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Using new spectroscopic observations obtained as part of the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS), we perform a systematic search for overdense environments in the early universe ($z>2$) and report here on the discovery of Cl J0227-0421, a massive protocluster at $z=3.29$. This protocluster is characterized by both the large overdensity of spectroscopically confirmed members, $delta_{gal}=10.5pm2.8$, and a significant overdensity in photometric redshift members. The halo mass of this protocluster is estimated, by a variety of methods, to be roughly $3times10^{14}$ $mathcal{M}_{odot}$ at $zsim3.3$, which, evolved to $z=0$ results in a halo mass rivaling or exceeding that of the Coma cluster. The properties of 19 spectroscopically confirmed member galaxies are compared with a large sample of VUDS/VVDS galaxies in lower density field environments at similar redshifts. We find tentative evidence for an excess of redder, brighter, and more massive galaxies within the confines of the protocluster relative to the field population, which suggests that we may be observing the beginning of environmentally-induced quenching. The properties of these galaxies are investigated, including a discussion of the brightest protocluster galaxy which appears to be undergoing vigorous coeval nuclear and starburst activity. The remaining member galaxies appear to have characteristics which are largely similar to the field population. Though we find weaker evidence of the suppression of the median star formation rates amongst and differences in stacked spectra of member galaxies with respect to the field, we defer any conclusions of these trends to future work with the ensemble of protostructures that are found in the full VUDS sample.
[Abridged] We characterise a massive proto-cluster at z=2.895 that we found in the COSMOS field using the spectroscopic sample of the VIMOS Ultra-Deep Survey (VUDS). This is one of the rare structures at z~3 not identified around AGNs or radio galaxies, so it is an ideal laboratory to study galaxy formation in dense environments. The structure comprises 12 galaxies with secure spectroscopic redshift in an area of 7x8, in a z bin of Dz=0.016. The measured galaxy number overdensity is delta_g=12+/-2. This overdensity has total mass of M~8.1x10^(14)M_sun in a volume of 13x15x17 Mpc^3. Simulations indicate that such an overdensity at z~2.9 is a proto-cluster that will collapse in a cluster of total mass M~2.5x10^(15)M_sun at z=0. We compare the properties of the galaxies within the overdensity with a control sample at the same z but outside the overdensity. We did not find any statistically significant difference between the properties (stellar mass, SFR, sSFR, NUV-r, r-K) of the galaxies inside and outside the overdensity. The stacked spectrum of galaxies in the overdensity background shows a significant absorption feature at the wavelength of Lya redshifted at z=2.895 (lambda=4736 A), with a rest frame EW = 4+/- 1.4 A. Stacking only background galaxies without intervening sources at z~2.9 along their line of sight, we find that this absorption feature has a rest frame EW of 10.8+/-3.7 A, with a detection S/N of ~4. These EW values imply a high column density (N(HI)~3-20x10^(19)cm^(-2)), consistent with a scenario where such absorption is due to intervening cold gas streams, falling into the halo potential wells of the proto-cluster galaxies. However, we cannot exclude the hypothesis that this absorption is due to the diffuse gas within the overdensity.
[Abridged] Non-uniform sampling and gaps in sky coverage are common in galaxy redshift surveys, but these effects can degrade galaxy counts-in-cells and density estimates. We carry out a comparison of methods that aim to fill the gaps to correct for the systematic effects. Our study is motivated by the analysis of the VIMOS Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS), a flux-limited survey (i<22.5) based on one-pass observations with VIMOS, with gaps covering 25% of the surveyed area and a mean sampling rate of 35%. Our findings are applicable to other surveys with similar observing strategies. We compare 1) two algorithms based on photometric redshift, that assign redshifts to galaxies based on the spectroscopic redshifts of the nearest neighbours, 2) two Bayesian methods, the Wiener filter and the Poisson-Lognormal filter. Using galaxy mock catalogues we quantify the accuracy of the counts-in-cells measurements on scales of R=5 and 8 Mpc/h after applying each of these methods. We also study how they perform to account for spectroscopic redshift error and inhomogeneous and sparse sampling rate. We find that in VIPERS the errors in counts-in-cells measurements on R<10 Mpc/h scales are dominated by the sparseness of the sample. All methods underpredict by 20-35% the counts at high densities. This systematic bias is of the same order as random errors. No method outperforms the others. Random and systematic errors decrease for larger cells. We show that it is possible to separate the lowest and highest densities on scales of 5 Mpc/h at redshifts 0.5<z<1.1, over a large volume such as in VIPERS survey. This is vital for the characterisation of cosmic variance and rare populations (e.g, brightest galaxies) in environmental studies at these redshifts.
