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126 - Rui Jiang , Mao-Bin Hu , H.M.Zhang 2015
We have carried out car-following experiments with a 25-car-platoon on an open road section to study the relation between a cars speed and its spacing under various traffic conditions, in the hope to resolve a controversy surrounding this fundamental relation of vehicular traffic. In this paper we extend our previous analysis of these experiments, and report new experimental findings. In particular, we reveal that the platoon length (hence the average spacing within a platoon) might be significantly different even if the average velocity of the platoon is essentially the same. The findings further demonstrate that the traffic states span a 2D region in the speed-spacing (or density) plane. The common practice of using a single speed-spacing curve to model vehicular traffic ignores the variability and imprecision of human driving and is therefore inadequate. We have proposed a car-following model based on a mechanism that in certain ranges of speed and spacing, drivers are insensitive to the changes in spacing when the velocity differences between cars are small. It was shown that the model can reproduce the experimental results well.
We use tunable laser based Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy to study the electronic structure of the multi-band superconductor, MgB2. These results form the base line for detailed studies of superconductivity in multi-band systems. We find that the magnitude of the superconducting gap on both sigma bands follows a BCS-like variation with temperature with Delta0 ~7 meV. The value of the gap is isotropic within experimental uncertainty and in agreement with pure a s-wave pairing symmetry. We also observe in-gap states confined to kF of the sigma band that occur at some locations of the sample surface. The energy of this excitation, ~3 meV, is inconsistent with scattering from the pi band.
We use a tunable laser ARPES to study the electronic properties of the prototypical multiband BCS superconductor MgB2. Our data reveal a strong renormalization of the dispersion (kink) at ~65 meV, which is caused by coupling of electrons to the E2g phonon mode. In contrast to cuprates, the 65 meV kink in MgB2 does not change significantly across Tc. More interestingly, we observe strong coupling to a second, lower energy collective mode at binding energy of 10 meV. This excitation vanishes above Tc and is likely a signature of the elusive Leggett mode.
We use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to study heavy fermion superconductor Ce2RhIn8. The Fermi surface is rather complicated and consists of several hole and electron pock- ets. We do not observe kz dispersion of Fermi sheets, which is consistent with 2D character of the electronic structure. Comparison of the ARPES data and band structure calculations points to a localized picture of f electrons. Our findings pave the way for understanding the transport and thermodynamical properties of this material.
240 - R. S. Dhaka , Rui Jiang , S. Ran 2014
We use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations to study the electronic structure of CaFe$_2$As$_2$ in previously unexplored collapsed tetragonal (CT) phase. This unusual phase of the iron arsenic high temperature superconductors was hard to measure as it exists only under pressure. By inducing internal strain, via the post growth, thermal treatment of the single crystals, we were able to stabilize the CT phase at ambient-pressure. We find significant differences in the Fermi surface topology and band dispersion data from the more common orthorhombic-antiferromagnetic or tetragonal-paramagnetic phases, consistent with electronic structure calculations. The top of the hole bands sinks below the Fermi level, which destroys the nesting present in parent phases. The absence of nesting in this phase along with apparent loss of Fe magnetic moment, are now clearly experimentally correlated with the lack of superconductivity in this phase.
257 - Rui Jiang , Daixiang Mou , Yun Wu 2014
We have developed an angle-resolved photoemission spectrometer with tunable VUV laser as a photon source. The photon source is based on the fourth harmonic generation of a near IR beam from a Ti:sapphire laser pumped by a CW green laser and tunable between 5.3eV and 7eV. The most important part of the set-up is a compact, vacuum enclosed fourth harmonic generator based on KBBF crystals, grown hydrothermally in the US. This source can deliver a photon flux of over 10^14 photons/s. We demonstrate that this energy range is sufficient to measure the kz dispersion in an iron arsenic high temperature superconductor, which was previously only possible at synchrotron facilities.
As a typical self-driven many-particle system far from equilibrium, traffic flow exhibits diverse fascinating non-equilibrium phenomena, most of which are closely related to traffic flow stability and specifically the growth/dissipation pattern of disturbances. However, the traffic theories have been controversial due to a lack of precise traffic data. We have studied traffic flow from a new perspective by carrying out large-scale car-following experiment on an open road section, which overcomes the intrinsic deficiency of empirical observations. The experiment has shown clearly the nature of car-following, which runs against the traditional traffic flow theory. Simulations show that by removing the fundamental notion in the traditional car-following models and allowing the traffic state to span a two-dimensional region in velocity-spacing plane, the growth pattern of disturbances has changed qualitatively and becomes qualitatively or even quantitatively in consistent with that observed in the experiment.
In this paper, urban traffic is modeled using dual graph representation of urban transportation network where roads are mapped to nodes and intersections are mapped to links. The proposed model considers both the navigation of vehicles on the network and the motion of vehicles along roads. The roads capacity and the vehicle-turning ability at intersections are naturally incorporated in the model. The overall capacity of the system can be quantified by a phase transition from free flow to congestion. Simulation results show that the systems capacity depends greatly on the topology of transportation networks. In general, a well-planned grid can hold more vehicles and its overall capacity is much larger than that of a growing scale-free network.

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