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We report observations of molecular oxygen (O$_2$) rotational transitions at 487 GHz, 774 GHz, and 1121 GHz toward Orion Peak A. The O2 lines at 487 GHz and 774 GHz are detected at velocities of 10-12 km/s with line widths 3 km/s; however, the transition at 1121 GHz is not detected. The observed line characteristics, combined with the results of earlier observations, suggest that the region responsible for the O$_2$ emission is 9 (6e16 cm) in size, and is located close to the H2 Peak 1position (where vibrationally-excited H$_2$ emission peaks), and not at Peak A, 23 away. The peak O2 column density is 1.1e18/cm2. The line velocity is close to that of 621 GHz water maser emission found in this portion of the Orion Molecular Cloud, and having a shock with velocity vector lying nearly in the plane of the sky is consistent with producing maximum maser gain along the line-of-sight. The enhanced O$_2$ abundance compared to that generally found in dense interstellar clouds can be explained by passage of a low-velocity C-shock through a clump with preshock density 2e4/cm3, if a reasonable flux of UV radiation is present. The postshock O$_2$ can explain the emission from the source if its line of sight dimension is ~10 times larger than its size on the plane of the sky. The special geometry and conditions required may explain why O$_2$ emission has not been detected in the cores of other massive star-forming molecular clouds.
C$^+$ is a critical constituent of many regions of the interstellar medium, as it can be a major reservoir of carbon and, under a wide range of conditions, the dominant gas coolant. Emission from its 158$mu$m fine structure line is used to trace the structure of photon dominated regions in the Milky Way and is often employed as a measure of the star formation rate in external galaxies. Under most conditions, the emission from the single [CII] line is proportional to the collisional excitation rate coefficient. We here used improved calculations of the deexcitation rate of [CII] by collisions with H$_2$ to calculate more accurate expressions for interstellar C$^+$ fine structure emission, its critical density, and its cooling rate. The collision rates in the new quantum calculation are $sim$ 25% larger than those previously available, and narrow the difference between rates for excitation by atomic and molecular hydrogen. This results in [CII] excitation being quasi-independent of the molecular fraction and thus dependent only on the total hydrogen particle density. A convenient expression for the cooling rate at temperatures between 20 K and 400 K, assuming an LTE H$_2$ ortho to para ration is $Lambda ({rm LTE~OPR}) = left(11.5 + 4.0,e^{-100,mathrm K/T^{rm kin}}right);e^{-91.25,mathrm K/T^{rm kin}},n ({rm C}^{+}),n({rm H}_2)times 10^{-24};{rm ergs}~{rm cm}^{-3}~{rm s}^{-1}$. The present work should allow more accurate and convenient analysis of the [CII] line emission and its cooling.
Whether or not molecular clouds and embedded cloud fragments are stable against collapse is of utmost importance for the study of the star formation process. Only supercritical cloud fragments are able to collapse and form stars. The virial parameter, alpha=M_vir/M, which compares the virial to the actual mass, provides one way to gauge stability against collapse. Supercritical cloud fragments are characterized by alpha<2, as indicated by a comprehensive stability analysis considering perturbations in pressure and density gradients. Past research has suggested that virial parameters alpha>2 prevail in clouds. This would suggest that collapse towards star formation is a gradual and relatively slow process, and that magnetic fields are not needed to explain the observed cloud structure. Here, we review a range of very recent observational studies that derive virial parameters <<2 and compile a catalogue of 1325 virial parameter estimates. Low values of alpha are in particular observed for regions of high mass star formation (HMSF). These observations may argue for a more rapid and violent evolution during collapse. This would enable competitive accretion in HMSF, constrain some models of monolithic collapse, and might explain the absence of high--mass starless cores. Alternatively, the data could point at the presence of significant magnetic fields ~1 mG at high gas densities. We examine to what extent the derived observational properties might be biased by observational or theoretical uncertainties. For a wide range of reasonable parameters, our conclusions appear to be robust with respect to such biases.
