observed in the region 4-8 GPa with the broad minimum in the JT distortion. High pressure IR measurements indicate that a phonon near 390 cm-1 corresponding to the complex motion of the Mn and O ions changes anomalously for LuMnO3. It softens in the 4-8 GPa region, which is consistent with the structural change in Mn-O bonds and then hardens at high pressures. By contrast, the phonons continuously harden with increasing pressure for DyMnO3 and HoMnO3. DFT calculations show that the E-phase LuMnO3 is the most stable phase up to the 10 GPa pressure examined. Simulations indicate that the distinct structural change under pressure in LuMnO3 can possibly be used to optimize the electric polarization by pressure/strain.
151 - T. Yu , T. A. Tyson , H. Y. Chen 2014
Detailed structural measurements were conducted on a new perovskite, ScMnO3, and on orthorhombic LuMnO3. Complementary density functional theory (DFT) calculations were carried out, and predict that ScMnO3 possesses E-phase magnetic order at low temperature with displacements of the Mn sites (relative to the high temperature state) of ~0.07 {AA}, compared to ~ 0.04 {AA} predicted for LuMnO3. However, detailed local, intermediate and long-range structural measurements by x-ray pair distribution function analysis, single crystal x-ray diffraction and x-ray absorption spectroscopy, find no local or long- range distortions on crossing into the low temperature E-phase of the magnetically ordered state. The measurements place upper limits on any structural changes to be at most one order of magnitude lower than density functional theory predictions and suggest that this theoretical approach does not properly account for the spin-lattice coupling in these oxides and may possibly predict the incorrect magnetic order at low temperatures. The results suggest that the electronic contribution to the electrical polarization dominates and should be properly treated in theoretical models.
78 - T. A. Tyson , T. Yu , S. J. Han 2011
The local structure of superconducting single crystals of K0.8Fe1.6+xSe2 with Tc = 32.6 K was studied by x-ray absorption spectroscopy. Near-edge spectra reveal that the average valence of Fe is 2+. The room temperature structure about the Fe, K and Se sites was examined by iron, selenium and potassium K-edge measurements. The structure about the Se and Fe sites shows a high degree of order in the nearest neighbor Fe-Se bonds. On the other hand, the combined Se and K local structure measurements reveal a very high level of structural disorder in the K layers. Temperature dependent measurements at the Fe sites show that the Fe-Se atomic correlation follows that of the Fe-As correlation in the superconductor LaFeAsO0.89F0.11 - having the same effective Einstein temperature (stiffness). In K0.8Fe1.6+xSe2, the nearest neighbor Fe-Fe bonds has a lower Einstein temperature and higher structural disorder than in LaFeAsO0.89F0.11. The moderate Fe site and high K site structural disorder is consistent with the high normal state resistivity seen in this class of materials. For higher shells, an enhancement of the second nearest neighbor Fe-Fe interaction is found just below Tc and suggests that correlations between Fe magnetic ion pairs beyond the first neighbor are important in models of magnetic order and superconductivity in these materials.
76 - P. Gao , H.Y. Chen , T. A. Tyson 2010
We observe the appearance of a phonon near the lock-in temperature in orthorhombic REMnO3 (RE: Lu and Ho) and anomalous phonon hardening in orthorhombic LuMnO3. The anomalous phonon occurs at the onset of spontaneous polarization. No such changes were found in incommensurate orthorhombic DyMnO3. These observations directly reveal different electric polarization mechanisms in the E-type and IC-type REMnO3.
114 - T. A. Tyson , Z. Chen , Q. Jie 2008
We have combined temperature dependent local structural measurements with first principles density functional calculations to develop a three dimensional local structure model of the misfit system [Ca2CoO3][CoO2]1.61 (referred to as Ca3Co4O9) which has a rock salt structure stacked incommensurately on a hexagonal CoO2 lattice. The local structural measurements reveal a low coordination of Co(2)-O bonds in the rock salt layer with large static structural disorder. The temperature dependence of the Co(1)-Co(1) bond correlations in the CoO2 layer are found to be normal above ~75K and with a very small static disorder component. An anomalous enhancement in the Co(1)-Co(1) correlations occurs at the onset of long-range magnetic order. Density functional computations suggest that the reduction of the coordination of Co(2) is due to the formation of chains of Co(2)Ox in the a-b plane linked to the Ca-O layers by c-axis Co(2)-O bonds. The reduced dimensionality introduced by the chain-like structure in the rock salt layer and high atomic order in the C
83 - P. Gao , T. A. Tyson , Z. Liu 2008
Synchrotron infrared measurements were conducted over the range 100 to 8000 cm-1 on a self-doped LaxMnO3-d (x~~0.8) film. From these measurements we determined the conductivity, the effective number of free carriers, and the specific phonon modes as a function of frequency. While the metal-insulator transition temperature (TMI) and the magnetic ordering temperature (TC) approximately coincide, the free carrier density onset occurs at a significantly lower temperature (~~45 K below). This suggests that local distortions exist below TMI and TC which trap the eg conduction electrons. These regions with local distortions constitute an insulating phase which persists for temperatures significantly below TMI and TC. The initial large drop in resistivity is due to the enhanced magnetic ordering while further drops correspond to reductions in the insulating phase which increase the number of free carriers.
A systematic study the magnetization in La0.8.MnO3 films of thickness varying from ultra-thin to bulk-like has been conducted. The study reveals suppression of the bulk magnetization for films up to at least 1600 A. In addition, the surface (top 50 A) of all films exhibits depressed magnetization as observed by x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). The reduced surface magnetization is attributed to the coexistence of magnetic and nonmagnetic components of the same chemical composition.

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