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The magnetic properties of materials based on two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDC) have been investigated by means of first-principles DFT calculations, namely Fe-intercalated bulk Fe$_{1/4}$TaS$_2$ compounds as well as TMDC monolayers with deposited Fe films. Changing the structure and the composition of systems consisting of Fe overlayers on top of a TMDC monolayers resulted in considerable variations of their physical properties. For the considered systems the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction has been determined and used for the subsequent investigation of their magnetic structure using Monte Carlo simulations. Rather strong DM interactions as well as large $D/J$ ratios have been obtained in some of these materials, which can lead to the formation of skyrmionic structures varying with the strength of the applied external magnetic field.
The electronic, magnetic and transport properties of Fe intercalated 2H-TaS$_2$ have been investigated by means of the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method. The non-stoichiometry and disorder in the system has been accounted for using the Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) alloy theory. A pronounced influence of disorder on the spin magnetic moment has been found for the ferro-magnetically ordered material. The same applies for the spin-orbit induced orbital magnetic moment and magneto-crystalline anisotropy energy. The temperature-dependence of the resistivity of disordered 2H-Fe$_{0.28}$TaS$_2$ investigated on the basis of the Kubo-Stv{r}eda formalism in combination with the alloy analogy model has been found in very satisfying agreement with experimental data. This also holds for the temperature dependent anomalous Hall resistivity $ rho_{rm xy}(T) $. The role of thermally induced lattice vibrations and spin fluctuations for the transport properties is discussed in detail.
A scheme is presented that is based on the alloy analogy model and allows to account for thermal lattice vibrations as well as spin fluctuations when calculating response quantities in solids. Various models to deal with spin fluctuations are discussed concerning their impact on the resulting temperature dependent magnetic moment, longitudinal conductivity and Gilbert damping parameter. It is demonstrated that using the Monte Carlo (MC) spin configuration as an input, the alloy analogy model is capable to reproduce results of MC simulations on the average magnetic moment within all spin fluctuation models under discussion. On the other hand, response quantities are much more sensitive to the spin fluctuation model. Separate calculations accounting for either the thermal effect due to lattice vibrations or spin fluctuations show their comparable contributions to the electrical conductivity and Gilbert damping. However, comparison to results accounting for both thermal effects demonstrate violation of Matthiessens rule, showing the non-additive effect of lattice vibrations and spin fluctuations. The results obtained for bcc Fe and fcc Ni are compared with the experimental data, showing rather good agreement for the temperature dependent electrical conductivity and Gilbert damping parameter.
We compute the Compton profile of Ni using the Local Density Approximation of Density Functional Theory supplemented with electronic correlations treated at different levels. The total/magnetic Compton profiles show not only quantitative but also qualitative significant differences depending weather Hubbard corrections are treated at a mean field +U or in a more sophisticated dynamic way. Our aim is to discuss the range and capability of electronic correlations to modify the kinetic energy along specific spatial directions. The second and the fourth order moments of the difference in the Compton profiles are discussed as a function of the strength of local Coulomb interaction $U$.
The effect of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction on the magnetic structure of an ordered FePt monolayer deposited on Pt (111) surface has been investigated. In the ground state, the pronounced anisotropic geometry of the FePt layer with alternating Fe and Pt chains gives rise to a helimagnetic structure with a strong difference in the helicity period along the chains and perpendicular to them. In the presence of an external magnetic field, the region of stable Skyrmion magnetic structures in the $B-T$ phase diagram has been demonstrated via Monte Carlo simulations using the parameters obtained within first-principles electronic structure calculations. The present study demonstrates clearly that the ratio of the exchange coupling parameters J/D for a deposited magnetic film - being of central importance for the formation of Skyrmions - can be manipulated by growing an overlayer of 2-dimensional (2D) compounds with the atoms carrying spontaneous magnetic moments separated by the atoms of non-magnetic elements.
The pressure induced bcc to hcp transition in Fe has been investigated via ab-initio electronic structure calculations. It is found by the disordered local moment (DLM) calculations that the temperature induced spin fluctuations result in the decrease of the energy of Burgers type lattice distortions and softening of the transverse $N$-point $TA_1$ phonon mode with $[bar{1}10]$ polarization. As a consequence, spin disorder in an system leads to the increase of the amplitude of atomic displacements. On the other hand, the exchange coupling parameters obtained in our calculations strongly decrease at large amplitude of lattice distortions. This results in a mutual interrelation of structural and magnetic degrees of freedom leading to the instability of the bcc structure under pressure at finite temperature.
A method for the calculations of the Gilbert damping parameter $alpha$ is presented, which based on the linear response formalism, has been implemented within the fully relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker band structure method in combination with the coherent potential approximation alloy theory. To account for thermal displacements of atoms as a scattering mechanism, an alloy-analogy model is introduced. This allows the determination of $alpha$ for various types of materials, such as elemental magnetic systems and ordered magnetic compounds at finite temperature, as well as for disordered magnetic alloys at $T = 0$ K and above. The effects of spin-orbit coupling, chemical and temperature induced structural disorder are analyzed. Calculations have been performed for the 3$d$ transition-metals bcc Fe, hcp Co, and fcc Ni, their binary alloys bcc Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$, fcc Ni$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$, fcc Ni$_{1-x}$Co$_x$ and bcc Fe$_{1-x}$V$_{x}$, and for 5d impurities in transition-metal alloys. All results are in satisfying agreement with experiment.
192 - G. Kuhn , S. Mankovsky , H. Ebert 2012
The electronic structure and magnetic properties of CrSb$_2$ have been investigated by ab-initio calculations with an emphasis on the role of the magnetic structure for the ground state. The influence of correlation effects has been investigated by performing fixed spin moment (FSM) calculations showing their important role for the electronic and magnetic properties. The details of the electronic structure of CrSb$_2$ are analyzed by a comparison with those of FeSb$_2$. The results obtained contribute in particular to the understanding of the temperature dependence of transport and magnetic behavior observed experimentally.
We present a detailed theoretical investigation on the magnetic properties of small single-layered Fe, Co and Ni clusters deposited on Ir(111), Pt(111) and Au(111). For this a fully relativistic {em ab-initio} scheme based on density functional theory has been used. We analyse the element, size and geometry specific variations of the atomic magnetic moments and their mutual exchange interactions as well as the magnetic anisotropy energy in these systems. Our results show that the atomic spin magnetic moments in the Fe and Co clusters decrease almost linearly with coordination on all three substrates, while the corresponding orbital magnetic moments appear to be much more sensitive to the local atomic environment. The isotropic exchange interaction among the cluster atoms is always very strong for Fe and Co exceeding the values for bulk bcc Fe and hcp Co, whereas the anisotropic Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction is in general one or two orders of magnitude smaller when compared to the isotropic one. For the magnetic properties of Ni clusters the magnetic properties can show quite a different behaviour and we find in this case a strong tendency towards noncollinear magnetism.
The magneto-crystalline anisotropy (MCA) of (Ga,Mn)As films has been studied on the basis of ab-initio electronic structure theory by performing magnetic torque calculations. An appreciable contribution to the in-plane uniaxial anisotropy can be attributed to an extended region adjacent to the surface. Calculations of the exchange tensor allow to ascribe a significant part to the MCA to the exchange anisotropy, caused either by a tetragonal distortion of the lattice or by the presence of the surface or interface.

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