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452 - P. Gilkey , C.Y. Kim , 2014
We use the solution space of a pair of ODEs of at least second order to construct a smooth surface in Euclidean space. We describe when this surface is a proper embedding which is geodesically complete with finite total Gauss curvature. If the associated roots of the ODEs are real and distinct, we give a universal upper bound for the total Gauss curvature of the surface which depends only on the orders of the ODEs and we show that the total Gauss curvature of the surface vanishes if the ODEs are second order. We examine when the surfaces are asymptotically minimal.
101 - P. Gilkey , J. H. Park 2014
We derive the Chern-Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for manifolds with smooth non-degenerate boundary in the pseudo-Riemannian context from the corresponding result in the Riemannian setting by examining the Euler-Lagrange equations associated to the Pfaffian of a complex metric on the tangent space and then applying analytic continuation.
We examine the difference between several notions of curvature homogeneity and show that the notions introduced by Kowalski and Vanzurova are genuine generalizations of the ordinary notion of k-curvature homogeneity. The homothety group plays an essential role in the analysis. We give a complete classification of homothety homogeneous manifolds which are not homogeneous and which are not VSI and show that such manifolds are cohomogeneity one. We also give a complete description of the local geometry if the homothety character defines a split extension.
We describe the structure of the Ricci tensor on a locally homogeneous Lorentzian gradient Ricci soliton. In the non-steady case, we show the soliton is rigid in dimensions three and four. In the steady case, we give a complete classification in dimension three.
We examine the difference between several notions of curvature homogeneity and show that the notions introduced by Kowalski and Vanv{z}urova are genuine generalizations of the ordinary notion of $k$-curvature homogeneity. The homothety group plays an essential role in the analysis.
143 - E. Garcia-Rio , P. Gilkey , 2012
k-Curvature homogeneous three-dimensional Walker metrics are described for k=0,1,2. This allows a complete description of locally homogeneous three-dimensional Walker metrics, showing that there exist exactly three isometry classes of such manifolds. As an application one obtains a complete description of all locally homogeneous Lorentzian manifolds with recurrent curvature. Moreover, potential functions are constructed in all the locally homogeneous manifolds resulting in steady gradient Ricci and Cotton solitons.
104 - P. Gilkey , S. Nikcevic 2012
We work in both the complex and in the para-complex categories and examine (para)-Kahler Weyl structures in both the geometric and in the algebraic settings. The higher dimensional setting is quite restrictive. We show that any (para)-Kaehler Weyl algebraic curvature tensor is in fact Riemannian in dimension at least 6; this yields as a geometric consequence that any (para)-Kaehler Weyl geometric structure is trivial if the dimension is at least 6. By contrast, the 4 dimensional setting is, as always, rather special as it turns out that there are (para)-Kaehler Weyl algebraic curvature tensors which are not Riemannian in dimension 4. Since every (para)-Kaehler Weyl algebraic curvature tensor is geometrically realizable and since every 4 dimensional Hermitian manifold admits a unique (para)-Kaehler Weyl structure, there are also non-trivial 4 dimensional Hermitian (para)-Kaehler Weyl manifolds.
189 - P. Gilkey , S. Nikcevic 2011
We determine the space of algebraic pseudo-Hermitian Kahler-Weyl curvature tensors and the space of para-Hermitian Kahler-Weyl curvature tensors in dimension 4 and show that every algebraic possibility is geometrically realizable. We establish the Gray identity for pseudo-Hermitian Weyl manifolds and for para-Hermitian Weyl manifolds in arbitrary dimension.
We use results of Matzeu and Nikcevic to decompose the space of affine Kaehler curvature tensors as a direct sum of irreducible modules in the complex setting
144 - P. Gilkey , S. Nikcevic , 2010
We examine relations between geometry and the associated curvature decompositions in Weyl geometry.

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