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Photon-mediated interactions between atomic systems are the cornerstone of quantum information transfer. They can arise via coupling to a common electromagnetic mode or by quantum interference. This can manifest in cooperative light-matter coupling, yielding collective rate enhancements such as those at the heart of superradiance, or remote entanglement via measurement-induced path erasure. Here, we report coherent control of cooperative emission arising from two distant but indistinguishable solid-state emitters due to path erasure. The primary signature of cooperative emission, the emergence of bunching at zero-delay in an intensity correlation experiment, is used to characterise the indistinguishability of the emitters, their dephasing, and the degree of correlation in the joint system which can be coherently controlled. In a stark departure from a pair of uncorrelated emitters, we observe photon statistics resembling that of a weak coherent state in Hong-Ou-Mandel type interference measurements. Our experiments establish new techniques to control and characterize cooperative behaviour between matter qubits using the full quantum optics toolbox, a key stepping stone on the route to realising large-scale quantum photonic networks.
The central challenge for describing the dynamics in open quantum systems is that the Hilbert space of typical environments is too large to be treated exactly. In some cases, such as when the environment has a short memory time or only interacts weakly with the system, approximate descriptions of the system are possible. Beyond these, numerically exact methods exist, but these are typically restricted to baths with Gaussian correlations, such as non-interacting bosons. Here we present a numerically exact method for simulating open quantum systems with arbitrary environments which consist of a set of independent degrees of freedom. Our approach automatically reduces the large number of environmental degrees of freedom to those which are most relevant. Specifically, we show how the process tensor -- which describes the effect of the environment -- can be iteratively constructed and compressed using matrix product state techniques. We demonstrate the power of this method by applying it to problems with bosonic, fermionic, and spin environments: electron transport, phonon effects and radiative decay in quantum dots, central spin dynamics, anharmonic environments, dispersive coupling to time-dependent lossy cavity modes, and superradiance. The versatility and efficiency of our automated compression of environments (ACE) method provides a practical general-purpose tool for open quantum systems.
Bell states are the most prominent maximally entangled photon states. In a typical four-level emitter, like a semiconductor quantum dot, the photon states exhibit only one type of Bell state entanglement. By adding an external driving to the emitter system, also other types of Bell state entanglement are reachable without changing the polarization basis. In this paper, we show under which conditions the different types of entanglement occur and give analytical equations to explain these findings. We further identify special points, where the concurrence, being a measure for the degree of entanglement, drops to zero, while the coherences between the two-photon states stay strong. Results of this work pave the way to achieve a controlled manipulation of the entanglement type in practical devices.
Understanding strongly interacting electrons enables the design of materials, nanostructures and devices. Developing this understanding relies on the ability to tune and control electron-electron interactions by, e.g., confining electrons to atomically thin layers of 2D crystals with reduced screening. The interplay of strong interactions on a hexagonal lattice with two nonequivalent valleys, topological moments, and the Ising-like spin-orbit interaction gives rise to a variety of phases of matter corresponding to valley and spin polarized broken symmetry states. In this work we describe a highly tunable strongly interacting system of electrons laterally confined to monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide MoS$_2$ by metalic gates. We predict the existence of valley and spin polarized broken symmetry states tunable by the parabolic confining potential using exact diagonalization techniques for up to $N=6$ electrons. We find that the ground state is formed by one of two phases, either both spin and valley polarized or valley unpolarised but spin intervalley antiferromagnetic, which compete as a function of electronic shell spacing. This finding can be traced back to the combined effect of Ising-like spin-orbit coupling and weak intervalley exchange interaction. These results provide an explanation for interaction-driven symmetry-breaking effects in valley systems and highlight the important role of electron-electron interactions for designing valleytronic devices.
We present a method to calculate many-body states of interacting carriers in million atom quantum nanostructures based on atomistic tight-binding calculations and a combination of iterative selection of configurations and perturbation theory. This method enables investigations of large excitonic complexes and multi-electron systems with near full configuration interaction accuracy, even though only a small subspace of the full many-body Hilbert space is sampled, thus saving orders of magnitudes in computational resources. Important advantages of this method are that the convergence is controlled by a single parameter, the threshold, and that ground and excited states can be treated on an equal footing. We demonstrate the extreme efficiency of the method by numerical studies of complexes composed of up to 13 excitons, which requires filling of states up to the fourth electronic shell. We find that the method generally converges fast as a function of the threshold, profiting from a significant enhancement due to the perturbative corrections. The role of the choice of single-particle basis states is discussed. It is found that the algorithm converges faster in the Hartree-Fock basis only for highly charged systems, where Coulomb repulsion dominates. Finally, based on the observation that second order perturbative energy corrections only depend on off-diagonal elements of the many-body Hamiltonian, we present a way to accurately calculate many-body states that requires only a relatively small number of Coulomb matrix elements.
