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The broken symmetry that develops below 17.5K in the heavy fermion compound URu2Si2 has long eluded identification. Here we argue that the recent observation of Ising quasiparticles in URu2Si2 results from a spinor hybridization order parameter that breaks double time-reversal symmetry by mixing states of integer and half-integer spin. Such hastatic order (hasta:[Latin]spear) hybridizes Kramers conduction electrons with Ising, non-Kramers 5f2 states of the uranium atoms to produce Ising quasiparticles. The development of a spinorial hybridization at 17.5K accounts for both the large entropy of condensation and the magnetic anomaly observed in torque magnetometry. This paper develops the theory of hastatic order in detail, providing the mathematical development of its key concepts. Hastatic order predicts a tiny transverse moment in the conduction sea, a collosal Ising anisotropy in the nonlinear susceptibility anomaly and a resonant energy-dependent nematicity in the tunneling density of states.
Adding a second Kondo channel to heavy fermion materials reveals new exotic symmetry breaking phases associated with the development of Kondo coherence. In this paper, we review two such phases, the hastatic order associated with non-Kramers doublet ground states, where the two-channel nature of the Kondo coupling is guaranteed by virtual valence fluctuations to an excited Kramers doublet, and composite pair superconductivity, where the two channels differ by charge 2e and can be thought of as virtual valence fluctuations to a pseudo-isospin doublet. The similarities and differences between these two orders will be discussed, along with possible realizations in actinide and rare earth materials like URu2Si2 and NpPd5Al2.
The observation of Ising quasiparticles is a signatory feature of the hidden order phase of URu$_2$Si$_2$. In this paper we discuss its nature and the strong constraints it places on current theories of the hidden order. In the hastatic theory such anisotropic quasiparticles are naturally described described by resonant scattering between half-integer spin conduction electrons and integer-spin Ising moments. The hybridization that mixes states of different Kramers parity is spinorial; its role as an symmetry-breaking order parameter is consistent with optical and tunnelling probes that indicate its sudden development at the hidden order transition. We discuss the microscopic origin of hastatic order, identifying it as a fractionalization of three body bound-states into integer spin fermions and half-integer spin bosons. After reviewing key features of hastatic order and their broader implications, we discuss our predictions for experiment and recent measurements. We end with challenges both for hastatic order and more generally for any theory of the hidden order state in URu$_2$Si$_2$.
The hidden order developing below 17.5K in the heavy fermion material URu2Si2 has eluded identification for over twenty five years. This paper will review the recent theory of ``hastatic order, a novel two-component order parameter capturing the hybridization between half-integer spin (Kramers) conduction electrons and the non-Kramers 5f^2 Ising local moments, as strongly indicated by the observation of Ising quasiparticles in de Haas-van Alphen measurements. Hastatic order differs from conventional magnetism as it is a spinor order that breaks both single and double time-reversal symmetry by mixing states of different Kramers parity. The broken time-reversal symmetry simply explains both the pseudo-Goldstone mode between the hidden order and antiferromagnetic phases and the nematic order seen in torque magnetometry. The spinorial nature of the hybridization also explains how the Kondo effect gives a phase transition, with the hybridization gap turning on at the hidden order transition as seen in scanning tunneling microscopy. Hastatic order also has a number of new predictions: a basal-plane magnetic moment of order .01mu_B, a gap to longitudinal spin fluctuations that vanishes continuously at the first order antiferromagnetic transition and a narrow resonant nematic feature in the scanning tunneling spectra.
The recent observation of fully-gapped superconductivity in Yb doped CeCoIn5 poses a paradox, for the disappearance of nodes suggests that they are accidental, yet d-wave symmetry with protected nodes is we ll established by experiment. Here, we show that composite pairing provides a natural resolution: in this scenario, Yb doping drives a Lifshitz transition of the nodal Fermi surface, forming a fully-gapped d-wave molecular superfluid of composite pairs. The T4 dependence of the penetration depth associated with the sound mode of this condensate is in accord with observation.
We introduce the idea of emergent lattices, where a simple lattice decouples into two weakly-coupled lattices as a way to stabilize spin liquids. In LiZn2Mo3O8, the disappearance of 2/3rds of the spins at low temperatures suggests that its triangular lattice decouples into an emergent honeycomb lattice weakly coupled to the remaining spins, and we suggest several ways to test this proposal. We show that these orphan spins act to stabilize the spin-liquid in the $J_1-J_2$ honeycomb model and also discuss a possible 3D analogue, Ba2MoYO6 that may form a depleted fcc lattice.
Motivated by recent quantum oscillations experiments on URu_2Si_2, we discuss the microscopic origin of the large anisotropy observed many years ago in the anomaly of the nonlinear susceptibility in this same material. We show that the magnitude of this anomaly emerges naturally from hastatic order, a proposal for hidden order that is a two-component spinor arising from the hybridization of a non-Kramers Gamma_5 doublet with Kramers conduction electrons. A prediction is made for the angular anisotropy of the nonlinear susceptibility anomaly as a test of this proposed order parameter for URu_2Si_2.
Identifying the time reversal symmetry of spins as a symplectic symmetry, we develop a large N approximation for quantum magnetism that embraces both antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism. In SU(N), N>2, not all spins invert under time reversal, so we have introduced a new large N treatment which builds interactions exclusively out of the symplectic subgroup [SP(N)] of time reversing spins, a more stringent condition than the symplectic symmetry of previous SP(N) large N treatments. As a result, we obtain a mean field theory that incorporates the energy cost of frustrated bonds. When applied to the frustrated square lattice, the ferromagnetic bonds restore the frustration dependence of the critical spin in the Neel phase, and recover the correct frustration dependence of the finite temperature Ising transition.
The recent discovery of two heavy fermion materials PuCoGa_{5} and NpPd_{5}Al_{2} which transform directly from Curie paramagnets into superconductors, reveals a new class of superconductor where local moments quench directly into a superconducting condensate. A powerful tool in the description of heavy fermion metals is the large N expansion, which expands the physics in powers of 1/N about a solvable limit where particles carry a large number (N) of spin components. As it stands, this method is unable to jointly describe the spin quenching and superconductivity which develop in PuCoGa_{5} and NpPd_{5}Al_{2}. Here, we solve this problem with a new class of large N expansion that employs the symplectic symmetry of spin to protect the odd time-reversal parity of spin and sustain Cooper pairs as well-defined singlets. With this method we show that when a lattice of magnetic ions exchange spin with their metallic environment in two distinct symmetry channels, they are able to simultaneously satisfy both channels by forming a condensate of composite pairs between between local moments and electrons. In the tetragonal crystalline environment relevant to PuCoGa_{5} and NpPd_{5}Al_{2} the lattice structure selects a natural pair of spin exchange channels, giving rise to the prediction of a unique anisotropic paired state with g-wave symmetry. This pairing mechanism predicts a large upturn in the NMR relaxation rate above T_{c}, a strong enhancement of Andreev reflection in tunneling measurements and an enhanced superconducting transition temperature T_{c} in Pu doped Np_{1-x}Pu_{x}Pd_{5}Al_{2}.
This online material provides the technical detail for ``Heavy electrons and the symplectic symmetry of spin,(arXiv 0710.1122). Three parts. Part I - symplectic spins, their properties and gauge symmetries. Part II - derivation of two-chanel model for tetragonal heavy electron systems with the view to application to PuCoGa5 and NpPd_5Al_2, symplectic-N mean field theory and computation of NMR relaxation rate. Part III - brief discussion of the application to frustrated magnetism in the J1-J2 model, mainly used to test the method.

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