125 - Paul F. Goldsmith 2013
We use UV measurements of interstellar CO towards nearby stars to calculate the density in the diffuse molecular clouds containing the molecules responsible for the observed absorption. Chemical models and recent calculations of the excitation rate coefficients indicate that the regions in which CO is found have hydrogen predominantly in molecular form. We carry out statistical equilibrium calculations using CO-H2 collision rates to solve for the H2 density in the observed sources without including effects of radiative trapping. We have assumed kinetic temperatures of 50 K and 100 K, finding this choice to make relatively little difference to the lowest transition. For the sources having T_ex(1-0) only, for which we could determine upper and lower density limits, we find <n(H2)> = 49 cm-3. While we can find a consistent density range for a good fraction of the sources having either two or three values of the excitation temperature, there is a suggestion that the higher-J transitions are sampling clouds or regions within diffuse molecular cloud material that have higher densities than the material sampled by the J = 1-0 transition. The assumed kinetic temperature and derived H2 density are anticorrelated when the J = 2-1 transition data, the J = 3-2 transition data, or both are included. For sources with either two or three values of the excitation temperature, we find average values of the midpoint of the density range that is consistent with all of the observations equal to 68 cm-3 for T_k = 100 K and 92 cm-3 for T_k = 50 K. The data for this set of sources imply that diffuse molecular clouds are characterized by an average thermal pressure between 4600 and 6800 Kcm-3.
According to traditional gas-phase chemical models, O2 should be abundant in molecular clouds, but until recently, attempts to detect interstellar O2 line emission with ground- and space-based observatories have failed. Following the multi-line detections of O2 with low abundances in the Orion and rho Oph A molecular clouds with Herschel, it is important to investigate other environments, and we here quantify the O2 abundance near a solar-mass protostar. Observations of O2, at 487 GHz toward a deeply embedded low-mass Class 0 protostar, NGC 1333-IRAS 4A, are presented, using the HIFI instrument on the Herschel Space Observatory. Complementary data of the chemically related NO and CO molecules are obtained as well. The high spectral resolution data are analysed using radiative transfer models to infer column densities and abundances, and are tested directly against full gas-grain chemical models. The deep HIFI spectrum fails to show O2 at the velocity of the dense protostellar envelope, implying one of the lowest abundance upper limits of O2/H2 at <6x10^-9 (3 sigma). However, a tentative (4.5 sigma) detection of O2 is seen at the velocity of the surrounding NGC 1333 molecular cloud, shifted by 1 km/s relative to the protostar. For the protostellar envelope, pure gas-phase models and gas-grain chemical models require a long pre-collapse phase (~0.7-1x10^6 years), during which atomic and molecular oxygen are frozen out onto dust grains and fully converted to H2O, to avoid overproduction of O2 in the dense envelope. The same model also reproduces the limits on the chemically related NO molecule. The tentative detection of O2 in the surrounding cloud is consistent with a low-density PDR model with small changes in reaction rates. The low O2 abundance in the collapsing envelope around a low-mass protostar suggests that the gas and ice entering protoplanetary disks is very poor in O2.
We analyze the collisional excitation of the 158 micron (1900.5 GHz) fine structure transition of ionized carbon (C+) in terms of line intensities produced by simple cloud models. The single C+ fine structure transition is a very important coolant of the atomic interstellar medium and of photon dominated regions in which carbon is partially or completely in ionized form. The [CII] line is widely used as a tracer of star formation in the Milky Way and other galaxies. Excitation of the [CII] fine structure transition can be via collisions with hydrogen molecules, atoms, and electrons. Velocity-resolved observations of [CII] have become possible with the HIFI instrument on Herschel and the GREAT instrument on SOFIA. Analysis of these observations is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to determine the optical depth of the [CII] line due to the relative weakness and blending of the components of the analogous transition of 13C$+. We discuss the excitation and radiative transition of the [CII] line, deriving analytic results for several limiting cases and carry out numerical solutions using a large velocity gradient model for a more inclusive analysis. We show that for antenna temperatures up to 1/3 of the brightness temperature of the gas kinetic temperature, the antenna temperature is linearly proportional to the column density of C+ irrespective of the optical depth of the transition, which can be referred to as the effectively optically thin (EOT) approximation. We review the critical densities for excitation of the [CII] line by various collision partners. We briefly analyze C+ absorption and conclude with a discussion of C+ cooling and how the considerations for line intensities affect the behavior of this important coolant of the ISM.
