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130 - C. Nipoti 2015
Clusters of galaxies are embedded in halos of optically thin, gravitationally stratified, weakly magnetized plasma at the systems virial temperature. Due to radiative cooling and anisotropic heat conduction, such intracluster medium (ICM) is subject to local instabilities, which are combinations of the thermal, magnetothermal and heat-flux-driven buoyancy instabilities. If the ICM rotates significantly, its stability properties are substantially modified and, in particular, also the magnetorotational instability (MRI) can play an important role. We study simple models of rotating cool-core clusters and we demonstrate that the MRI can be the dominant instability over significant portions of the clusters, with possible implications for the dynamics and evolution of the cool cores. Our results give further motivation for measuring the rotation of the ICM with future X-ray missions such as ASTRO-H and ATHENA.
206 - S. Ettori , A. Baldi , I. Balestra 2015
We present the combined analysis of the metal content of 83 objects in the redshift range 0.09-1.39, and spatially-resolved in the 3 bins (0-0.15, 0.15-0.4, >0.4) R500, as obtained with similar analysis using XMM-Newton data in Leccardi & Molendi (2008) and Baldi et al. (2012). We use the pseudo-entropy ratio to separate the Cool-Core (CC) cluster population, where the central gas density tends to be relatively higher, cooler and more metal rich, from the Non-Cool-Core systems. The average, redshift-independent, metal abundance measured in the 3 radial bins decrease moving outwards, with a mean metallicity in the core that is even 3 (two) times higher than the value of 0.16 times the solar abundance in Anders & Grevesse (1989) estimated at r>0.4 R500 in CC (NCC) objects. We find that the values of the emission-weighted metallicity are well-fitted by the relation $Z(z) = Z_0 (1+z)^{-gamma}$ at given radius. A significant scatter, intrinsic to the observed distribution and of the order of 0.05-0.15, is observed below 0.4 R500. The nominal best-fit value of $gamma$ is significantly different from zero in the inner cluster regions ($gamma = 1.6 pm 0.2$) and in CC clusters only. These results are confirmed also with a bootstrap analysis, which provides a still significant negative evolution in the core of CC systems (P>99.9 per cent). No redshift-evolution is observed when regions above the core (r > 0.15 R500) are considered. A reasonable good fit of both the radial and redshift dependence is provided from the functional form $Z(r,z)=Z_0 (1+(r/0.15 R500)^2)^{-beta} (1+z)^{-gamma}$, with $(Z_0, beta, gamma) = (0.83 pm 0.13, 0.55 pm 0.07, 1.7 pm 0.6)$ in CC clusters and $(0.39 pm 0.04, 0.37 pm 0.15, 0.5 pm 0.5)$ for NCC systems. Our results represent the most extensive study of the spatially-resolved metal distribution in the cluster plasma as function of redshift.
109 - S. Ettori 2014
In galaxy clusters, the relations between observables in X-ray and millimeter wave bands and the total mass have normalizations, slopes and redshift evolutions that are simple to estimate in a self-similar scenario. We study these scaling relations and show that they can be efficiently expressed, in a more coherent picture, by fixing the normalizations and slopes to the self-similar predictions, and advocating, as responsible of the observed deviations, only three physical mass-dependent quantities: the gas clumpiness $C$, the gas mass fraction $f_g$ and the logarithmic slope of the thermal pressure profile $beta_P$. We use samples of the observed gas masses, temperature, luminosities, and Compton parameters in local clusters to constrain normalization and mass dependence of these 3 physical quantities, and measure: $C^{0.5} f_g = 0.110 (pm 0.002 pm 0.002) left( E_z M / 5 times 10^{14} M_{odot} right)^{0.198 (pm 0.025 pm 0.04)}$ and $beta_P = -d ln P/d ln r = 3.14 (pm 0.04 pm 0.02) left( E_z M / 5 times 10^{14} M_{odot} right)^{0.071 (pm 0.012 pm 0.004)}$, where both a statistical and systematic error (the latter mainly due to the cross-calibration uncertainties affecting the cxo and xmm results used in the present analysis) are quoted. The degeneracy between $C$ and $f_g$ is broken by using the estimates of the Compton parameters. Together with the self-similar predictions, these estimates on $C$, $f_g$ and $beta_P$ define an inter-correlated internally-consistent set of scaling relations that reproduces the mass estimates with the lowest residuals.
