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126 - Han-Xin Yang , Ming Tang , 2015
In spite of the extensive previous efforts on traffic dynamics and epidemic spreading in complex networks, the problem of traffic-driven epidemic spreading on {em correlated} networks has not been addressed. Interestingly, we find that the epidemic threshold, a fundamental quantity underlying the spreading dynamics, exhibits a non-monotonic behavior in that it can be minimized for some critical value of the assortativity coefficient, a parameter characterizing the network correlation. To understand this phenomenon, we use the degree-based mean-field theory to calculate the traffic-driven epidemic threshold for correlated networks. The theory predicts that the threshold is inversely proportional to the packet-generation rate and the largest eigenvalue of the betweenness matrix. We obtain consistency between theory and numerics. Our results may provide insights into the important problem of controlling/harnessing real-world epidemic spreading dynamics driven by traffic flows.
How to identify influential nodes in social networks is of theoretical significance, which relates to how to prevent epidemic spreading or cascading failure, how to accelerate information diffusion, and so on. In this Letter, we make an attempt to find emph{effective multiple spreaders} in complex networks by generalizing the idea of the coloring problem in graph theory to complex networks. In our method, each node in a network is colored by one kind of color and nodes with the same color are sorted into an independent set. Then, for a given centrality index, the nodes with the highest centrality in an independent set are chosen as multiple spreaders. Comparing this approach with the traditional method, in which nodes with the highest centrality from the emph{entire} network perspective are chosen, we find that our method is more effective in accelerating the spreading process and maximizing the spreading coverage than the traditional method, no matter in network models or in real social networks. Meanwhile, the low computational complexity of the coloring algorithm guarantees the potential applications of our method.
82 - Panpan Shu , Wei Wang , Ming Tang 2014
Epidemic threshold is one of the most important features of the epidemic dynamics. Through a lot of numerical simulations in classic Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) and Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) models on various types of networks, we study the simulated identification of epidemic thresholds on finite-size networks. We confirm that the susceptibility measure goes awry for the SIR model due to the bimodal distribution of outbreak sizes near the critical point, while the simulated thresholds of the SIS and SIR models can be accurately determined by analyzing the peak of the epidemic variability. We further verify the accuracy of theoretical predictions derived by the heterogeneous mean-field theory (HMF) and the quenched mean-field theory (QMF), by comparing them with the simulated threshold of the SIR model obtained from the variability measure. The results show that the HMF prediction agrees very well with the simulated threshold, except the case that the networks are disassortive, in which the QMF prediction is more close to the simulated threshold.
Recently, the impacts of spatiotemporal heterogeneities of human activities on spreading dynamics have attracted extensive attention. In this paper, to study heterogeneous response times on information spreading, we focus on the susceptible-infected spreading dynamics with adjustable power-law response time distribution based on uncorrelated scale-free networks. We find that the stronger the heterogeneity of response times is, the faster the information spreading is in the early and middle stages. Following a given heterogeneity, the procedure of reducing the correlation between the response times and degrees of individuals can also accelerate the spreading dynamics in the early and middle stages. However, the dynamics in the late stage is slightly more complicated, and there is an optimal value of the full prevalence time changing with the heterogeneity of response times and the response time-degree correlation, respectively. The optimal phenomena results from the efficient allocation of heterogeneous response times.
155 - Panpan Shu , Ming Tang , Kai Gong 2012
Weak ties play a significant role in the structures and the dynamics of community networks. Based on the susceptible-infected model in contact process, we study numerically how weak ties influence the predictability of epidemic dynamics. We first investigate the effects of different kinds of weak ties on the variabilities of both the arrival time and the prevalence of disease, and find that the bridgeness with small degree can enhance the predictability of epidemic spreading. Once weak ties are settled, compared with the variability of arrival time, the variability of prevalence displays a diametrically opposed changing trend with both the distance of the initial seed to the bridgeness and the degree of the initial seed. More specifically, the further distance and the larger degree of the initial seed can induce the better predictability of arrival time and the worse predictability of prevalence. Moreover, we discuss the effects of weak tie number on the epidemic variability. As community strength becomes very strong, which is caused by the decrease of weak tie number, the epidemic variability will change dramatically. Compared with the case of hub seed and random seed, the bridgenss seed can result in the worst predictability of arrival time and the best predictability of prevalence. These results show that the variability of arrival time always marks a complete reversal trend of that of prevalence, which implies it is impossible to predict epidemic spreading in the early stage of outbreaks accurately.
