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The NASA Kepler mission has observed more than 190,000 stars in the constellations of Cygnus and Lyra. Around 4 years of almost continuous ultra high-precision photometry have been obtained reaching a duty cycle higher than 90% for many of these stars. However, almost regular gaps due to nominal operations are present in the light curves at different time scales. In this paper we want to highlight the impact of those regular gaps in asteroseismic analyses and we try to find a method that minimizes their effect in the frequency domain. To do so, we isolate the two main time scales of quasi regular gaps in the data. We then interpolate the gaps and we compare the power density spectra of four different stars: two red giants at different stages of their evolution, a young F-type star, and a classical pulsator in the instability strip. The spectra obtained after filling the gaps in the selected solar-like stars show a net reduction in the overall background level, as well as a change in the background parameters. The inferred convective properties could change as much as 200% in the selected example, introducing a bias in the p-mode frequency of maximum power. When global asteroseismic scaling relations are used, this bias can lead up to a variation in the surface gravity of 0.05 dex. Finally, the oscillation spectrum in the classical pulsator is cleaner compared to the original one.
The study of stellar activity is important because it can provide new constraints for dynamo models, when combined with surface rotation rates and the depth of the convection zone. We know that the dynamo mechanism, which is believed to be the main process to rule the magnetic cycle of solar-like stars at least, results from the interaction between (differential) rotation, convection, and magnetic field. The Kepler mission has been collecting data for a large number of stars during 4 years allowing us to investigate magnetic stellar cycles. We investigated the Kepler light curves to look for magnetic activity or even hints of magnetic activity cycles. Based on the photometric data we also looked for new magnetic indexes to characterise the magnetic activity of the stars. We selected a sample of 22 solar-like F stars that have a rotation period smaller than 12 days. We performed a time-frequency analysis using the Morlet wavelet yielding a magnetic proxy. We computed the magnetic index S_ph as the standard deviation of the whole time series and the index <S_ph> that is the mean of standard deviations measured in subseries of length five times the rotation period of the star. We defined new indicators to take into account the fact that complete magnetic cycles are not observed for all the stars, such as the contrast between high and low activity. We also inferred the Rossby number of the stars and studied their stellar background. This analysis shows different types of behaviours in the 22 F stars. Two stars show behaviours very similar to magnetic activity cycles. Five stars show long-lived spots or active regions suggesting the existence of active longitudes. Two stars of our sample seem to have a decreasing or increasing trend in the temporal variation of the magnetic proxies. Finally the last group of stars show magnetic activity (with presence of spots) but no sign of cycle.
128 - S. Mathur , H. Bruntt , C. Catala 2013
The satellite CoRoT (Convection, Rotation, and planetary Transits) has provided high-quality data for almost six years. We show here the asteroseismic analysis and modeling of HD169392A, which belongs to a binary system weakly gravitationally bound as the distance between the two components is of 4250 AU. The main component, HD169392A, is a G0IV star with a magnitude of 7.50 while the second component is a G0V-G2IV star with a magnitude of 8.98. This analysis focuses on the main component, as the secondary one is too faint to measure any seismic parameters. A complete modeling has been possible thanks to the complementary spectroscopic observations from HARPS, providing Teff=5985+/-60K, log g=3.96+/-0.07, and [Fe/H]=- 0.04+/-0.10.
High-quality time series provided by space instrumentation such as CoRoT and Kepler, allow us to measure modulations in the light curves due to changes in the surface of stars related to rotation and activity. Therefore, we are able to infer the surface (possibly differential) rotation rate. However, instrumental perturbations can also produce artificial modulations in the light curves that would mimic those of truly stellar origin. In this work we will concentrate on Kepler observations in order to review an optimal way to extract reliable surface rotation rates.
115 - S. Mathur , H. Bruntt , C. Catala 2012
The numerous results obtained with asteroseismology thanks to space missions such as CoRoT and Kepler are providing a new insight on stellar evolution. After five years of observations, CoRoT is going on providing high-quality data. We present here the analysis of the double star HD169392 complemented by ground-based spectroscopic observations. This work aims at characterizing the fundamental parameters of the two stars, their chemical composition, the acoustic-mode global parameters including their individual frequencies, and their dynamics. We have analysed HARPS observations of the two stars to retrieve their chemical compositions. Several methods have been used and compared to measure the global properties of acoustic modes and their individual frequencies from the photometric data of CoRoT. The new spectroscopic observations and archival astrometric values suggest that HD169392 is a wide binary system weakly bounded. We have obtained the spectroscopic parameters for both components, suggesting the origin from the same cloud. However, only the mode signature of HD169392 A has been measured within the CoRoT data. The signal-to-noise ratio of the modes in HD169392B is too low to allow any confident detection. We were able to extract mode parameters of modes for l=0, 1, 2, and 3. The study of the splittings and inclination angle gives two possible solutions with splittings and inclination angles of 0.4-1.0 muHz and 20-40 degrees for one case and 0.2-0.5 muHz and 55-86 degrees for the other case. The modeling of this star with the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal led to a mass of 1.15+/-0.01 Ms, a radius of 1.88+/-0.02 Rs, and an age of 4.33+/-0.12 Gyr, where the uncertainties are the internal ones.