152 - S. Ettori 2013
The application to observational data of the generalized scaling relations (gSR) presented in Ettori et al. (2012) is here discussed. We extend further the formalism of the gSR in the self-similar model for X-ray galaxy clusters, showing that for a generic relation M_tot ~ L^a M_g^b T^c, where L, M_g and T are the gas luminosity, mass and temperature, respectively, the values of the slopes lay in the plane 4*a+3*b+2*c=3. Using published dataset, we show that some projections of the gSR are the most efficient relations, holding among observed physical X-ray quantities, to recover the cluster mass. This conclusion is based on the evidence that they provide the lowest chi^2, the lowest total scatter and the lowest intrinsic scatter among the studied scaling laws on both galaxy group and cluster mass scales. By the application of the gSR, the intrinsic scatter is reduced in all the cases down to a relative error on M_tot below 16 per cent. The best-fit relations are: M_tot ~ M_g^a T^{1.5-1.5a}, with a~0.4, and M_tot ~ L^a T^{1.5-2a}, with a~0.15. As a by product of this study, we provide the estimates of the gravitating mass at Delta=500 for 120 objects (50 from the Mahdavi et al. 2013 sample, 16 from Maughan 2012; 31 from Pratt et al. 2009; 23 from Sun et al. 2009), 114 of which are unique entries. The typical relative error in the mass provided from the gSR only (i.e. not propagating any uncertainty associated with the observed quantities) ranges between 3-5 per cent on cluster scale and is about 10 per cent for galaxy groups. With respect to the hydrostatic values used to calibrate the gSR, the masses are recovered with deviations in the order of 10 per cent due to the different mix of relaxed/disturbed objects present in the considered samples. In the extreme case of a gSR calibrated with relaxed systems, the hydrostatic mass in disturbed objects is over-estimated by about 20 per cent.
As the nodes of the cosmic web, clusters of galaxies trace the large-scale distribution of matter in the Universe. They are thus privileged sites in which to investigate the complex physics of structure formation. However, the complete story of how these structures grow, and how they dissipate the gravitational and non-thermal components of their energy budget over cosmic time, is still beyond our grasp. Fundamental questions such as How do hot diffuse baryons accrete and dynamically evolve in dark matter potentials? How and when was the energy that we observe in the ICM generated and distributed? Where and when are heavy elements produced and how are they circulated? are still unanswered. Most of the cluster baryons exists in the form of a diffuse, hot, metal-enriched plasma that radiates primarily in the X-ray band (the intracluster medium, ICM), allowing the X-ray observations of the evolving cluster population to provide a unique opportunity to address these topics. Athena+ with its large collecting area and unprecedented combination of high spectral and angular resolution offers the only way to make major advances in answering these questions. Athena+ will show how the baryonic gas evolves in the dark matter potential wells by studying the motions and turbulence in the ICM. Athena+ will be able to resolve the accreting region both spatially and spectroscopically, probing the true nature and physical state of the X-ray emitting plasma. Athena+ has the capabilities to permit a definitive understanding of the formation and evolution of large-scale cosmic structure through the study of the cluster population.
(Context) In recent years, our understanding of the cool cores of galaxy clusters has changed. Once thought to be relatively simple places where gas cools and flows toward the centre, now they are believed to be very dynamic places where heating from the central Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) and cooling, as inferred from active star formation, molecular gas, and Halpha nebulosity, find an uneasy energetic balance. (Aims) We want to characterize the X-ray properties of the nearby cool-core cluster Zw1742+3306, selected because it is bright at X-ray (with a flux greater than 1e-11 erg/s/cm2 in the 0.1-2.4 keV band) and Halpha wavelengths (Halpha luminosity > 1e40 erg/s). (Methods) We used Chandra data to analyze the spatial and spectral properties of the cool core of Zw1742+3306, a galaxy cluster at z=0.0757 that emits in Halpha and presents the brightest central galaxy located in a diffuse X-ray emission with multiple peaks in surface brightness. (Results) We show that the X-ray cool core of the galaxy cluster Zw1742+3306 is thermodynamically very active with evidence of cold fronts and a weak shock in the surface brightness map and of an apparently coherent, elongated structure with metallicity greater than the value measured in the surrounding ambient gas by about 50 per cent. This anisotropic structure is 280 x 90 kpc2 and is aligned with the cold fronts and with the X-ray emission on larger scales. We suggest that all these peculiarities in the X-ray emission of Zw1742+3306 are either a very fine-tuned output of a sloshing gas in the cluster core or the product of a metal-rich outflow from the central AGN.
We review the methods adopted to reconstruct the mass profiles in X-ray luminous galaxy clusters. We discuss the limitations and the biases affecting these measurements and how these mass profiles can be used as cosmological proxies.