83 - O. Le Fevre 2013
We measure and analyse the redshift distribution N(z) of magnitude-selected samples using spectroscopic redshift measurement from the magnitude-selected VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS) with 17<iAB<24.75. We compute the N(z) and provide reference parametric fits for i band, J, H and Ks band magnitud limited samples. The N(z) of a sample with iAB<24 has a mean redshift z=0.92, with 8.2% of the galaxies with z>2. Down to iAB<24.75 the sample has a mean redshift z=1.15 and 17.1% of the galaxies are beyond z=2. The projected sky density is 2.07+/-0.12 gal/arcmin2 at 1.4<z<2.5 and KsAB<22.5, 1.72+/-0.15 gal/arcmin2 at 2.7<z<3.4 and 0.59+/-0.09 gal/arcmin2 at 3.4<z<4.5 brighter than iAB=24.75. Galaxies at z~3 identified from magnitude-selected samples are 1.5 to 3 times more numerous than when they are colour-colour selected. We demonstrate that colour-colour selected samples over 1.4<z<4.5 are strongly contaminated by galaxies at other redshifts. Semi-analytic models on the Millennium simulations under-predict the number of luminous star-forming galaxies at zsim1.8-2, as well as over-predict the number of low-luminosity galaxies at z<0.8. Our study provides comprehensive galaxy number counts N(z) from galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts over a large redshift domain 0<z<5, a solid basis for the measurement of volume-complete quantities. Magnitude-selected surveys identify a higher number of galaxies at z>2 than in colour-colour selected samples, and we use the magnitude-selected VVDS to emphasize the large uncertainties associated to other surveys using colour or colour-colour selected samples. Our results further demonstrate that semi-analytical models on dark matter simulations have yet to find the right balance of physical processes and time-scales to properly reproduce a fundamental galaxy population property like the observed N(z).
We describe the completed VIMOS VLT Deep Survey, and the final data release of 35016 galaxies and type-I AGN with measured spectroscopic redshifts up to redshift z~6.7, in areas 0.142 to 8.7 square degrees, and volumes from 0.5x10^6 to 2x10^7h^-3Mpc^3. We have selected samples of galaxies based solely on their i-band magnitude reaching i_{AB}=24.75. Spectra have been obtained with VIMOS on the ESO-VLT, integrating 0.75h, 4.5h and 18h for the Wide, Deep, and Ultra-Deep nested surveys. A total of 1263 galaxies have been re-observed independently within the VVDS, and from the VIPERS and MASSIV surveys. They are used to establish the redshift measurements reliability, to assess completeness, and to provide a weighting scheme taking into account the survey selection function. We describe the main properties of the VVDS samples, and the VVDS is compared to other spectroscopic surveys. In total we have obtained spectroscopic redshifts for 34594 galaxies, 422 type-I AGN, and 12430 Galactic stars. The survey has enabled to identify galaxies up to very high redshifts with 4669 redshifts in 1<=z_{spec}<=2, 561 in 2<=z_{spec}<=3 and 468 with z_{spec}>3, and specific populations like LAE have been identified out to z=6.62. We show that the VVDS occupies a unique place in the parameter space defined by area, depth, redshift coverage, and number of spectra. The VVDS provides a comprehensive survey of the distant universe, covering all epochs since z, or more than 12 Gyr of cosmic time, with a uniform selection, the largest such sample to date. A wealth of science results derived from the VVDS have shed new light on the evolution of galaxies and AGN, and their distribution in space, over this large cosmic time. A final public release of the complete VVDS spectroscopic redshift sample is available at