We report the results of a search for molecular oxygen (O2) toward the Orion Bar, a prominent photodissociation region at the southern edge of the HII region created by the luminous Trapezium stars. We observed the spectral region around the frequency of the O2 N_J = 3_3 - 1_2 transition at 487 GHz and the 5_4 - 3_4 transition at 774 GHz using the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far Infrared on the Herschel Space Observatory. Neither line was detected, but the 3sigma upper limits established here translate to a total line-of-sight O2 column density < 1.5 10^16 cm^-2 for an emitting region whose temperature is between 30K and 250 K, or < 1 10^16 cm^-2 if the O2 emitting region is primarily at a temperature of ~< 100 K. Because the Orion Bar is oriented nearly edge-on relative to our line of sight, the observed column density is enhanced by a factor estimated to be between 4 and 20 relative to the face-on value. Our upper limits imply that the face-on O2 column density is less than 4 10^15 cm^-2, a value that is below, and possibly well below, model predictions for gas with a density of 10^4 - 10^5 cm^-3 exposed to a far ultraviolet flux 10^4 times the local value, conditions inferred from previous observations of the Orion Bar. The discrepancy might be resolved if: (1) the adsorption energy of O atoms to ice is greater than 800 K; (2) the total face-on Av of the Bar is less than required for O2 to reach peak abundance; (3) the O2 emission arises within dense clumps with a small beam filling factor; or, (4) the face-on depth into the Bar where O2 reaches its peak abundance, which is density dependent, corresponds to a sky position different from that sampled by our Herschel beams.
We report observations of three rotational transitions of molecular oxygen (O2) in emission from the H2 Peak 1 position of vibrationally excited molecular hydrogen in Orion. We observed the 487 GHz, 774 GHz, and 1121 GHz lines using HIFI on the Herschel Space Observatory, having velocities of 11 km s-1 to 12 km s-1 and widths of 3 km s-1. The beam-averaged column density is N(O2) = 6.5times1016 cm-2, and assuming that the source has an equal beam filling factor for all transitions (beam widths 44, 28, and 19), the relative line intensities imply a kinetic temperature between 65 K and 120 K. The fractional abundance of O2 relative to H2 is 0.3 - 7.3times10-6. The unusual velocity suggests an association with a ~ 5 diameter source, denoted Peak A, the Western Clump, or MF4. The mass of this source is ~ 10 Modot and the dust temperature is geq 150 K. Our preferred explanation of the enhanced O2 abundance is that dust grains in this region are sufficiently warm (T geq 100 K) to desorb water ice and thus keep a significant fraction of elemental oxygen in the gas phase, with a significant fraction as O2. For this small source, the line ratios require a temperature geq 180 K. The inferred O2 column density simeq 5times1018 cm-2 can be produced in Peak A, having N(H2) simeq 4times1024 cm-2. An alternative mechanism is a low-velocity (10 to 15 km s-1) C-shock, which can produce N(O2) up to 1017 cm-2.
We report the results of a 100 square degree survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud region in the J = 1-0 transition of 12CO and 13CO. The image of the cloud in each velocity channel includes ~ 3 million Nyquist sampled pixels on a 20 grid. The high sensitivity and large linear dynamic range of the maps in both isotopologues reveal a very complex, highly structured cloud morphology. There are large scale correlated structures evident in 13CO emission having very fine dimensions, including filaments, cavities, and rings. The 12CO emission shows a quite different structure, with particularly complex interfaces between regions of greater and smaller column density defining the boundaries of the largest-scale cloud structures. The axes of the striations seen in the 12CO emission from relatively diffuse gas are aligned with the direction of the magnetic field. Using a column density-dependent model for the CO fractional abundance, we derive the mass of the region mapped to be 24,000 solar masses, a factor of three greater than would be obtained with canonical CO abundance restricted to the high column density regions. We determine that half the mass of the cloud is in regions having column density below 2.1x10^{21} per square cm. The distribution of young stars in the region covered is highly nonuniform, with the probability of finding a star in a pixel with a specified column density rising sharply for N(H2) = 6x10^{21} cm^{-2}. We determine a relatively low star formation efficiency (mass of young stars/mass of molecular gas), between 0.3 and 1.2 %, and an average star formation rate during the past 3 Myr of 8x10^{-5} stars yr^{-1}.

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