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We study the contribution of thermal and non-thermal processes to the inverse Compton emission of the radio galaxy M 87 by modelling its broad-band emission. Through this we aim to derive insight into where within the AGN the X-ray, gamma-ray, and VHE emission is produced. We have analysed all available INTEGRAL IBIS/ISGRI data on M 87, spanning almost 10 years, to set an upper limit to the average hard X-ray flux of $f(20 - 60 rm , keV) < 3times 10^{-12}$ $rm , erg , cm^{-2} , s^{-1}$, using several techniques beyond the standard analysis which are also presented here. We also analysed hard X-ray data from Suzaku/PIN taken late November 2006, and we report the first hard X-ray detection of M 87 with a flux of $f(20 - 60 rm , keV) = 10^{-11}rm , erg , cm^{-2} , s^{-1} $. In addition we analyse data from Fermi/LAT, INTEGRAL/JEM-X, and Suzaku/XIS. We collected historical radio/IR/optical and VHE data and combined them with the X-ray and gamma-ray data, to create broad-band spectral energy distributions for the average low-flux state and the flaring state. The resulting spectral energy distributions are modelled by applying a single-zone SSC model with a jet angle of theta = 15 degrees. We also show that modelling the core emission of M 87 using a single-zone synchrotron self-Compton model does represent the SED, suggesting that the core emission is dominated by a BL Lac type AGN core. Using SED modelling we also show that the hard X-ray emission detected in 2006 is likely due to a flare of the jet knot HST-1, rather than being related to the core.
Magneto-optically trapped atoms enable the determination of lifetimes of metastable states and higher lying excited states like the $rm{5d^{2}~^{3}F_{2}}$ state in barium. The state is efficiently populated by driving strong transitions from metastable states within the cooling cycle of the barium MOT. The lifetime is inferred from the increase of MOT fluorescence after the transfer of up to $30,%$ of the trapped atoms to this state. The radiative decay of the $rm{5d^{2}~^{3}F_{2}}$ state cascades to the cooling cycle of the MOT with a probability of $96.0(7),%$ corresponding to a trap loss of $4.0(7),%$ and its lifetime is determined to $rm{160(10)~mu s}$. This is in good agreement with the theoretically calculated lifetime of $rm{190~mu s}$ [J. Phys. B, {bf 40}, 227 (2007)]. The determined loss of $4.0(7),%$ from the cooling cycle is compared with the theoretically calculated branching ratios. This measurement extends the efficacy of trapped atoms to measure lifetimes of higher, long-lived states and validate the atomic structure calculations of heavy multi-electron systems.
The problem of fermions in 1+1 dimensions in the presence of a pseudoscalar Coulomb potential plus a mixing of vector and scalar Coulomb potentials which have equal or opposite signs is investigated. We explore all the possible signs of the potentials and discuss their bound-state solutions for fermions and antifermions. We show the relation between spin and pseudospin symmetries by means of charge-conjugation and $gamma^{5}$ chiral transformations. The cases of pure pseudoscalar and mixed vector-scalar potentials, already analyzed in previous works, are obtained as particular cases. The results presented can be extended to 3+1 dimensions.
We aim to investigate the effect of the escaping ionizing radiation on the color selection of high redshift galaxies and identify candidate Lyman continuum (LyC) emitters. The intergalactic medium prescription of Inoue et al.(2014) and galaxy synthesis models of Bruzual&Charlot (2003) have been used to properly treat the ultraviolet stellar emission, the stochasticity of the intergalactic transmission and mean free path in the ionizing regime. Color tracks are computed by turning on/off the escape fraction of ionizing radiation. At variance with recent studies, a careful treatment of IGM transmission leads to no significant effects on the high-redshift broad-band color selection. The decreasing mean free path of ionizing photons with increasing redshift further diminishes the contribution of the LyC to broad-band colors. We also demonstrate that prominent LyC sources can be selected under suitable conditions by calculating the probability of a null escaping ionizing radiation. The method is applied to a sample of galaxies extracted from the GOODS-S field. A known LyC source at z=3.795 is successfully recovered as a LyC emitter candidate and another convincing candidate at z=3.212 is reported. A detailed analysis of the two sources (including their variability and morphology) suggests a possible mixture of stellar and non-stellar (AGN) contribution in the ultraviolet. Conclusions: Classical broad-band color selection of 2.5<z<4.5 galaxies does not prevent the inclusion of LyC emitters in the selected samples. Large fesc in relatively bright galaxies (L>0.1L*) could be favored by the presence of a faint AGN not easily detected at any wavelength. A hybrid stellar and non-stellar (AGN) ionizing emission could coexist in these systems and explain the tensions found among the UV excess and the stellar population synthesis models reported in literature.
