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We report magnetization, electron spin resonance (ESR), and muon spin relaxation ($mu $SR) measurements on single crystals of the $S=1/2$ (Cu$% ^{+2}$) kagom{e} compound Cu(1,3-benzendicarboxylate). The $mu $SR is carried to temperatures as low as 45 mK. The spin Hamiltonian parameters are determined from the analysis of the magnetization and ESR data. We find that this compound has anisotropic ferromagnetic interactions. Nevertheless, no spin freezing is observed even at temperatures two orders of magnitude lower than the coupling constants. In light of this finding, the relation between persistent spin dynamics and spin liquid are reexamined.
150 - Oren Ofer , K.H. Chow , I. Fan 2012
We report {beta} detected nuclear magnetic resonance ({beta}NMR) measurements of 8Li+ implanted into high purity Pt. The frequency of the 8Li {beta}NMR resonance and the spin-lattice relaxation rates 1/T1 were measured at temperatures ranging from 3 to 300 K. Remarkably, both the spin-lattice relaxation rate and the Knight shift K depend linearly on temperature T although the bulk susceptibility does not. K is found to scale with the Curie-Weiss dependence of the Pt susceptibility extrapolated to low temperatures. This is attributed to a defect response of the enhanced paramagnetism of Pt, i.e. the presence of the interstitial Li+ locally relieves the tendency for the Curie-Weiss susceptibility to saturate at low T . We propose that the low temperature saturation in c{hi} of Pt may be related to an interband coupling between the s and d bands that is disrupted locally by the presence of the Li+.
We present transverse field muon spin rotation/relaxation measurements on single crystals of the spin-1/2 kagome antiferromagnet Herbertsmithite. We find that the spins are more easily polarized when the field is perpendicular to the kagome plane. We demonstrate that the difference in magnetization between the different directions cannot be accounted for by Dzyaloshinksii-Moriya type interactions alone, and that anisotropic axial interaction is present.
We present muon-spin rotation measurements on polycrystalline samples of the complete family of the antiferromagnetic (AF) $zigzag$ chain compounds, Na$_x$Ca$_{1-x}$V$_2$O$_4$. In this family, we explore the magnetic properties from the metallic NaV$_2$O$_4$ to the insulating CaV$_2$O$_4$. We find a critical $x_c(sim0.833)$ which separates the low and high Na-concentration dependent transition temperature and its magnetic ground state. In the $x<x_c$ compounds, the magnetic ordered phase is characterized by a single homogenous phase and the formation of incommensurate spin-density-wave order. Whereas in the $x>x_c$ compounds, multiple sub-phases appear with temperature and $x$. Based on the muon data obtained in zero external magnetic field, a careful dipolar field simulation was able to reproduce the muon behavior and indicates a modulated helical incommensurate spin structure of the metallic AF phase. The incommensurate modulation period obtained by the simulation agrees with that determined by neutron diffraction.
We investigated the magnetic phase of the perovskite CaCrO$_3$ by using the muon spin relaxation technique accompanied by susceptibility measurements. A thermal hysteresis loop is identified with a width of about 1 K at the transition temperature. Within the time scale of the muon lifetime, a static antiferromagnetic order is revealed with distinct multiple internal fields which are experienced in the muon interstitial sites below the phase-transition temperature, $T_N=90 K$. Above $T_N$, lattice deformations are indicated by transverse-field muon-spin rotation and relaxation suggesting a magneto-elastic mechanism.
Using muon spin resonance we examine the organometallic hybrid compound Cu(1,3-benzenedicarboxylate) [Cu(1,3-bdc)], which has structurally perfect spin 1/2 copper kagome planes separated by pure organic linkers. This compound has antiferromagnetic interactions with Curie-Weiss temperature of -33 K. We found slowing down of spin fluctuations starting at T=1.8 K, and that the state at T->0 is quasi-static with no long-range order and extremely slow spin fluctuations at a rate of 3.6 1/usec. This indicates that Cu(1,3-bdc) behaves as expected from a kagome magnet and could serve as a model kagome compound.
76 - Oren Ofer , Amit Keren 2009
We present magnetization measurements on oriented powder of ZnCu$_{3}$(OH)$_{6}$Cl$_{2}$ along and perpendicular to the orienting field. We find a dramatic difference in the magnetization between the two directions. It is biggest at low measurement fields $H$ or high temperatures. We show that the difference at high temperatures must emerge from Ising-like exchange anisotropy. This allows us to explain muon spin rotation data at $Tto 0$ in terms of an exotic ferromagnetic ground state.

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