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We study the fundamentals of quantum field theory on a rigid de Sitter space. We show that the perturbative expansion of late-time correlation functions to all orders can be equivalently generated by a non-unitary Lagrangian on a Euclidean AdS geometry. This finding simplifies dramatically perturbative computations, as well as allows us to establish basic properties of these correlators, which comprise a Euclidean CFT. We use this to infer the analytic structure of the spectral density that captures the conformal partial wave expansion of a late-time four-point function, to derive an OPE expansion, and to constrain the operator spectrum. Generically, dimensions and OPE coefficients do not obey the usual CFT notion of unitarity. Instead, unitarity of the de Sitter theory manifests itself as the positivity of the spectral density. This statement does not rely on the use of Euclidean AdS Lagrangians and holds non-perturbatively. We illustrate and check these properties by explicit calculations in a scalar theory by computing first tree-level, and then full one-loop-resummed exchange diagrams. An exchanged particle appears as a resonant feature in the spectral density which can be potentially useful in experimental searches.
Social and professional networks affect labor market dynamics, knowledge diffusion and new business creation. To understand the determinants of how these networks are formed in the first place, we analyze a unique dataset of business cards exchanges among a sample of over 240,000 users of the multi-platform contact management and professional social networking tool for individuals Eight. We develop a structural model of network formation with strategic interactions, and we estimate users payoffs that depend on the composition of business relationships, as well as indirect business interactions. We allow heterogeneity of users in both observable and unobservable characteristics to affect how relationships form and are maintained. The models stationary equilibrium delivers a likelihood that is a mixture of exponential random graph models that we can characterize in closed-form. We overcome several econometric and computational challenges in estimation, by exploiting a two-step estimation procedure, variational approximations and minorization-maximization methods. Our algorithm is scalable, highly parallelizable and makes efficient use of computer memory to allow estimation in massive networks. We show that users payoffs display homophily in several dimensions, e.g. location; furthermore, users unobservable characteristics also display homophily.
We study correlation functions of D-branes and a supergravity mode in AdS, which are dual to structure constants of two sub-determinant operators with large charge and a BPS single-trace operator. Our approach is inspired by the large charge expansion of CFT and resolves puzzles and confusions in the literature on the holographic computation of correlation functions of heavy operators. In particular, we point out two important effects which are often missed in the literature; the first one is an average over classical configurations of the heavy state, which physically amounts to projecting the state to an eigenstate of quantum numbers. The second one is the contribution from wave functions of the heavy state. To demonstrate the power of the method, we first analyze the three-point functions in $mathcal{N}=4$ super Yang-Mills and reproduce the results in field theory from holography, including the cases for which the previous holographic computation gives incorrect answers. We then apply it to ABJM theory and make solid predictions at strong coupling. Finally we comment on possible applications to states dual to black holes and fuzzballs.
We develop an integrability-based framework to compute structure constants of two sub-determinant operators and a single-trace non-BPS operator in ABJM theory in the planar limit. In this first paper, we study them at weak coupling using a relation to an integrable spin chain. We first develop a nested Bethe ansatz for an alternating SU(4) spin chain that describes single-trace operators made out of scalar fields. We then apply it to the computation of the structure constants and show that they are given by overlaps between a Bethe eigenstate and a matrix product state. We conjecture that the determinant operator corresponds to an integrable matrix product state and present a closed-form expression for the overlap, which resembles the so-called Gaudin determinant. We also provide evidence for the integrability of general sub-determinant operators. The techniques developed in this paper can be applied to other quantities in ABJM theory including three-point functions of single-trace operators.
Quantum field theories in AdS generate conformal correlation functions on the boundary, and in the limit where AdS is nearly flat one should be able to extract an S-matrix from such correlators. We discuss a particularly simple position-space procedure to do so. It features a direct map from boundary positions to (on-shell) momenta and thereby relates cross ratios to Mandelstam invariants. This recipe succeeds in several examples, includes the momentum-conserving delta functions, and can be shown to imply the two proposals in arXiv:1607.06109 based on Mellin space and on the OPE data. Interestingly the procedure does not always work: the Landau singularities of a Feynman diagram are shown to be part of larger regions, to be called `bad regions, where the flat-space limit of the Witten diagram diverges. To capture these divergences we introduce the notion of Landau diagrams in AdS. As in flat space, these describe on-shell particles propagating over large distances in a complexified space, with a form of momentum conservation holding at each bulk vertex. As an application we recover the anomalous threshold of the four-point triangle diagram at the boundary of a bad region.