[Abridged] We perform on galaxy mock catalogues the same colour-density analysis made by Cucciati et al. (2006) on a 5 Mpc/h scale using the VVDS-Deep survey, and compare the results from mocks with observed data. We use mocks with the same flux limits (I=24) as the VVDS (CMOCKS), built using the semi- analytic model by De Lucia & Blaizot (2007) applied to the Millennium Simulation. From CMOCKS, we extracted samples of galaxies mimicking the VVDS observational strategy (OMOCKS). We computed the B-band Luminosity Function LF and the colour-density relation (CDR) in the mocks. We find that the LF in mocks roughly agrees with the observed LF, but at z<0.8 the faint-end slope of the model LF is steeper than the VVDS one. Computing the LF for early and late type galaxies, we show that mocks have an excess of faint early-type and of bright late-type galaxies with respect to data. We find that the CDR in OMOCKS is in excellent agreement with the one in CMOCKS. At z~0.7, the CDR in mocks agrees with the VVDS one (red galaxies reside mainly in high densities). Yet, the strength of the CDR in mocks does not vary within 0.2<z<1.5, while the observed relation flattens with increasing z and possibly inverts at z=1.3. We argue that the lack of evolution in the CDR in mocks is not due only to inaccurate prescriptions for satellite galaxies, but that also the treatment of central galaxies has to be revised. The reversal of the CDR can be explained by wet mergers between young galaxies, producing a starburst event. This should be seen on group scales. A residual of this is found in observations at z=1.5 on larger scales, but not in the mocks, suggesting that the treatment of physical processes affecting satellites and central galaxies in models should be revised.
[Abridged] We investigate the global galaxy evolution over 12 Gyr (0.05<z<4.5), from the star formation rate density (SFRD), combining the VVDS Deep (17.5<=I<=24.0) and Ultra-Deep (23.00<=i<=24.75) surveys. We obtain a single homogeneous spectroscopic redshift sample, totalizing about 11000 galaxies. We estimate the rest-frame FUV luminosity function (LF) and luminosity density (LD), extract the dust attenuation of the FUV radiation using SED fitting, and derive the dust-corrected SFRD. We find a constant and flat faint-end slope alpha in the FUV LF at z<1.7. At z>1.7, we set alpha steepening with (1+z). The absolute magnitude M*_FUV brightens in the entire range 0<z<4.5, and at z>2 it is on average brighter than in the literature, while phi* is smaller. Our total LD shows a peak at z=2, present also when considering all sources of uncertainty. The SFRD history peaks as well at z=2. It rises by a factor of 6 during 2 Gyr (from z=4.5 to z=2), and then decreases by a factor of 12 during 10 Gyr down to z=0.05. This peak is mainly produced by a similar peak within the population of galaxies with -21.5<=M_FUV<=-19.5 mag. As times goes by, the total SFRD is dominated by fainter and fainter galaxies. The presence of a clear peak at z=2 and a fast rise at z>2 of the SFRD is compelling for models of galaxy formation. The mean dust attenuation A_FUV of the global galaxy population rises by 1 mag during 2 Gyr from z=4.5 to z=2, reaches its maximum at z=1 (A_FUV=2.2 mag), and then decreases by 1.1 mag during 7 Gyr down to z=0. The dust attenuation maximum is reached 2 Gyr after the SFRD peak, implying a contribution from the intermediate-mass stars to the dust production at z<2.
