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The threshold model is a simple but classic model of contagion spreading in complex social systems. To capture the complex nature of social influencing we investigate numerically and analytically the transition in the behavior of threshold-limited cascades in the presence of multiple initiators as the distribution of thresholds is varied between the two extreme cases of identical thresholds and a uniform distribution. We accomplish this by employing a truncated normal distribution of the nodes thresholds and observe a non-monotonic change in the cascade size as we vary the standard deviation. Further, for a sufficiently large spread in the threshold distribution, the tipping-point behavior of the social influencing process disappears and is replaced by a smooth crossover governed by the size of initiator set. We demonstrate that for a given size of the initiator set, there is a specific variance of the threshold distribution for which an opinion spreads optimally. Furthermore, in the case of synthetic graphs we show that the spread asymptotically becomes independent of the system size, and that global cascades can arise just by the addition of a single node to the initiator set.
Cascading failures constitute an important vulnerability of interconnected systems. Here we focus on the study of such failures on networks in which the connectivity of nodes is constrained by geographical distance. Specifically, we use random geometric graphs as representative examples of such spatial networks, and study the properties of cascading failures on them in the presence of distributed flow. The key finding of this study is that the process of cascading failures is non-self-averaging on spatial networks, and thus, aggregate inferences made from analyzing an ensemble of such networks lead to incorrect conclusions when applied to a single network, no matter how large the network is. We demonstrate that this lack of self-averaging disappears with the introduction of a small fraction of long-range links into the network. We simulate the well studied preemptive node removal strategy for cascade mitigation and show that it is largely ineffective in the case of spatial networks. We introduce an altruistic strategy designed to limit the loss of network nodes in the event of a cascade triggering failure and show that it performs better than the preemptive strategy. Finally, we consider a real-world spatial network viz. a European power transmission network and validate that our findings from the study of random geometric graphs are also borne out by simulations of cascading failures on the empirical network.
558 - Sameet Sreenivasan 2013
The generation of novelty is central to any creative endeavor. Novelty generation and the relationship between novelty and individual hedonic value have long been subjects of study in social psychology. However, few studies have utilized large-scale datasets to quantitatively investigate these issues. Here we consider the domain of American cinema and explore these questions using a database of films spanning a 70 year period. We use crowdsourced keywords from the Internet Movie Database as a window into the contents of films, and prescribe novelty scores for each film based on occurrence probabilities of individual keywords and keyword-pairs. These scores provide revealing insights into the dynamics of novelty in cinema. We investigate how novelty influences the revenue generated by a film, and find a relationship that resembles the Wundt-Berlyne curve. We also study the statistics of keyword occurrence and the aggregate distribution of keywords over a 100 year period.
Temporal communities result from a consistent partitioning of nodes across multiple snapshots of an evolving complex network that can help uncover how dense clusters in a network emerge, combine, split and decay with time. Current methods for finding communities in a single snapshot are not straightforwardly generalizable to finding temporal communities since the quality functions used for finding static communities have highly degenerate landscapes, and the eventual partition chosen among the many partitions of similar quality is highly sensitive to small changes in the network. To reliably detect temporal communities we need not only to find a good community partition in a given snapshot but also ensure that it bears some similarity to the partition(s) found in immediately preceding snapshots. We present a new measure of partition distance called estrangement motivated by the inertia of inter-node relationships which, when incorporated into the measurement of partition quality, facilitates the detection of meaningful temporal communities. Specifically, we propose the estrangement confinement method, which postulates that neighboring nodes in a community prefer to continue to share community affiliation as the network evolves. Constraining estrangement enables us to find meaningful temporal communities at various degrees of temporal smoothness in diverse real-world datasets. Specifically, we study the evolution of voting behavior of senators in the United States Congress, the evolution of proximity in human mobility datasets, and the detection of evolving communities in synthetic networks that are otherwise hard to find. Estrangement confinement thus provides a principled approach to uncovering temporal communities in evolving networks.
We investigate the effect of a specific edge weighting scheme $sim (k_i k_j)^{beta}$ on distributed flow efficiency and robustness to cascading failures in scale-free networks. In particular, we analyze a simple, yet fundamental distributed flow model: current flow in random resistor networks. By the tuning of control parameter $beta$ and by considering two general cases of relative node processing capabilities as well as the effect of bandwidth, we show the dependence of transport efficiency upon the correlations between the topology and weights. By studying the severity of cascades for different control parameter $beta$, we find that network resilience to cascading overloads and network throughput is optimal for the same value of $beta$ over the range of node capacities and available bandwidth.

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