We introduce a bosonic ambitwistor string theory in AdS space. Even though the theory is anomalous at the quantum level, one can nevertheless use it in the classical limit to derive a novel formula for correlation functions of boundary CFT operators in arbitrary space-time dimensions. The resulting construction can be treated as a natural extension of the CHY formalism for the flat-space S-matrix, as it similarly expresses tree-level amplitudes in AdS as integrals over the moduli space of Riemann spheres with punctures. These integrals localize on an operator-valued version of scattering equations, which we derive directly from the ambitwistor string action on a coset manifold. As a testing ground for this formalism we focus on the simplest case of ambitwistor string coupled to two current algebras, which gives bi-adjoint scalar correlators in AdS. In order to evaluate them directly, we make use of a series of contour deformations on the moduli space of punctured Riemann spheres and check that the result agrees with tree level Witten diagram computations to all multiplicity. We also initiate the study of eigenfunctions of scattering equations in AdS, which interpolate between conformal partial waves in different OPE channels, and point out a connection to an elliptic deformation of the Calogero-Sutherland model.
The 1/2-BPS Wilson loop in $mathcal{N}=4$ supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory is an important and well-studied example of conformal defect. In particular, much work has been done for the correlation functions of operator insertions on the Wilson loop in the fundamental representation. In this paper, we extend such analyses to Wilson loops in the large-rank symmetric and antisymmetric representations, which correspond to probe D3 and D5 branes with $AdS_2 times S^2$ and $AdS_2 times S^4$ worldvolume geometries, ending at the $AdS_5$ boundary along a one-dimensional contour. We first compute the correlation functions of protected scalar insertions from supersymmetric localization, and obtain a representation in terms of multiple integrals that are similar to the eigenvalue integrals of the random matrix, but with important differences. Using ideas from the Fermi Gas formalism and the Clustering method, we evaluate their large $N$ limit exactly as a function of the t Hooft coupling. The results are given by simple integrals of polynomials that resemble the $Q$-functions of the Quantum Spectral Curve, with integration measures depending on the number of insertions. Next, we study the correlation functions of fluctuations on the probe D3 and D5 branes in AdS. We compute a selection of three- and four-point functions from perturbation theory on the D-branes, and show that they agree with the results of localization when restricted to supersymmetric kinematics. We also explain how the difference of the internal geometries of the D3 and D5 branes manifests itself in the localization computation.
131 - Shota Komatsu , Yifan Wang 2020
The four dimensional $mathcal{N}=4$ super-Yang-Mills (SYM) theory exhibits rich dynamics in the presence of codimension-one conformal defects. The new structure constants of the extended operator algebra consist of one-point functions of local operators which are nonvanishing due to the defect insertion and carry nontrivial coupling dependence. We study an important class of half-BPS superconformal defects engineered by D5 branes that share three common directions with the D3 branes and involve Nahm pole configurations for the SYM fields on the D3 brane worldvolume. In the planar large $N$ limit, we obtain non-perturbative results in the t Hooft coupling $lambda$ for the defect one-point functions of both BPS and non-BPS operators, building upon recent progress in localization and integrability methods. For BPS operator insertions in the SYM with D5-brane type boundary or interface, we derive an effective two dimensional defect-Yang-Mills (dYM) theory from supersymmetric localization, which gives an efficient way to extract defect observables and generates a novel matrix model for the defect one-point function. By solving the matrix model in the large $N$ limit, we obtain exact results in $lambda$ which interpolate between perturbative Feynman diagram contributions in the weak coupling limit and IIB string theory predictions on $AdS_5times S^5$ in the strong coupling regime, providing a precision test of AdS/CFT with interface defects. For general non-BPS operators, we develop a non-perturbative bootstrap-type program for integrable boundary states on the worldsheet of the IIB string theory, corresponding to the interface defects in the planar SYM. Such integrable boundary states are constrained by a set of general consistency conditions for which we present explicit solutions that reproduce and extend the known results at weak coupling from integrable spin-chain methods.
The g-function is a measure of degrees of freedom associated to a boundary of two-dimensional quantum field theories. In integrable theories, it can be computed exactly in a form of the Fredholm determinant, but it is often hard to evaluate numerically. In this paper, we derive functional equations---or equivalently integral equations of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) type---which directly compute the g-function in the simplest integrable theory; the sinh-Gordon theory at the self-dual point. The derivation is based on the classic result by Tracy and Widom on the relation between Fredholm determinants and TBA, which was used also in the context of topological string. We demonstrate the efficiency of our formulation through the numerical computation and compare the results in the UV limit with the Liouville CFT. As a side result, we present multiple integrals of Q-functions which we conjecture to describe a universal part of the g-function, and discuss its implication to integrable spin chains.
BPS Wilson loops in supersymmetric gauge theories have been the subjects of active research since they are often amenable to exact computation. So far most of the studies have focused on loops that do not intersect. In this paper, we derive exact results for intersecting 1/8 BPS Wilson loops in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, using a combination of supersymmetric localization and the loop equation in 2d gauge theory. The result is given by a novel matrix-model-like representation which couples multiple contour integrals and a Gaussian matrix model. We evaluate the integral at large N, and make contact with the string worldsheet description at strong coupling. As an application of our results, we compute exactly a small-angle limit (and more generally near-BPS limits) of the cross anomalous dimension which governs the UV divergence of intersecting Wilson lines. The same quantity describes the soft anomalous dimension of scattering amplitudes of W-bosons in the Coulomb branch.

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