We present XMM-Newton observations of the Chandra-detected nuclear X-ray source in NGC 4561. The hard X-ray spectrum can be described by a model composed of an absorbed power-law with Gamma= 2.5^{+0.4}_{-0.3}, and column density N_H=1.9^{+0.1}_{-0.2} times 10^{22} atoms cm^{-2}. The absorption corrected luminosity of the source is L(0.2 - 10.0 keV) = 2.5 times 10^{41} ergs s^{-1}, with bolometric luminosity over 3 times 10^{42} ergs s^{-1}. Based on the spectrum and the luminosity, we identify the nuclear X-ray source in NGC 4561 to be an AGN, with a black hole of mass M_BH > 20,000 solar masses. The presence of a supermassive black hole at the center of this bulge-less galaxy shows that black hole masses are not necessarily related to bulge properties, contrary to the general belief. Observations such as these call into question several theoretical models of BH--galaxy co-evolution that are based on merger-driven BH growth; secular processes clearly play an important role. Several emission lines are detected in the soft X-ray spectrum of the source which can be well parametrized by an absorbed diffuse thermal plasma with non-solar abundances of some heavy elements. Similar soft X-ray emission is observed in spectra of Seyfert 2 galaxies and low luminosity AGNs, suggesting an origin in the circumnuclear plasma.
Asteroseismology with the Kepler space telescope is providing not only an improved characterization of exoplanets and their host stars, but also a new window on stellar structure and evolution for the large sample of solar-type stars in the field. We perform a uniform analysis of 22 of the brightest asteroseismic targets with the highest signal-to-noise ratio observed for 1 month each during the first year of the mission, and we quantify the precision and relative accuracy of asteroseismic determinations of the stellar radius, mass, and age that are possible using various methods. We present the properties of each star in the sample derived from an automated analysis of the individual oscillation frequencies and other observational constraints using the Asteroseismic Modeling Portal (AMP), and we compare them to the results of model-grid-based methods that fit the global oscillation properties. We find that fitting the individual frequencies typically yields asteroseismic radii and masses to sim1% precision, and ages to sim2.5% precision (respectively 2, 5, and 8 times better than fitting the global oscillation properties). The absolute level of agreement between the results from different approaches is also encouraging, with model-grid-based methods yielding slightly smaller estimates of the radius and mass and slightly older values for the stellar age relative to AMP, which computes a large number of dedicated models for each star. The sample of targets for which this type of analysis is possible will grow as longer data sets are obtained during the remainder of the mission.
63 - F. Shankar 2012
There is mounting evidence that a significant fraction of Black Holes (BHs) today live in late-type galaxies, including bulge-less galaxies and those hosting pseudobulges, and are significantly undermassive with respect to the scaling relations followed by their counterpart BHs in classical bulges of similar stellar (or even bulge) mass. Here we discuss the predictions of two state-of-the-art hierarchical galaxy formation models in which BHs grow via mergers and, in one, also via disk instability. Our aim is to understand if the wealth of new data on local BH demography is consistent with standard models. We follow the merger trees of representative subsamples of BHs and compute the fractional contributions of different processes to the final BH mass. We show that the model in which BHs always closely follow the growth of their host bulges, also during late disk instabilities (i.e., bars), produces too narrow a distribution of BHs at fixed stellar mass to account for the numerous low-mass BHs now detected in later-type galaxies. Models with a looser connection between BH growth and bar instability instead predict the existence of a larger number of undermassive BHs, in better agreement with the observations. The scatter in the updated local BH-bulge mass relation (with no restriction on galaxy type) appears to be quite large when including later-type systems, but it can still be managed to be reproduced within current hierarchical models. However, the fuelling of BHs during the late bar-instability mode needs to be better quantified/improved to properly fit the data. We conclude discussing how the possibly large number of BHs in later type galaxies demands for an in-depth revision of the local BH mass function and its modelling.
More than 1000 red giants have been observed by NASA/Kepler mission during a nearly continuous period of ~ 13 months. The resulting high-frequency resolution (< 0.03 muHz) allows us to study the granulation parameters of these stars. The granulation pattern results from the convection motions leading to upward flows of hot plasma and downward flows of cooler plasma. We fitted Harvey-like functions to the power spectra, to retrieve the timescale and amplitude of granulation. We show that there is an anti-correlation between both of these parameters and the position of maximum power of acoustic modes, while we also find a correlation with the radius, which agrees with the theory. We finally compare our results with 3D models of the convection.
The granulation pattern that we observe on the surface of the Sun is due to hot plasma from the interior rising to the photosphere where it cools down, and descends back into the interior at the edges of granules. This is the visible manifestation of convection taking place in the outer part of the solar convection zone. Because red giants have deeper convection zones and more extended atmospheres than the Sun, we cannot a priori assume that granulation in red giants is a scaled version of solar granulation. Until now, neither observations nor 1D analytical convection models could put constraints on granulation in red giants. However, thanks to asteroseismology, this study can now be performed. The resulting parameters yield physical information about the granulation. We analyze sim1000 red giants that have been observed by Kepler during 13 months. We fit the power spectra with Harvey-like profiles to retrieve the characteristics of the granulation (time scale tau_gran and power P_gran). We also introduce a new time scale, tau_eff, which takes into account that different slopes are used in the Harvey functions. We search for a correlation between these parameters and the global acoustic-mode parameter (the position of maximum power, nu_max) as well as with stellar parameters (mass, radius, surface gravity (log g) and effective temperature (T_eff)). We show that tau_eff nu_max^{-0.89} and P_gran nu_max^{-1.90}, which is consistent with the theoretical predictions. We find that the granulation time scales of stars that belong to the red clump have similar values while the time scales of stars in the red-giant branch are spread in a wider range. Finally, we show that realistic 3D simulations of the surface convection in stars, spanning the (T_eff, log g)-range of our sample of red giants, match the Kepler observations well in terms of trends.

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