200 - S. De Bianchi 2014
In this paper we present the elementary assumptions of our research on the role of the magnetic field in modelling the quiescence-outbursts cycle in Cataclysmic Variables (CVs). The behaviour of the magnetic field is crucial not only to integrate the disk instability model (Osaki 1974), but also to determine the cause and effect nexus among parameters affecting the behavior of complex systems. On the ground of our interpretation of the results emerging from the literature, we suggest that in models describing DNe outbursts, such as the disk instability model, the secondary instability model (Bath 1973) and the thermonuclear runaway model (Mitrofanov 1978), the role of the magnetic field is at least twofold. On the one hand, it activates a specific dynamic pathway for the accreting matter by channelling it. On the other hand, it could be indirectly responsible for switching a particular outburst modality. In order to represent these two roles of the magnetic field, we need to integrate the disk instability model by looking at the global behaviour of the system under analysis. Stochastic resonance in dynamo models, we believe, is a suitable candidate for accomplishing this task. We shall present the MHD model including this mechanism elsewhere.
The relation between the galaxy stellar mass M_star and the dark matter halo mass M_h gives important information on the efficiency in forming stars and assembling stellar mass in galaxies. We present the stellar mass to halo mass ratio (SMHR) measurements at redshifts 2<z<5, obtained from the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey. We use halo occupation distribution (HOD) modelling of clustering measurements on ~3000 galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts to derive the dark matter halo mass M_h, and SED fitting over a large set of multi-wavelength data to derive the stellar mass M_star and compute the SMHR=M_star/M_h. We find that the SMHR ranges from 1% to 2.5% for galaxies with M_star=1.3x10^9 M_sun to M_star=7.4x10^9 M_sun in DM halos with M_h=1.3x10^{11} M_sun} to M_h=3x10^{11} M_sun. We derive the integrated star formation efficiency (ISFE) of these galaxies and find that the star formation efficiency is a moderate 6-9% for lower mass galaxies while it is relatively high at 16% for galaxies with the median stellar mass of the sample ~7x10^9 M_sun. The lower ISFE at lower masses may indicate that some efficient means of suppressing star formation is at work (like SNe feedback), while the high ISFE for the average galaxy at z~3 is indicating that these galaxies are efficiently building-up their stellar mass at a key epoch in the mass assembly process. We further infer that the average mass galaxy at z~3 will start experiencing star formation quenching within a few hundred millions years.
SrTiO$_{3}$ undergoes a cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition at 105K. This antiferrodistortive transition is believed to be in competition with incipient ferroelectricity. Substituting strontium by isovalent calcium induces a ferroelectric order. Introducing mobile electrons to the system by chemical non-isovalent doping, on the other hand, leads to the emergence of a dilute metal with a superconducting ground state. The link between superconductivity and the other two instabilities is an open question, which gathers momentum in the context of the growing popularity of the paradigm linking unconventional superconductors and quantum critical points. We present a set of specific-heat, neutron-scattering and dielectric permittivity and polarization measurements on Sr$_{1-x}$Ca$_{x}$TiO$_{3}$ ($0<x<0.009$) and a low-temperature electric conductivity in Sr$_{0.9978}$Ca$_{0.0022}$TiO$_{3-delta}$. Calcium substitution was found to enhance the transition temperature for both anti-ferrodistortive and ferroelectric transitions. Moreover, we find that Sr$_{0.9978}$Ca$_{0.0022}$TiO$_{3-delta}$ has a superconducting ground state. The critical temperature in this rare case of a superconductor with a ferroelectric parent, is slightly lower than in SrTiO$_{3-delta}$ of comparable carrier concentration. A three-dimensional phase diagram for Sr$_{1-x}$Ca$_{x}$TiO$_{3-delta}$ tracking the three transition temperatures as a function of x and $delta$ results from this study, in which ferroelectric and superconducting ground states are not immediate neighbours.
