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The Chandra High Energy Transmission Gratings (HETG) Orion Legacy Project (HOLP) is the first comprehensive set of observations of a very young massive stellar cluster which provides high resolution X-ray spectra of very young stars over a wide mass range (0.7 - 2.3 Msun). In this paper, we focus on the six brightest X-ray sources with T Tauri stellar counterparts which are well-characterized at optical and infra-red wavelengths. All stars show column densities which are substantially smaller than expected from optical extinction indicating that the sources are located on the near side of the cluster with respect to the observer as well as that these stars are embedded in more dusty environments. Stellar X-ray luminosities are well above $10^{31}$ erg/s, in some cases exceeding $10^{32}$ erg/s for a substantial amount of time. The stars during these observations show no flares but are persistently bright. The spectra can be well fit with two temperature plasma components of 10 MK and 40 MK, of which the latter dominates the flux by a ratio 6:1 on average. The total EMs range between 3 - 8$times10^{54}$ cm$^{-3}$ and are comparable to active coronal sources. Limits on the forbidden to inter-combination line ratios in the He-Like K-shell lines show that we observe a predominantely optically thin plasma with electron densities below $10^{12}$ cm$^{-3}$. Observed abundances compare well with active coronal sources underlying the coronal nature of these sources. The surface flux in this sample of 0.6 to 2.3 Msun classical T Tauri stars shows that coronal activity and possibly coronal loop size increase significantly between ages 0.1 to 10 Myrs.
206 - S. Schulz , M. A. Caro , L.-T. Tan 2013
A combined experimental and theoretical study is presented of the band gap of AlInN, confirming the breakdown of the virtual crystal approximation (VCA) for the conduction and valence band edges. Composition dependent bowing parameters for these quantities are extracted. Additionally, composition dependent band offsets for GaN/AlInN systems are provided. We show that local strain and built-in fields affect the band edges significantly, leading to optical polarization switching at much lower In composition than expected from a VCA approach.
In this work, we present and evaluate a (111)-rotated eight-band $mathbf{k}cdotmathbf{p}$ Hamiltonian for the zinc-blende crystal lattice to investigate the electronic properties of site-controlled InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots grown along the [111] direction. We derive the rotated Hamiltonian including strain and piezoelectric potentials. In combination with our previously formulated (111)-oriented continuum elasticity model, we employ this approach to investigate the electronic properties of a realistic site-controlled (111)-grown InGaAs quantum dot. We combine these studies with an evaluation of single-band effective mass and eight-band $mathbf{k}cdotmathbf{p}$ models, to investigate the capabilities of these models for the description of electronic properties of (111)-grown zinc-blende quantum dots. Moreover, the influence of second-order piezoelectric contributions on the polarisation potential in such systems is studied. The description of the electronic structure of nanostructures grown on (111)-oriented surfaces can now be achieved with significantly reduced computational costs in comparison to calculations performed using the conventional (001)-oriented models.
We demonstrate that cation-related localized states strongly perturb the band structure of $text{Al}_{1-x}text{In}_x$N leading to a strong band gap bowing at low In content. Our first-principles calculations show that In-related localized states are formed both in the conduction and the valence band in $text{Al}_{1-x}text{In}_x$N for low In composition, $x$, and that these localized states dominate the evolution of the band structure with increasing $x$. Therefore, the commonly used assumption of a single composition-independent bowing parameter breaks down when describing the evolution both of the conduction and of the valence band edge in $text{Al}_{1-x}text{In}_x$N.
We report results of one-day simultaneous multiwavelength observations of Cygnus X-2 using XMM, Chandra, the European VLBI Network and the XMM Optical Monitor. During the observations, the source did not exhibit Z-track movement, but remained in the vicinity of the soft apex. It was in a radio quiescent/quiet state of < 150 microJy. Strong dip events were seen as 25% reductions in X-ray intensity. The use of broadband CCD spectra in combination with narrow-band grating spectra has now demonstrated for the first time that these dipping events in Cygnus X-2 are caused by absorption in cool material in quite a unique way. In the band 0.2 - 10 keV, dipping appears to be due to progressive covering of the Comptonized emission of an extended accretion disk corona, the covering factor rising to 40% in deep dipping with an associated column density of 3.10^{23} atom cm^{-2}. Remarkably, the blackbody emission of the neutron star is not affected by these dips, in strong contrast with observations of typical low mass X-ray binary dipping sources. The Chandra and XMM gratings directly measure the optical depths in absorption edges such as Ne K, Fe L, and O K and a comparison of the optical depths in the edges of non-dip and dip data reveals no increase of optical depth during dipping even though the continuum emission sharply decreases. Based on these findings, at orbital phase 0.35, we propose that dipping in this observation is caused by absorption in the outer disk by structures located opposite to the impact bulge of the accretion stream. With an inclination angle > 60 deg, these structures can still cover large parts of the extended ADC, without absorbing emission from the central neutral star.
