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Apart from viewing-dependent obscuration, intrinsic broad-line emission from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) follows an evolutionary sequence: Type $1 to 1.2/1.5 to 1.8/1.9 to 2$ as the accretion rate onto the central black hole is decreasing. This spectral evolution is controlled, at least in part, by the parameter $L_{rm bol}/M^{2/3}$, where $L_{rm bol}$ is the AGN bolometric luminosity and $M$ is the black hole mass. Both this dependence and the double-peaked profiles that emerge along the sequence arise naturally in the disk-wind scenario for the AGN broad-line region.
We report the results of a full-Stokes survey of all four 18 cm OH lines in 77 OH megamasers (OHMs) using the Arecibo Observatory. This is the first survey of OHMs that included observations of the OH satellite lines; only 4 of the 77 OHMs have existing satellite line observations in the literature. In 5 sources, satellite line emission is detected, with 3 of the 5 sources re-detections of previously published sources. The 2 sources with new detections of satellite line emission are IRAS F10173+0829, which was detected at 1720 MHz, and IRAS F15107+0724, for which both the 1612 MHz and 1720 MHz lines were detected. In IRAS F15107+0724, the satellite lines are partially conjugate, as 1720 MHz absorption and 1612 MHz emission have the same structure at some velocities within the source, along with additional broader 1612 MHz emission. This is the first observed example of conjugate satellite lines in an OHM. In the remaining sources, no satellite line emission is observed. The detections and upper limits are generally consistent with models of OHM emission in which all of the 18 cm OH lines have the same excitation temperature. There is no evidence for a significant population of strong satellite line emitters among OHMs.
We present a model in which the 22 GHz H$_2$O masers observed in star-forming regions occur behind shocks propagating in dense regions (preshock density $n_0 sim 10^6 - 10^8$ cm$^{-3}$). We focus on high-velocity ($v_s > 30$ km s$^{-1}$) dissociative J shocks in which the heat of H$_2$ re-formation maintains a large column of $sim 300-400$ K gas; at these temperatures the chemistry drives a considerable fraction of the oxygen not in CO to form H$_2$O. The H$_2$O column densities, the hydrogen densities, and the warm temperatures produced by these shocks are sufficiently high to enable powerful maser action. The observed brightness temperatures (generally $sim 10^{11} - 10^{14}$ K) are the result of coherent velocity regions that have dimensions in the shock plane that are 10 to 100 times the shock thickness of $sim 10^{13}$ cm. The masers are therefore beamed towards the observer, who typically views the shock edge-on, or perpendicular to the shock velocity; the brightest masers are then observed with the lowest line of sight velocities with respect to the ambient gas. We present numerical and analytic studies of the dependence of the maser inversion, the resultant brightness temperature, the maser spot size and shape, the isotropic luminosity, and the maser region magnetic field on the shock parameters and the coherence path length; the overall result is that in galactic H$_2$O 22 GHz masers these observed parameters can be produced in J shocks with $n_0sim 10^6 - 10^8$ cm$^{-3}$ and $v_s sim 30 -200$ km s$^{-1}$. A number of key observables such as maser shape, brightness temperature, and global isotropic luminosity depend only on the particle flux into the shock, $j=n_0v_s$, rather than on $n_0$ and $v_s$ separately.
255 - Moshe Elitzur 2012
The inevitable spread in properties of the toroidal obscuration of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) invalidates the widespread notion that type 1 and 2 AGNs are intrinsically the same objects, drawn randomly from the distribution of torus covering factors. Instead, AGNs are drawn emph{preferentially} from this distribution; type 2 are more likely drawn from the distribution higher end, type 1 from its lower end. Type 2 AGNs have a higher IR luminosity, lower narrow-line luminosity and a higher fraction of Compton thick X-ray obscuration than type 1. Meaningful studies of unification statistics cannot be conducted without first determining the intrinsic distribution function of torus covering factors.