298 - M. Koleva , 2014
Blue compact dwarf galaxies (BCDs) form stars at, for their sizes, extraordinarily high rates. In this paper, we study what triggers this starburst and what is the fate of the galaxy once its gas fuel is exhausted. We select four BCDs with smooth outer regions, indicating them as possible progenitors of dwarf elliptical galaxies. We have obtained photometric and spectroscopic data with the FORS and ISAAC instruments on the VLT. We analyse their infra-red spectra using a full spectrum fitting technique which yields the kinematics of their stars and ionized gas together with their stellar population characteristics. We find that the_stellar_ velocity to velocity dispersion ratio (v/sigma) of our BCDs is of the order of 1.5, similar to that of dwarf elliptical galaxies. Thus, those objects do not require significant (if any) loss of angular momentum to fade into early type dwarfs. This finding is in discordance with previous studies, which however compared the stellar kinematics of dwarf elliptical galaxies with the gaseous kinematics of star forming dwarfs. The stellar velocity fields of our objects are very disturbed and the star-formation regions are often kinematically decoupled from the rest of the galaxy. These regions can be more or less metal rich with respect to the galactic body, and sometimes they are long lived. These characteristics prevent us from pinpointing a unique trigger of the star formation, even within the same galaxy. Gas impacts, mergers, and in-spiraling gas clumps are all possible star-formation ignitors for our targets.
This study is part of the FOssil Groups Origin (FOGO) project which aims at carrying out a systematic and multiwavelength study of a large sample of fossil systems. Here we focus on the relation between the optical luminosity (Lopt) and X-ray luminosity (Lx). Out of a sample of 28 candidate fossil systems, we consider a sample of 12 systems whose fossil classification has been confirmed by a companion study. They are compared with the complementary sample of 16 systems whose fossil nature is not confirmed and with a subsample of 102 galaxy systems from the RASS-SDSS galaxy cluster survey. Fossil and normal systems span the same redshift range 0<z<0.5 and have the same Lx distribution. For each fossil system, the Lx in the 0.1-2.4 keV band is computed using data from the ROSAT All Sky Survey. For each fossil and normal system we homogeneously compute Lopt in the r-band within the characteristic cluster radius, using data from the SDSS DR7. We sample the Lx-Lopt relation over two orders of magnitude in Lx. Our analysis shows that fossil systems are not statistically distinguishable from the normal systems both through the 2D KS test and the fit of the Lx-Lopt relation. The optical luminosity of the galaxy system does strongly correlate with the X-ray luminosity of the hot gas component, independently of whether the system is fossil or not. We conclude that our results are consistent with the classical merging scenario of the brightest galaxy formed via merger/cannibalism of other group galaxies, with conservation of the optical light. We find no evidence for a peculiar state of the hot intracluster medium.
The phenomena of particle mixing and flavor oscillations in elementary particle physics can be addressed by the point of view of quantum information theory, and described in terms of multi-mode entanglement of single-particle states. In this paper we show that such a description can be extended to the domain of quantum field theory, where we uncover a fine structure of quantum correlations associated with multi-mode, multi-particle entanglement. By means of an entanglement measure based on the linear entropies associated with all the possible bipartitions, we analyze the entanglement in the states of flavor neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. Remarkably, we show that the entanglement is connected with experimentally measurable quantities, i.e. the variances of the lepton numbers and charges.

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