130 - D. Eckert , F. Vazza , S. Ettori 2011
We present the analysis of a local (z = 0.04 - 0.2) sample of 31 galaxy clusters with the aim of measuring the density of the X-ray emitting gas in cluster outskirts. We compare our results with numerical simulations to set constraints on the azimuthal symmetry and gas clumping in the outer regions of galaxy clusters. We exploit the large field-of-view and low instrumental background of ROSAT/PSPC to trace the density of the intracluster gas out to the virial radius. We perform a stacking of the density profiles to detect a signal beyond r200 and measure the typical density and scatter in cluster outskirts. We also compute the azimuthal scatter of the profiles with respect to the mean value to look for deviations from spherical symmetry. Finally, we compare our average density and scatter profiles with the results of numerical simulations. As opposed to some recent Suzaku results, and confirming previous evidence from ROSAT and Chandra, we observe a steepening of the density profiles beyond sim r500. Comparing our density profiles with simulations, we find that non-radiative runs predict too steep density profiles, whereas runs including additional physics and/or treating gas clumping are in better agreement with the observed gas distribution. We report for the first time the high-confidence detection of a systematic difference between cool-core and non-cool core clusters beyond sim 0.3r200, which we explain by a different distribution of the gas in the two classes. Beyond sim r500, galaxy clusters deviate significantly from spherical symmetry, with only little differences between relaxed and disturbed systems. We find good agreement between the observed and predicted scatter profiles, but only when the 1% densest clumps are filtered out in the simulations. [Abridged]
(Abriged) Assuming that the hydrostatic equilibrium holds between the intracluster medium and the gravitational potential, we constrain the NFW profiles in a sample of 44 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters observed with XMM-Newton in the redshift range 0.1-0.3. We evaluate several systematic uncertainties that affect our reconstruction of the X-ray masses. We measure the concentration c200, the dark mass M200 and the gas mass fraction within R500 in all the objects of our sample, providing the largest dataset of mass parameters for galaxy clusters in this redshift range. We confirm that a tight correlation between c200 and M200 is present and in good agreement with the predictions from numerical simulations and previous observations. When we consider a subsample of relaxed clusters that host a Low-Entropy-Core (LEC), we measure a flatter c-M relation with a total scatter that is lower by 40 per cent. From the distribution of the estimates of c200 and M200, with associated statistical (15-25%) and systematic (5-15%) errors, we use the predicted values from semi-analytic prescriptions calibrated through N-body numerical runs and measure sigma_8*Omega_m^(0.60+-0.03)= 0.45+-0.01 (at 2 sigma level, statistical only) for the subsample of the clusters where the mass reconstruction has been obtained more robustly, and sigma_8*Omega_m^(0.56+-0.04) = 0.39+-0.02 for the subsample of the 11 more relaxed LEC objects. With the further constraint from the fgas distribution in our sample, we break the degeneracy in the sigma_8-Omega_m plane and obtain the best-fit values sigma_8~1.0+-0.2 (0.75+-0.18 when the subsample of the more relaxed objects is considered) and Omega_m = 0.26+-0.01.
Recent work based on a global measurement of the ICM properties find evidence for an increase of the iron abundance in galaxy clusters with temperature around 2-4 keV up to a value about 3 times larger than that typical of very hot clusters. We have started a study of the metal distribution in these objects from the sample of Baumgartner et al. (2005), aiming at resolving spatially the metal content of the ICM. We report here on a 42ks XMM observation of the first object of the sample, the cluster Abell 2028. The XMM observation reveals a complex structure of the cluster over scale of 300 kpc, showing an interaction between two sub-clusters in cometary-like configurations. At the leading edges of the two substructures cold fronts have been detected. The core of the main subcluster is likely hosting a cool corona. We show that a one-component fit for this region returns a biased high metallicity. This inverse iron bias is due to the behavior of the fitting code in shaping the Fe-L complex. In presence of a multi-temperature structure of the ICM, the best-fit metallicity is artificially higher when the projected spectrum is modeled with a single temperature component and it is not related to the presence of both Fe-L and Fe-K emission lines in the spectrum. After accounting for the bias, the overall abundance of the cluster is consistent with the one typical of hotter, more massive clusters. We caution the interpretation of high abundances inferred when fitting a single thermal component to spectra derived from relatively large apertures in 3-4 keV clusters, because the inverse iron bias can be present. Most of the inferences trying to relate high abundances in 3-4 keV clusters to fundamental physical processes will likely have to be revised.

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