Double-peaked line profiles are commonly considered a hallmark of rotating disks, with the distance between the peaks a measure of the rotation velocity. However, double-peaks can arise also from radiative transfer effects in optically thick non-rotating sources. Utilizing exact solutions of the line transfer problem we present a detailed study of line emission from geometrically thin Keplerian disks. We derive the conditions for emergence of kinematic double peaks in optically thin and thick disks, and find that it is generally impossible to disentangle the effects of kinematics and line opacity in observed double-peaked profiles. Unless supplemented by additional information, a double-peaked profile alone is not a reliable indicator of a rotating disk. In certain circumstances, triple and quadruple profiles might be better indicators of rotation in optically thick disks.
We compare observations of AGB stars and predictions of the Elitzur & Ivezic (2001) steady-state radiatively driven dusty wind model. The model results are described by a set of similarity functions of a single independent variable, and imply general scaling relations among the system parameters. We find that the model properly reproduces various correlations among the observed quantities and demonstrate that dust drift through the gas has a major impact on the structure of most winds. From data for nearby oxygen-rich and carbon-rich mass-losing stars we find that (1) the dispersion in grain properties within each group is rather small; (2) both the dust cross-section per gas particle and the dust-to-gas mass ratio are similar for the two samples even though the stellar atmospheres and grain properties are very different; (3) the dust abundance in both outflows is significantly below the Galactic average, indicating that most of the Galactic dust is not stardust - contrary to popular belief, but in support of Draine (2009). Our model results can be easily applied to recent massive data sets, such as the Spitzer SAGE survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud, and incorporated in galaxy evolution models.
The 10-micron silicate feature observed with Spitzer in active galactic nuclei (AGN) reveals some puzzling behavior. It (1) has been detected in emission in type 2 sources, (2) shows broad, flat-topped emission peaks shifted toward long wavelengths in several type 1 sources, and (3) is not seen in deep absorption in any source observed so far. We solve all three puzzles with our clumpy dust radiative transfer formalism. (1) We present the spectral energy distribution (SED) of SST1721+6012, the first type 2 quasar observed to show a clear 10-mic silicate feature in emission. We constructed a large database of clumpy torus models and performed extensive fitting of the observed SED, constraining several of the torus parameters. We find that the source bolometric luminosity is ~3*10^12 L_sun. Our modeling suggests that <35% of objects with tori sharing characteristics and geometry similar to the best fit would have their central engines obscured. This relatively low obscuration probability can explain the clear appearance of the 10-mic emission feature in SST1721+6012 together with its rarity among other QSO2. (2) We also fitted the SED of PG1211+143, one of the first type 1 QSOs with a 10-mic silicate feature in emission. Among similar sources, this QSO appears to display an unusually broadened feature whose peak is shifted toward longer wavelengths. Although this led to suggestions of non-standard dust chemistry in these sources, our analysis fits such SEDs with standard galactic dust; the apparent peak shifts arise from radiative transfer effects. (3) We find that the distribution of silicate feature strengths among clumpy torus models closely resembles the observed distribution, and the feature never occurs deeply absorbed. (abridged)
165 - Moshe Elitzur , Luis C. Ho 2009
The disk-wind scenario for the broad-line region (BLR) and toroidal obscuration in active galactic nuclei predicts the disappearance of the BLR at low luminosities. In accordance with the model predictions, data from a nearly complete sample of nearby AGNs show that the BLR disappears at luminosities lower than $5timesE{39} (M/10^7Mo)^{2/3}$ erg s$^{-1)$, where $M$ is the black hole mass. The radiative efficiency of accretion onto the black hole is $la E{-3}$ for these sources, indicating that their accretion is advection-dominated.
137 - Moshe Elitzur 2008
Toroidal obscuration is a keystone of AGN unification. There is now direct evidence for the torus emission in infrared, and possibly water masers. Here I summarize the torus properties, its possible relation to the immediate molecular environment of the AGN and present some speculations on how it might evolve with the AGN luminosity.
86 - Moshe Elitzur 2008
Observations give strong support for the unification scheme of active galactic nuclei. The scheme is premised on toroidal obscuration of the central engine by dusty clouds that are individually very optically thick. These lectures summarize the torus properties, describe the handling and implications of its clumpy nature and present speculations about its dynamic origin.

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