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Uncertainty relations (URs) like the Heisenberg-Robertson or the time-energy UR are often considered to be hallmarks of quantum theory. Here, a simple derivation of these URs is presented based on a single classical inequality from estimation theory, a Cramer-Rao-like bound. The Heisenberg-Robertson UR is then obtained by using the Born rule and the Schrodinger equation. This allows a clear separtion of the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics from the Hilbert space structure and the dynamical law. It also simplifies the interpretation of the bound. In addition, the Heisenberg-Robertson UR is tightened for mixed states by replacing one variance by the so-called quantum Fisher information. Thermal states of Hamiltonians with evenly-gapped energy levels are shown to saturate the tighter bound for natural choices of the operators. This example is further extended to Gaussian states of a harmonic oscillator. For many-qubit systems, we illustrate the interplay between entanglement and the structure of the operators that saturate the UR with spin-squeezed states and Dicke states.
We investigate the trade-off between information gain and disturbance for a class of weak von Neumann measurements on spin-$frac{1}{2}$ particles, and derive the unusual measurement pointer state that saturates this trade-off. We then consider the fundamental question of sharing the non-locality of a single particle of an entangled pair among multiple observers, and demonstrate that by exploiting the information gain disturbance trade-off, one can obtain an arbitrarily long sequence of consecutive and independent violations of the CHSH-Bell inequality.
General wisdom tells us that if two quantum states are ``macroscopically distinguishable then their superposition should be hard to observe. We make this intuition precise and general by quantifying the difficulty to observe the quantum nature of a superposition of two states that can be distinguished without microscopic accuracy. First, we quantify the distinguishability of any given pair of quantum states with measurement devices lacking microscopic accuracy, i.e. measurements suffering from limited resolution or limited sensitivity. Next, we quantify the required stability that have to be fulfilled by any measurement setup able to distinguish their superposition from a mere mixture. Finally, by establishing a relationship between the stability requirement and the ``macroscopic distinguishability of the two superposed states, we demonstrate that indeed, the more distinguishable the states are, the more demanding are the stability requirements.
Entanglement swapping is a process by which two initially independent quantum systems can become entangled and generate nonlocal correlations. To characterize such correlations, we compare them to those predicted by bilocal models, where systems that are initially independent are described by uncorrelated states. We extend in this paper the analysis of bilocal correlations initiated in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 170401 (2010)]. In particular, we derive new Bell-type inequalities based on the bilocality assumption in different scenarios, we study their possible quantum violations, and analyze their resistance to experimental imperfections. The bilocality assumption, being stronger than Bells standard local causality assumption, lowers the requirements for the demonstration of quantumness in entanglement swapping experiments.
We consider the problem of determining whether genuine multipartite entanglement was produced in an experiment, without relying on a characterization of the systems observed or of the measurements performed. We present an n-partite inequality that is satisfied by all correlations produced by measurements on biseparable quantum states, but which can be violated by n-partite entangled states, such as GHZ states. In contrast to traditional entanglement witnesses, the violation of this inequality implies that the state is not biseparable independently of the Hilbert space dimension and of the measured operators. Violation of this inequality does not imply, however, genuine multipartite non-locality. We show more generically how the problem of identifying genuine tripartite entanglement in a device-independent way can be addressed through semidefinite programming.
Spontaneous Raman emission in atomic gases provides an attractive source of photon pairs with a controllable delay. We show how this technique can be implemented in solid state systems by appropriately shaping the inhomogeneous broadening. Our proposal is eminently feasible with current technology and provides a realistic solution to entangle remote rare-earth doped solids in a heralded way.
The structure of Bell-type inequalities detecting genuine multipartite non-locality, and hence detecting genuine multipartite entanglement, is investigated. We first present a simple and intuitive approach to Svetlichnys original inequality, which provides a clear understanding of its structure and of its violation in quantum mechanics. Based on this approach, we then derive a family of Bell-type inequalities for detecting genuine multipartite non-locality in scenarios involving an arbitrary number of parties and systems of arbitrary dimension. Finally we discuss the thightness and quantum mechanical violations of these inequalities.
Finding all Bell inequalities for a given number of parties, measurement settings, and measurement outcomes is in general a computationally hard task. We show that all Bell inequalities which are symmetric under the exchange of parties can be found by examining a symmetrized polytope which is simpler than the full Bell polytope. As an illustration of our method, we generate 238885 new Bell inequalities and 1085 new Svetlichny inequalities. We find, in particular, facet inequalities for Bell experiments involving two parties and two measurement settings that are not of the Collins-Gisin-Linden-Massar-Popescu type.
In device-independent quantum key distribution (DIQKD), the violation of a Bell inequality is exploited to establish a shared key that is secure independently of the internal workings of the QKD devices. An experimental implementation of DIQKD, however, is still awaited, since hitherto all optical Bell tests are subject to the detection loophole, making the protocol unsecured. In particular, photon losses in the quantum channel represent a fundamental limitation for DIQKD. Here, we introduce a heralded qubit amplifier based on single-photon sources and linear optics that provides a realistic solution to overcome the problem of channel losses in Bell tests.
Private queries allow a user Alice to learn an element of a database held by a provider Bob without revealing which element she was interested in, while limiting her information about the other elements. We propose to implement private queries based on a quantum key distribution protocol, with changes only in the classical post-processing of the key. This approach makes our scheme both easy to implement and loss-tolerant. While unconditionally secure private queries are known to be impossible, we argue that an interesting degree of security can be achieved, relying on fundamental physical principles instead of unverifiable security assumptions in order to protect both user and database. We think that there is scope for such practical private queries to become another remarkable application of quantum information in the footsteps of quantum key distribution.

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