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We present the public release of the stellar mass catalogs for the GOODS-S and UDS fields obtained using some of the deepest near-IR images available, achieved as part of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS) project. We combine the effort from ten different teams, who computed the stellar masses using the same photometry and the same redshifts. Each team adopted their preferred fitting code, assumptions, priors, and parameter grid. The combination of results using the same underlying stellar isochrones reduces the systematics associated with the fitting code and other choices. Thanks to the availability of different estimates, we can test the effect of some specific parameters and assumptions on the stellar mass estimate. The choice of the stellar isochrone library turns out to have the largest effect on the galaxy stellar mass estimates, resulting in the largest distributions around the median value (with a semi interquartile range larger than 0.1 dex). On the other hand, for most galaxies, the stellar mass estimates are relatively insensitive to the different parameterizations of the star formation history. The inclusion of nebular emission in the model spectra does not have a significant impact for the majority of galaxies (less than a factor of 2 for ~80% of the sample). Nevertheless, the stellar mass for the subsample of young galaxies (age < 100 Myr), especially in particular redshift ranges (e.g., 2.2 < z < 2.4, 3.2 < z < 3.6, and 5.5 < z < 6.5), can be seriously overestimated (by up to a factor of 10 for < 20 Myr sources) if nebular contribution is ignored.
The galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) at high-z provides key information on star-formation history and mass assembly in the young Universe. We aimed to use the unique combination of deep optical/NIR/MIR imaging provided by HST, Spitzer and the VLT in the CANDELS-UDS, GOODS-South, and HUDF fields to determine the GSMF over the redshift range 3.5<z<7.5. We utilised the HST WFC3/IR NIR imaging from CANDELS and HUDF09, reaching H~27-28.5 over a total area of 369 arcmin2, in combination with associated deep HST ACS optical data, deep Spitzer IRAC imaging from the SEDS programme, and deep Y and K-band VLT Hawk-I images from the HUGS programme, to select a galaxy sample with high-quality photometric redshifts. These have been calibrated with more than 150 spectroscopic redshifts in the range 3.5<z<7.5, resulting in an overall precision of sigma_z/(1+z)~0.037. We have determined the low-mass end of the high-z GSMF with unprecedented precision, reaching down to masses as low as M*~10^9 Msun at z=4 and ~6x10^9 Msun at z=7. We find that the GSMF at 3.5<z<7.5 depends only slightly on the recipes adopted to measure the stellar masses, namely the photo-z, the SFHs, the nebular contribution or the presence of AGN on the parent sample. The low-mass end of the GSMF is steeper than has been found at lower redshifts, but appears to be unchanged over the redshift range probed here. Our results are very different from previous GSMF estimates based on converting UV galaxy luminosity functions into mass functions via tight M/L relations. Integrating our evolving GSMF over mass, we find that the growth of stellar mass density is barely consistent with the time-integral of the SFR density over cosmic time at z>4. These results confirm the unique synergy of the CANDELS+HUDF, HUGS, and SEDS surveys for the discovery and study of moderate/low-mass galaxies at high redshifts.
We report the results of inelastic neutron scattering experiments performed with triple-axis spectrometers to investigate the low-temperature collective dynamics in the ordered phase of uranium dioxide. The results are in excellent agreement with the predictions of mean-field RPA calculations emphasizing the importance of multipolar superexchange interactions. By comparing neutron scattering intensities in different polarization channels and at equivalent points in different Brillouin zones, we show the mixed magneto-vibrational-quadrupolar character of the observed excitations. The high energy resolution afforded by the cold triple-axis spectrometer allowed us to study in detail the magnon-phonon interaction giving rise to avoided crossings along the $[00xi]$ reciprocal space direction.
