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Physical systems representing qubits typically have one or more accessible quantum states in addition to the two states that encode the qubit. We demonstrate that active involvement of such auxiliary states can be beneficial in constructing entangling two-qubit operations. We investigate the general case of two multi-state quantum systems coupled via a quantum resonator. The approach is illustrated with the examples of three systems: self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots, NV-centers in diamond, and superconducting transmon qubits. Fidelities of the gate operations are calculated based on numerical simulations of each system.
Compared to electrons, holes in InAs quantum dots have a significantly weaker hyperfine interaction that leads to less dephasing from nuclear spins. Thus many recent studies have suggested that nuclear spins are unimportant for hole spin dynamics compared to electric field fluctuations. We show that the hole hyperfine interaction can have a strong effect on hole spin coherence measurements through a nuclear feedback effect. The nuclear polarization is generated through a unique process that is dependent on the anisotropy of the hole hyperfine interaction and the coherent precession of nuclear spins, giving rise to strong modulation at the nuclear precession frequency.
We propose a fast, scalable all-optical design for arbitrary two-qubit operations for defect qubits in diamond (NV centers) and in silicon carbide, which are promising candidates for room temperature quantum computing. The interaction between qubits is carried out by microcavity photons. The approach uses constructive interference from higher energy excited states activated by optical control. In this approach the cavity mode remains off-resonance with the directly accessible optical transitions used for initialization and readout. All quantum operations are controlled by near-resonant narrow-bandwidth optical pulses. We perform full quantum numerical modeling of the proposed gates and show that high-fidelity operations can be obtained with realistic parameters.
We show that detuned optical pulse trains with a modest spectral width can polarize nuclear spins in InAs quantum dots. The pulse bandwidth is large enough to excite a coherent superposition of both electron spin eigenstates in these negatively charged dots but narrow enough to give partial spectral selectivity between the eigenstates. The coherent precession of electron spin states and periodic excitation focuses the nuclear spin distribution, producing a discrete set of precession modes. The spectral selectivity generates a net nuclear polarization, through a mechanism that relies on optical spin rotations rather than electron spin relaxation.
221 - S. Spatzek 2010
Coherent interactions between spins in quantum dots are a key requirement for quantum gates. We have performed pump-probe experiments in which pulsed lasers emitting at different photon energies manipulate two distinct subsets of electron spins within an inhomogeneous InGaAs quantum dot ensemble. The spin dynamics are monitored through their precession about an external magnetic field. These measurements demonstrate spin precession phase shifts and modulations of the magnitude of one subset of oriented spins after optical orientation of the second subset. The observations are consistent with results from a model using a Heisenberg-like interaction with microeV-strength.
We find that detuning an optical pulse train from electronic transitions in quantum dots controls the direction of nuclear spin flips. The optical pulse train generates electron spins that precess about an applied magnetic field, with a spin component parallel to the field only for detuned pulses. This component leads to asymmetry in the nuclear spin flips, providing a way to produce a stable and precise value of the nuclear spin polarization. This effect is observed using two-color, time-resolved Faraday rotation and ellipticity.
The spin of an electron in a self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dot molecule is optically prepared and measured through the trion triplet states. A longitudinal magnetic field is used to tune two of the trion states into resonance, forming a superposition state through asymmetric spin exchange. As a result, spin-flip Raman transitions can be used for optical spin initialization, while separate trion states enable cycling transitions for non-destructive measurement. With two-laser transmission spectroscopy we demonstrate both operations simultaneously, something not previously accomplished in a single quantum dot.

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