Despite the structural properties of online social networks have attracted much attention, the properties of the close-knit friendship structures remain an important question. Here, we mainly focus on how these mesoscale structures are affected by the local and global structural properties. Analyzing the data of four large-scale online social networks reveals several common structural properties. It is found that not only the local structures given by the indegree, outdegree, and reciprocal degree distributions follow a similar scaling behavior, the mesoscale structures represented by the distributions of close-knit friendship structures also exhibit a similar scaling law. The degree correlation is very weak over a wide range of the degrees. We propose a simple directed network model that captures the observed properties. The model incorporates two mechanisms: reciprocation and preferential attachment. Through rate equation analysis of our model, the local-scale and mesoscale structural properties are derived. In the local-scale, the same scaling behavior of indegree and outdegree distributions stems from indegree and outdegree of nodes both growing as the same function of the introduction time, and the reciprocal degree distribution also shows the same power-law due to the linear relationship between the reciprocal degree and in/outdegree of nodes. In the mesoscale, the distributions of four closed triples representing close-knit friendship structures are found to exhibit identical power-laws, a behavior attributed to the negligible degree correlations. Intriguingly, all the power-law exponents of the distributions in the local-scale and mesoscale depend only on one global parameter -- the mean in/outdegree, while both the mean in/outdegree and the reciprocity together determine the ratio of the reciprocal degree of a node to its in/outdegree.
Compared with direct-gap semiconductors, the valley degeneracy of silicon and germanium opens up new channels for spin relaxation that counteract the spin degeneracy of the inversion-symmetric system. Here the symmetries of the electron-phonon interaction for silicon and germanium are identified and the resulting spin lifetimes are calculated. Room-temperature spin lifetimes of electrons in silicon are found to be comparable to those in gallium arsenide, however, the spin lifetimes in silicon or germanium can be tuned by reducing the valley degeneracy through strain or quantum confinement. The tunable range is limited to slightly over an order of magnitude by intravalley processes.
177 - Ming-Tang Chen 2009
The Y. T. Lee Array for Microwave Background (AMiBA) has reported the first science results on the detection of galaxy clusters via the Sunyaev Zeldovich effect. The science objectives required small reflectors in order to sample large scale structures (20) while interferometry provided modest resolutions (2). With these constraints, we designed for the best sensitivity by utilizing the maximum possible continuum bandwidth matched to the atmospheric window at 86-102GHz, with dual polarizations. A novel wide-band analog correlator was designed that is easily expandable for more interferometer elements. MMIC technology was used throughout as much as possible in order to miniaturize the components and to enhance mass production. These designs will find application in other upcoming astronomy projects. AMiBA is now in operations since 2006, and we are in the process to expand the array from 7 to 13 elements.
It is generally believed that a point defect in graphene gives rise to an impurity state at zero energy and causes a sharp peak in the local density of states near the defect site. We revisit the defect problem in graphene and find the general consensus incorrect. By both analytic and numeric methods, we show that the contribution to the local density of states from the impurity state vanishes in the thermodynamic limit. Instead, the pronounced peak of the zero-bias anomaly is a power-law singularity $1/|E|$ from infinite resonant peaks in the low-energy regime induced by the defect. Our finding shows that the peak shall be viewed as a collective phenomenon rather than a single impurity state in previous studies.
The magnetic circular dichroism of III-V diluted magnetic semiconductors, calculated within a theoretical framework suitable for highly disordered materials, is shown to be dominated by optical transitions between the bulk bands and an impurity band formed from magnetic dopant states. The theoretical framework incorporates real-space Greens functions to properly incorporate spatial correlations in the disordered conduction band and valence band electronic structure, and includes extended and localized electronic states on an equal basis. Our findings reconcile unusual trends in the experimental magnetic circular dichroism in III-V DMSs with the antiferromagnetic p-d exchange interaction between a magnetic dopant spin and its host.

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