We use deep Herschel PACS and SPIRE observations in GOODSS, GOODSN and COSMOS to estimate the average dust mass (Mdust) of galaxies on a redshift-stellar mass (Mstar)-SFR grid. We study the scaling relations between Mdust, Mstar and SFR at z<=2.5. No clear evolution of Mdust is observed at fixed SFR and Mstar. We find a tight correlation between SFR and Mdust, likely a consequence of the Schmidt-Kennicutt (S-K) law. The Mstar-Mdust correlation observed by previous works flattens or sometimes disappears when fixing the SFR. Most of it likely derives from the combination of the Mdust-SFR and Mstar-SFR correlations. We then investigate the gas content as inferred by converting Mdust by assuming that the dust/gas ratio scales linearly with the gas metallicity. All galaxies in the sample follow, within uncertainties, the same SFR-Mgas relation (integrated S-K law), which broadly agrees with CO-based results for the bulk of the population, despite the completely different approaches. The majority of galaxies at z~2 form stars with an efficiency (SFE=SFR/Mgas) ~5 times higher than at z~0. It is not clear what fraction of such variation is an intrinsic redshift evolution and what fraction arises from selection effects. The gas fraction (fgas) decreases with Mstar and increases with SFR, and does not evolve with z at fixed Mstar and SFR. We explain these trends by introducing a universal relation between fgas, Mstar and SFR, non-evolving out to z~2.5. Galaxies move across this relation as their gas content evolves in time. We use the 3D fundamental fgas-Mstar-SFR relation and the redshift evolution of the Main Sequence to estimate the evolution of fgas in the average population of galaxies as a function of z and Mstar, and we find evidence a downsizing scenario.
92 - S. Berta , D. Lutz , P. Santini 2013
(abridged) Far-infrared Herschel photometry from the PEP and HerMES programs is combined with ancillary datasets in the GOODS-N, GOODS-S, and COSMOS fields. Based on this rich dataset, we reproduce the restframe UV to FIR ten-colors distribution of galaxies using a superposition of multi-variate Gaussian modes. The median SED of each mode is then fitted with a modified version of the MAGPHYS code that combines stellar light, emission from dust heated by stars and a possible warm dust contribution heated by an AGN. The defined Gaussian grouping is also used to identify rare sources. The zoology of outliers includes Herschel-detected ellipticals, very blue z~1 Ly-break galaxies, quiescent spirals, and torus-dominated AGN with star formation. Out of these groups and outliers, a new template library is assembled, consisting of 32 SEDs describing the intrinsic scatter in the restframe UV-to-submm colors of infrared galaxies. This library is tested against L(IR) estimates with and without Herschel data included, and compared to eight other popular methods often adopted in the literature. When implementing Herschel photometry, these approaches produce L(IR) values consistent with each other within a median absolute deviation of 10-20%, the scatter being dominated more by fine tuning of the codes, rather than by the choice of SED templates. Finally, the library is used to classify 24 micron detected sources in PEP GOODS fields. AGN appear to be distributed in the stellar mass (M*) vs. star formation rate (SFR) space along with all other galaxies, regardless of the amount of infrared luminosity they are powering, with the tendency to lie on the high SFR side of the main sequence. The incidence of warmer star-forming sources grows for objects with higher specific star formation rates (sSFR), and they tend to populate the off-sequence region of the M*-SFR-z space.
We present a flexible and effective ab-initio scheme to build many-body models for molecular nanomagnets, and to calculate magnetic exchange couplings and zero-field splittings. It is based on using localized Foster-Boys orbitals as one-electron basis. We apply this scheme to three paradigmatic systems, the antiferromagnetic rings Cr8 and Cr7Ni and the single molecule magnet Fe4. In all cases we identify the essential magnetic interactions and find excellent agreement with experiments.