We present here an atomistic theory of the electronic and optical properties of hexagonal InAsP quantum dots in InP nanowires in the wurtzite phase. These self-assembled quantum dots are unique in that their heights, shapes, and diameters are well known. Using a combined valence-force-field, tight-binding, and configuration-interaction approach we perform atomistic calculations of single-particle states and excitonic, biexcitonic and trion complexes as well as emission spectra as a function of the quantum dot height, diameter and As versus P concentration. The atomistic tight-binding parameters for InAs and InP in the wurtzite crystal phase were obtained by ab initio methods corrected by empirical band gaps. The low energy electron and hole states form electronic shells similar to parabolic or cylindrical quantum confinement, only weakly affected by hexagonal symmetry and As fluctuations. The relative alignment of the emission lines from excitons, trions and biexcitons agrees with that for InAs/InP dots in the zincblende phase in that biexcitons and positive trions are only weakly bound. The random distribution of As atoms leads to dot-to-dot fluctuations of a few meV for the single-particle states and the spectral lines. Due to the high symmetry of hexagonal InAsP nanowire quantum dots the exciton fine structure splitting is found to be small, of the order a few $mu$eV with significant random fluctuations in accordance with experiments.
We theoretically investigate the impact of excited states on the dynamics of the exciton ground state in diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wells. Exploiting the giant Zeeman shift in these materials, an external magnetic field is used to bring transitions between the exciton ground state and excited states close to resonance. It turns out that, when treating the exciton dynamics in terms of a quantum kinetic theory beyond the Markov approximation, higher exciton states are populated already well below the critical magnetic field required to bring the exciton ground state in resonance to an excited state. This behavior is explained by exciton-impurity correlations that can bridge energy differences on the order of a few meV and require a quantum kinetic description beyond the independent-particle picture. Of particular interest is the significant spin transfer toward states on the optically dark $2p$ exciton parabola which are protected against radiative decay.
We demonstrate theoretically that the single-photon purity of photons emitted from a quantum dot exciton prepared by phonon-assisted off-resonant excitation can be significantly higher in a wide range of parameters than that obtained by resonant preparation for otherwise identical conditions. Despite the off-resonant excitation the brightness stays on a high level. These surprising findings exploit that the phonon-assisted preparation is a two-step process where phonons first lead to a relaxation between laser-dressed states while high exciton occupations are reached only with a delay to the laser pulse maximum by adiabatically undressing the dot states. Due to this delay, possible subsequent processes, in particular multi-photon excitations, appear at a time when the laser pulse is almost gone. The resulting suppression of reexcitation processes increases the single-photon purity. Due to the spectral separation of the signal photons from the laser frequencies this enables the emission of high quality single photons not disturbed by a laser background while taking advantage of the robustness of the phonon assisted scheme.
We investigate the origin of overshoots in the exciton spin dynamics after resonant optical excitation. As a material system, we focus on diluted magnetic semiconductor quantum wells as they provide a strong spin-flip scattering for the carriers. Our study shows that overshoots can appear as a consequence of radiative decay even on the single-particle level in a theory without any memory. The magnitude of the overshoots in this case depends strongly on the temperature as well as the doping fraction of the material. If many-body effects beyond the single-particle level become important so that a quantum-kinetic description is required, a spin overshoot appears already without radiative decay and is much more robust against variations of system parameters. We show that the origin of the spin overshoot can be determined either via its temperature dependence or via its behavior for different doping fractions. The results can be expected to apply to a wide range of semiconductors as long as radiative decay and a spin-flip mechanism are present.
We investigate the degree of entanglement quantified by the concurrence of photon pairs that are simultaneously emitted in the biexciton-exciton cascade from a quantum dot in a cavity. Four dot-cavity configurations are compared that differ with respect to the detuning between the cavity modes and the quantum dot transitions, corresponding to different relative weights of direct two-photon and sequential single-photon processes. The dependence of the entanglement on the exciton fine-structure splitting $delta$ is found to be significantly different for each of the four configurations. For a finite splitting and low temperatures, the highest entanglement is found when the cavity modes are in resonance with the two-photon transition between the biexciton and the ground state and, in addition, the biexciton has a finite binding energy of a few meV. However, this widely used configuration is rather strongly affected by phonons such that other dot-cavity configurations, that are commonly regarded as less suited for obtaining high degrees of entanglement, become more favorable already at temperatures on the order of 10 K and above. If the cavity modes are kept in resonance with one of the exciton-to-ground-state transitions and the biexciton binding energy is finite, the entanglement drastically drops for positive $delta$ with rising temperatures when $T$ is below $simeq$ 4 K, but is virtually independent of the temperature for higher $T$.

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