132 - Arik W. Mitschang 2010
We investigate X-ray emission properties of the peculiar X-ray source Theta2 Ori A in the Orion trapezium region using more than 500 ksec of HETGS spectral data in the quiescent state. The amount of exposure provides tight constraints on several important diagnostics involving O, Ne, Mg, and Si line flux ratios from He-like ion triplets, resonance line ratios of the H- and He-like lines and line widths. Accounting for the influence of the strong UV radiation field of the O9.7V star we can now place the He-like line origin well within two stellar radii of the O-stars surface. The lines are resolved with average line widths of 341+-38 km/s confirming a line origin relatively close to the stellar surface. In the framework of standard wind models this implies a rather weak, low opacity wind restricting wind shocks to temperatures not much larger than 2x10^6 K. The emission measure distribution of the X-ray spectrum, as reported previously, includes very high temperature components which are not easily explained in this framework. The X-ray properties are also not consistent with coronal emissions from an unseen low-mass companion nor with typical signatures from colliding wind interactions. The properties are more consistent with X-ray signatures observed in the massive Trapezium star Theta1 Ori C which has recently been successfully modeled with a magnetically confined wind model.
We observed the ultra-compact binary candidate 4U 0614+091 for a total of 200 ksec with the high-energy transmission gratings onboard the chandra X-ray Observatory. The source is found at various intensity levels with spectral variations present. X-ray luminosities vary between 2.0$times10^{36}$ ergsec and 3.5$times10^{36}$ ergsec. Continuum variations are present at all times and spectra can be well fit with a powerlaw component, a high kT blackbody component, and a broad line component near oxygen. The spectra require adjustments to the Ne K edge and in some occasions also to the Mg K edge. The Ne K edge appears variable in terms of optical depths and morphology. The edge reveals average blue- and red-shifted values implying Doppler velocities of the order of 3500 kms. The data show that Ne K exhibits excess column densities of up to several 10$^{18}$ cm$^{-2}$. The variability proves that the excess is intrinsic to the source. The correponding disk velocities also imply an outer disk radius of the order of $< 10^9$ cm consistent with an ultra-compact binary nature. We also detect a prominent soft emission line complex near the oviii L$alpha$ position which appears extremely broad and relativistic effects from near the innermost disk have to be included. Gravitationally broadened line fits also provide nearly edge-on angles of inclination between 86 and 89$^{circ}$. The emissions appear consistent with an ionized disk with ionization parameters of the order of 10$^4$ at radii of a few 10$^7$ cm. The line wavelengths with respect to oviiia are found variably blue-shifted indicating more complex inner disk dynamics.
Low-mass pre-main sequence (PMS) stars are strong and variable X-ray emitters, as has been well established by EINSTEIN and ROSAT observatories. It was originally believed that this emission was of thermal nature and primarily originated from coronal activity (magnetically confined loops, in analogy with Solar activity) on contracting young stars. Broadband spectral analysis showed that the emission was not isothermal and that elemental abundances were non-Solar. The resolving power of the Chandra and XMM X-ray gratings spectrometers have provided the first, tantalizing details concerning the physical conditions such as temperatures, densities, and abundances that characterize the X-ray emitting regions of young star. These existing high resolution spectrometers, however, simply do not have the effective area to measure diagnostic lines for a large number of PMS stars over required to answer global questions such as: how does magnetic activity in PMS stars differ from that of main sequence stars, how do they evolve, what determines the population structure and activity in stellar clusters, and how does the activity influence the evolution of protostellar disks. Highly resolved (R>3000) X-ray spectroscopy at orders of magnitude greater efficiency than currently available will provide major advances in answering these questions. This requires the ability to resolve the key diagnostic emission lines with a precision of better than 100 km/s.
Understanding the origins and distribution of matter in the Universe is one of the most important quests in physics and astronomy. Themes range from astro-particle physics to chemical evolution in the Galaxy to cosmic nucleosynthesis and chemistry in an anticipation of a full account of matter in the Universe. Studies of chemical evolution in the early Universe will answer questions about when and where the majority of metals were formed, how they spread and why they appar today as they are. The evolution of matter in our Universe cannot be characterized as a simple path of development. In fact the state of matter today tells us that mass and matter is under constant reformation through on-going star formation, nucleosynthesis and mass loss on stellar and galactic scales. X-ray absorption studies have evolved in recent years into powerful means to probe the various phases of interstellar and intergalactic media. Future observatories such as IXO and Gen-X will provide vast new opportunities to study structure and distribution of matter with high resolution X-ray spectra. Specifically the capabilities of the soft energy gratings with a resolution of R=3000 onboard IXO will provide ground breaking determinations of element abundance, ionization structure, and dispersion velocities of the interstellar and intergalactic media of our Galaxy and the Local Group
We observed at very high spectral resolution the prototype Z-source Cyg x-2 twice along its entire X-ray spectral variation pattern. In this preliminary analysis we find an extended accretion disk corona exhibiting Lyman alpha emissions from various H-like ions, as well as emissions from He-like ions of Fe and Al, and Li-like ions of Fe. The brightest lines show a range of line broadening: H-like lines are very broad with Doppler velocities between 1100 and 2700 km/s, while some others are narrower with widths of a few hundred km/s. Line diagnostics allow us for the first time to determine coronal parameters. The line properties are consistent with a stationary, extended up to 10^10 cm, dense (1x10^15 cm^-3), and hot (log xi > 3; T > 10^6 K) accretion disk corona. We find ongoing heating of the corona along the Z-track and determine that heating luminosities change from about 0.4 L_Edd on the horizontal to about 1.4 L_Edd on the flaring branch.

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