276 - O. Cucciati , A. Iovino , K. Kovac 2010
[Abridged] With the first 10000 spectra of the flux limited zCOSMOS sample (I<=22.5) we study the evolution of environmental effects on galaxy properties since z=1.0, and disentangle the dependence among galaxy colour, stellar mass and local density (3D local density contrast `delta, computed with the 5th nearest neighbour approach). We confirm that within a luminosity-limited sample (M_B<=-20.5-z) the fraction of red (U-B>=1) galaxies f_red depends on delta at least up to z=1, with red galaxies residing mainly in high densities. This trend weakens for increasing z, and it is mirrored by the behaviour of the fraction of galaxies with D4000A break >=1.4. We also find that up to z=1 the fraction of galaxies with log(EW[OII]) >=1.15 is higher for lower delta, and also this dependence weakens for increasing z. Given the triple dependence among galaxy colours, stellar mass and delta, the colour-delta relation found in the luminosity-selected sample can be due to the broad range of stellar masses. Thus, we fix the stellar mass and we find that in this case the colour-delta relation is flat up to z=1 for galaxies with log(M/M_sun)>=10.7. This means that for these masses the colour-delta relation found in a luminosity-selected sample is the result of the combined colour-mass and mass-delta relations. In contrast, we find that for 0.1<=z<=0.5 and log(M/M_sun)<=10.7 f_red depends on delta even at fixed mass. In these mass and z ranges, environment affects directly also galaxy colours. We suggest a scenario in which the colour depends primarily on stellar mass, but for relatively low mass galaxies the local density modulates this dependence. These galaxies formed more recently, in an epoch when evolved structures were already in place, and their longer SFH allowed environment-driven physical processes to operate during longer periods of time.
[Abridged] We present a homogeneous and complete catalogue of optical groups identified in the purely flux limited (17.5<=I<=24.0) VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey (VVDS). We use mock catalogues extracted from the MILLENNIUM simulation, to correct for potential systematics that might affect the overall distribution as well as the individual properties of the identified systems. Simulated samples allow us to forecast the number and properties of groups that can be potentially found in a survey with VVDS-like selection functions. We use them to correct for the expected incompleteness and also to asses how well galaxy redshifts trace the line-of-sight velocity dispersion of the underlying mass overdensity. In particular, we train on these mock catalogues the adopted group-finding technique (the Voronoi-Delaunay Method, VDM). The goal is to fine-tune its free parameters, recover in a robust and unbiased way the redshift and velocity dispersion distributions of groups and maximize the level of completeness (C) and purity (P) of the group catalogue. We identify 318 VVDS groups with at least 2 members within 0.2<=z<=1.0, among which 144 (/30) with at least 3 (/5) members. The sample has globally C=60% and P=50%. Nearly 45% of the groups with at least 3 members are still recovered if we run the algorithm with a parameter set which maximizes P (75%). We exploit the group sample to study the redshift evolution of the fraction f_b of blue galaxies (U-B<=1) within 0.2<=z<=1. We find that f_b is significantly lower in groups than in the whole ensemble of galaxies irrespectively of their environment. These quantities increase with redshift, with f_b in groups showing a marginally significant steeper increase. We also confirm that, at any explored redshift, f_b decreases for increasing group richness, and we extend towards fainter luminosities the magnitude range over which this result holds.
We took advantage of the wealth of information provided by the first ~10000 galaxies of the zCOSMOS-bright survey and its group catalogue to study the complex interplay between group environment and galaxy properties. The classical indicator F_blue (fraction of blue galaxies) proved to be a simple but powerful diagnostic tool. We studied its variation for different luminosity and mass selected galaxy samples. Using rest-frame B-band selected samples, the groups galaxy population exhibits significant blueing as redshift increases, but maintains a lower F_blue with respect both to the global and the isolated galaxy population. However moving to mass selected samples it becomes apparent that such differences are largely due to the biased view imposed by the B-band luminosity selection, being driven by the population of lower mass, bright blue galaxies for which we miss the redder, equally low mass, counterparts. By focusing the analysis on narrow mass bins such that mass segregation becomes negligible we find that only for the lowest mass bin explored (logMass <= 10.6) does a significant residual difference in color remain as a function of environment, while this difference becomes negligible toward higher masses. Our results indicate that red galaxies of logMass >= 10.8 are already in place at z ~ 1 and do not exhibit any strong environmental dependence, possibly originating from so-called nature/internal mechanisms. In contrast, for lower galaxy masses and redshifts lower than z ~ 1, we observe the emergence in groups of a population of nurture red galaxies: slightly deviating from the trend of the downsizing scenario followed by the global galaxy population, and more so with cosmic time. These galaxies exhibit signatures of group-related secular physical mechanisms directly influencing galaxy evolution.

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