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Trivalent americium has a non-magnetic ($J$ = 0) ground state arising from the cancelation of the orbital and spin moments. However, magnetism can be induced by a large molecular field if Am$^{3+}$ is embedded in a ferromagnetic matrix. Using the technique of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, we show that this is the case in AmFe$_2$. Since $langle J_z rangle$ = 0, the spin component is exactly twice as large as the orbital one, the total Am moment is opposite to that of Fe, and the magnetic dipole operator $langle T_{z} rangle$ can be determined directly; we discuss the progression of the latter across the actinide series.
We report the results of inelastic neutron scattering experiments performed with triple-axis spectrometers to investigate the low-temperature collective dynamics in the ordered phase of uranium dioxide. The results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of mean-field RPA calculations emphasizing the importance of multipolar superexchange interactions. By comparing neutron scattering intensities in different polarization channels and at equivalent points in different Brillouin zones, we show the mixed magneto-vibrational-quadrupolar character of the observed excitations. The high energy resolution afforded by the cold triple-axis spectrometer allowed us to study in detail the magnon-phonon interaction giving rise to avoided crossings along the $[00xi]$ reciprocal space direction.
Non-resonant inelastic x ray scattering (NIXS) experiments have been performed to probe the 5d-5f electronic transitions at the uranium O(4,5) absorption edges in uranium dioxide. For small values of the scattering vector q, the spectra are dominated by dipole-allowed transitions encapsulated within the giant resonance, whereas for higher values of q the multipolar transitions of rank 3 and 5 give rise to strong and well-defined multiplet structure in the pre-edge region. The origin of the observed non-dipole multiplet structures is explained on the basis of many-electron atomic spectral calculations. The results obtained demonstrate the high potential of NIXS as a bulk-sensitive technique for the characterization of the electronic properties of actinide materials.
We report a resonant x-ray scattering (RXS) study of antiferromagnetic neptunium compounds NpCoGa_5 and NpRhGa_5 at the Np M_4 and Ga K-edges. Large resonant signals of magnetic dipole character are observed below the Neel temperatures at both edges. The signals at the Np edges confirm the behaviour determined previously from neutron diffraction, i.e. the moments along [001] in NpCoGa_{5} and in NpRhGa_5 a reorientation of the moments from the c-axis direction to the ab plane. In the latter material, on application of magnetic field of 9 Tesla along the [010] direction we observe a change in the population of different [110]-type domains. We observe also a magnetic dipole signal at the Ga K-edge, similarly to the reported UGa_3 case, that can be interpreted within a semi-localized model as an orbital polarization of the Ga 4p states induced via strong hybridization with the Np 5f valence band. Quantitative analysis of the signal shows that the Ga dipole on the two different Ga sites follows closely the Np magnetic moment reorientation in NpRhGa_5. The ratios of the signals on the two inequivalent Ga sites are not the same for the different compounds.
We report the results of inelastic neutron scattering experiments on NpCoGa$_{5}$, an isostructural analogue of the PuCoGa$_{5}$ superconductor. Two energy scales characterize the magnetic response in the antiferromagnetic phase. One is related to a non-dispersive excitation between two crystal field levels. The other at lower energies corresponds to dispersive fluctuations emanating from the magnetic zone center. The fluctuations persist in the paramagnetic phase also, although weaker in intensity. This supports the possibility that magnetic fluctuations are present in PuCoGa$_{5}$, where unconventional d-wave superconductivity is achieved in the absence of magnetic order.

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