113 - B. Magnelli , D. Lutz , P. Santini 2012
We study a sample of 61 submillimetre galaxies (SMGs) selected from ground-based surveys, with known spectroscopic redshifts and observed with Herschel as part of the PACS Evolutionary Probe (PEP) and the Herschel Multi-tiered Extragalactic Survey (HerMES) key programmes. We use the broad far-infrared wavelength coverage (100-600um) provided by the combination of PACS and SPIRE observations. Using a power-law temperature distribution model to derive infrared luminosities and dust temperatures, we measure a dust emissivity spectral index for SMGs of beta=2.0+/-0.2. Our results unveil the diversity of the SMG population. Some SMGs exhibit extreme infrared luminosities of ~10^13 Lsun and relatively warm dust components, while others are fainter (~10^12 Lsun) and are biased towards cold dust temperatures. The extreme infrared luminosities of some SMGs (LIR>10^12.7 Lsun, 26/61 systems) imply SFRs of >500Msun yr^-1. Such high SFRs are difficult to reconcile with a secular mode of star formation, and may instead correspond to a merger-driven stage in the evolution of these galaxies. Another observational argument in favour of this scenario is the presence of dust temperatures warmer than that of SMGs of lower luminosities (~40K as opposed to ~25K), consistent with observations of local ULIRGs triggered by major mergers and with results from hydrodynamic simulations of major mergers combined with radiative transfer calculations. Luminous SMGs are also offset from normal star-forming galaxies in the stellar mass-SFR plane, suggesting that they are undergoing starburst events with short duty cycles, compatible with the major merger scenario. On the other hand, a significant fraction of the low infrared luminosity SMGs have cold dust temperatures, are located close to the main sequence of star formation, and thus might be evolving through a secular mode of star formation. [abridged]
We compare the average star formation (SF) activity in X-ray selected AGN hosts with mass-matched control inactive galaxies,including star forming and quiescent sources, at 0.5<z<2.5. Recent observations carried out by PACS, the 60-210um Herschel photometric camera, in GOODS-S, GOODS-N and COSMOS allow us to unbiasedly estimate the far-IR luminosity, and hence the SF properties, of the two samples. Accurate AGN host stellar masses are measured by decomposing their total emission into the stellar and nuclear components. We find a higher average SF activity in AGN hosts with respect to non-AGNs. The level of SF enhancement is modest (~0.26dex at ~3sigma) at low X-ray luminosities (Lx<~10^43.5erg/s) and more pronounced (0.56dex at >10sigma) for bright AGNs. However, when comparing to star forming galaxies only, AGN hosts are broadly consistent with the locus of their `main sequence. We investigate the relative far-IR luminosity distributions of active and inactive galaxies, and find a higher fraction of PACS detected, hence normal and highly star forming systems among AGN hosts. Although different interpretations are possible, we explain our findings as a consequence of a twofold AGN growth path: faint AGNs evolve through secular processes, with instantaneous AGN accretion not tightly linked to the current total SF in the host, while luminous AGNs co-evolve with their hosts through periods of enhanced AGN activity and SF, possibly through major mergers. While an increased SF with respect to non-AGNs of similar mass is expected in the latter, we interpret the modest SF offsets measured in low-Lx AGN hosts as either a) generated by non-synchronous accretion and SF histories in a merger scenario or b) due to possible connections between instantaneous SF and accretion that can be induced by smaller scale (non-major merger) mechanisms. Far-IR luminosity distributions favour the latter scenario.
We used Early Release Science (ERS) observations taken with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) in the GOODS-S field to study the galaxy stellar mass function (GSMF) at 0.6<=z<4.5. Deep WFC3 near-IR data (for Y as faint as 27.3, J and H as faint as 27.4 AB mag at 5 sigma), as well as deep Ks (as faint as 25.5 at 5 sigma) Hawk-I band data, provide an exquisite data set with which determine in an unprecedented way the low-mass end of the GSMF, allowing an accurate probe of masses as low as M~7.6 10^9 Msun at z~3. Although the area used is relatively small (~33 arcmin^2), we found generally good agreement with previous studies on the entire mass range. Our results show that the slope of the faint-end increases with redshift, from alpha=-1.44+/-0.03 at z~0.8 to alpha=-1.86+/-0.16 at z~3, although indications exist that it does not steepen further between z~3 and z~4. This result is insensitive to any uncertainty in the M* parameter. The steepness of the GSMF faint-end solves the well-known disagreement between the stellar mass density (SMD) and the integrated star formation history at z>2. However, we confirm the that there appears to be an excess of integrated star formation with respect to the SMD at z<2, by a factor of ~2-3. Our comparison of the observations with theoretical predictions shows that the models forecast a greater abundance of low mass galaxies, at least up to z~3, as well as a dearth of massive galaxies at z~4 with respect to the data, and that the predicted SMD is generally overestimated at z<~2.
Quantum simulators are controllable systems that can be used to simulate other quantum systems. Here we focus on the dynamics of a chain of molecular qubits with interposed antiferromagnetic dimers. We theoretically show that its dynamics can be controlled by means of uniform magnetic pulses and used to mimic the evolution of other quantum systems, including fermionic ones. We propose two proof-of-principle experiments, based on the simulation of the Ising model in transverse field and of the quantum tunneling of the magnetization in a spin-1 system.

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