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164 - W. Knafo , R. Viennois , G. Ballon 2012
Magnetization measurements have been performed on single-crystalline Fe$_{1.1}$Te in pulsed magnetic fields $mathbf{H}perpmathbf{c}$ up to 53 T and temperatures from 4.2 to 65 K. At $T=4.2$ K, a non-reversible reorientation of the antiferromagnetic moments is observed at $mu_0H_R=48$ T as the pulsed field is on the rise. No anomaly is observed at $H_R$ during the fall of the field and, as long as the temperature is unchanged, during both rises and falls of additional field pulses. The transition at $H_R$ is reactivated if the sample is warmed up above the N{e}el temperature $T_Nsimeq60$ K and cooled down again. The magnetic field-temperature phase diagram of Fe$_{1.1}$Te in $mathbf{H}perpmathbf{c}$ is also investigated. We present the temperature dependence of $H_R$, as well as that of the antiferromagnetic-to-paramagnetic borderline $H_c$ in temperatures above 40 K.
High-temperature superconductivity remains arguably the largest outstanding enigma of condensed matter physics. The discovery of iron-based high-temperature superconductors has renewed the importance of understanding superconductivity in materials susceptible to magnetic order and fluctuations. Intriguingly they show magnetic fluctuations reminiscent of the superconducting (SC) cuprates, including a resonance and an hour-glass shaped dispersion, which provide an opportunity to new insight to the coupling between spin fluctuations and superconductivity. Here we report inelastic neutron scattering data on Fe$_{1+y}$Te$_{0.7}$Se$_{0.3}$ using excess iron concentration to tune between a SC ($y=0.02$) and a non-SC ($y=0.05$) ground states. We find incommensurate spectra in both samples but discover that in the one that becomes SC, a constriction towards a commensurate hourglass shape develop well above $T_c$. Conversely a spin-gap and concomitant spectral weight shift happen below $T_c$. Our results imply that the hourglass shaped dispersion is most likely a pre-requisite for superconductivity, whereas the spin-gap and shift of spectral weight are consequences of superconductivity. We explain this observation by pointing out that an inwards dispersion towards the commensurate wave-vector is needed for the opening of a spin gap to lower the magnetic exchange energy and hence provide the necessary condensation energy for the SC state to emerge.
109 - P. Jund , X. Tao , R. Viennois 2011
We report an ab-initio study of the stability and electronic properties of transition metal silicides in order to study their potential for high temperature thermoelectric applications. We focus on the family M5Si3 (M = Ta, W) which is stable up to about 2000 {deg}C. We first investigate the structural stability of the two compounds and then determine the thermopower of the equilibrium structure using the electronic density of states and Motts law. We find that W5Si3 has a relatively large thermopower but probably not sufficient enough for thermoelectric applications.
We report on the optical excitation spectra in Sr$_2$VO$_4$. The phonon modes are assigned and their evolution with temperature is discussed in the frame of the different phase transitions crossed upon cooling. Besides the expected infrared-active phonons we observe two additional excitations at about 290 cm$^{-1}$ and 840 cm$^{-1}$ which could correspond to electronic transitions of the V$^{4+}$ ions. Our experimental results are discussed in the context of recent experimental and theoretical studies of this material with a unique spin-orbital ground state.
We present a detailed analysis of resonant inelastic scattering (RIXS) from Fe$_{1.087}$Te with unprecedented energy resolution. In contrast to the sharp peaks typically seen in insulating systems at the transition metal $L_3$ edge, we observe spectra which show different characteristic features. For low energy transfer, we experimentally observe theoretically predicted many-body effects of resonant Raman scattering from a non-interacting gas of fermions. Furthermore, we find that limitations to this many-body electron-only theory are realized at high Raman shift, where an exponential lineshape reveals an energy scale not present in these considerations. This regime, identified as emission, requires considerations of lattice degrees of freedom to understand the lineshape. We argue that both observations are intrinsic general features of many-body physics of metals.
Single crystals of Fe(1+x)Te(1-y)Se(y) have been grown with a controlled Fe excess and Se doping, and the crystal structure has been refined for various compositions. The systematic investigation of magnetic and superconducting properties as a function of the structural parameters shows how the material can be driven into various ground states, depending on doping and the structural modifications. Our results prove that the occupation of the additional Fe site, Fe2, enhances the spin localization. By reducing the excess Fe, the antiferromagnetic ordering is weakened, and the superconducting ground state is favored. We have found that both Fe excess and Se doping in synergy determine the properties of the material and an improved 3-dimensional phase diagram is proposed.
We report the investigation of the structural stability of Co$_{(1-x)}$Ni$_x$Si monosilicides for $0<x<1$. As CoSi crystallizes in the FeSi-type structure (B20) and NiSi is stable in the MnP-type structure (B31), a complete set of samples has been synthesized and a systematic study of phase formation under different annealing conditions were carried out in order to understand the reason of such a structural transition when x goes from 0 to 1. This study has revealed a limit in the solubility of Ni in CoSi B20 structure of about 17.5 at.% and of Co in NiSi B31 phase of about 13 at.%. For $0.35<x<0.74$ both B20 and B31 phases are present in the sample at there respective limits of solubility. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility has also been measured revealing diamagnetic behaviors. Optimal structural parameters and phase stability of the solid solution have been investigated using self-consistent full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method (FP-LAPW) based on the density functional theory (DFT). This calculation well predicts the structural instability observed experimentally.

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