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Here we revisit line identifications of type I supernovae and highlight trace amounts of unburned hydrogen as an important free parameter for the composition of the progenitor. Most 1-dimensional stripped-envelope models of supernovae indicate that observed features near 6000-6400 Ang in type I spectra are due to more than Si II 6355. However, while an interpretation of conspicuous Si II 6355 can approximate 6150 Ang absorption features for all type Ia supernovae during the first month of free expansion, similar identifications applied to 6250 Ang features of type Ib and Ic supernovae have not been as successful. When the corresponding synthetic spectra are compared to high quality time-series observations, the computed spectra are frequently too blue in wavelength. Some improvement can be achieved with Fe II lines that contribute red-ward of 6150 Ang, however the computed spectra either remain too blue, or the spectrum only reaches fair agreement when the rise-time to peak brightness of the model conflicts with observations by a factor of two. This degree of disagreement brings into question the proposed explosion scenario. Similarly, a detection of strong Si II 6355 in the spectra of broad-lined Ic and super-luminous events of type I/R is less convincing despite numerous model spectra used to show otherwise. Alternatively, we suggest 6000-6400 Ang features are possibly influenced by either trace amounts of hydrogen, or blue-shifted absorption and emission in Halpha, the latter being an effect which is frequently observed in the spectra of hydrogen-rich, type II supernovae.
We present radio and X-ray observations of the nearby Type IIb Supernova 2013df in NGC4414 from 10 to 250 days after the explosion. The radio emission showed a peculiar soft-to-hard spectral evolution. We present a model in which inverse Compton cooling of synchrotron emitting electrons can account for the observed spectral and light curve evolution. A significant mass loss rate, $dot{M} approx 8 times 10^{-5},rm M_{odot}/yr$ for a wind velocity of 10 km/s, is estimated from the detailed modeling of radio and X-ray emission, which are primarily due to synchrotron and bremsstrahlung, respectively. We show that SN 2013df is similar to SN 1993J in various ways. The shock wave speed of SN 2013df was found to be average among the radio supernovae; $v_{sh}/c sim 0.07$. We did not find any significant deviation from smooth decline in the light curve of SN 2013df. One of the main results of our self-consistent multiband modeling is the significant deviation from energy equipartition between magnetic fields and relativistic electrons behind the shock. We estimate $epsilon_{e} = 200 epsilon_{B}$. In general for Type IIb SNe, we find that the presence of bright optical cooling envelope emission is linked with free-free radio absorption and bright thermal X-ray emission. This finding suggests that more extended progenitors, similar to that of SN 2013df, suffer from substantial mass loss in the years before the supernova.
In recent years, wide-field sky surveys providing deep multi-band imaging have presented a new path for indirectly characterizing the progenitor populations of core-collapse supernovae (SN): systematic light curve studies. We assemble a set of 76 grizy-band Type IIP SN light curves from Pan-STARRS1, obtained over a constant survey program of 4 years and classified using both spectroscopy and machine learning-based photometric techniques. We develop and apply a new Bayesian model for the full multi-band evolution of each light curve in the sample. We find no evidence of a sub-population of fast-declining explosions (historically referred to as Type IIL SNe). However, we identify a highly significant relation between the plateau phase decay rate and peak luminosity among our SNe IIP. These results argue in favor of a single parameter, likely determined by initial stellar mass, predominantly controlling the explosions of red supergiants. This relation could also be applied for supernova cosmology, offering a standardizable candle good to an intrinsic scatter of 0.2 mag. We compare each light curve to physical models from hydrodynamic simulations to estimate progenitor initial masses and other properties of the Pan-STARRS1 Type IIP SN sample. We show that correction of systematic discrepancies between modeled and observed SN IIP light curve properties and an expanded grid of progenitor properties, are needed to enable robust progenitor inferences from multi-band light curve samples of this kind. This work will serve as a pathfinder for photometric studies of core-collapse SNe to be conducted through future wide field transient searches.
We present late-time radio and X-ray observations of the nearby sub-energetic Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB)100316D associated with supernova (SN) 2010bh. Our broad-band analysis constrains the explosion properties of GRB100316D to be intermediate between highly relativistic, collimated GRBs and the spherical, ordinary hydrogen-stripped SNe. We find that ~10^49 erg is coupled to mildly-relativistic (Gamma=1.5-2), quasi-spherical ejecta, expanding into a medium previously shaped by the progenitor mass-loss with rate Mdot ~10^-5 Msun yr^-1 (for wind velocity v_w = 1000 km s^-1). The kinetic energy profile of the ejecta argues for the presence of a central engine and identifies GRB100316D as one of the weakest central-engine driven explosions detected to date. Emission from the central engine is responsible for an excess of soft X-ray radiation which dominates over the standard afterglow at late times (t>10 days). We connect this phenomenology with the birth of the most rapidly rotating magnetars. Alternatively, accretion onto a newly formed black hole might explain the excess of radiation. However, significant departure from the standard fall-back scenario is required.
We present extensive multi-wavelength observations of the extremely rapidly declining Type Ic supernova, SN 2005ek. Reaching a peak magnitude of M_R = -17.3 and decaying by ~3 mag in the first 15 days post-maximum, SN 2005ek is among the fastest Type I supernovae observed to date. The spectra of SN 2005ek closely resemble those of normal SN Ic, but with an accelerated evolution. There is evidence for the onset of nebular features at only nine days post-maximum. Spectroscopic modeling reveals an ejecta mass of ~0.3 Msun that is dominated by oxygen (~80%), while the pseudo-bolometric light curve is consistent with an explosion powered by ~0.03 Msun of radioactive Ni-56. Although previous rapidly evolving events (e.g., SN 1885A, SN 1939B, SN 2002bj, SN 2010X) were hypothesized to be produced by the detonation of a helium shell on a white dwarf, oxygen-dominated ejecta are difficult to reconcile with this proposed mechanism. We find that the properties of SN 2005ek are consistent with either the edge-lit double detonation of a low-mass white dwarf or the iron-core collapse of a massive star, stripped by binary interaction. However, if we assume that the strong spectroscopic similarity of SN 2005ek to other SN Ic is an indication of a similar progenitor channel, then a white-dwarf progenitor becomes very improbable. SN 2005ek may be one of the lowest mass stripped-envelope core-collapse explosions ever observed. We find that the rate of such rapidly declining Type I events is at least 1-3% of the normal SN Ia rate.
We report on our discovery and observations of the Pan-STARRS1 supernova (SN) PS1-12sk, a transient with properties that indicate atypical star formation in its host galaxy cluster or pose a challenge to popular progenitor system models for this class of explosion. The optical spectra of PS1-12sk classify it as a Type Ibn SN (c.f. SN 2006jc), dominated by intermediate-width (3x10^3 km/s) and time variable He I emission. Our multi-wavelength monitoring establishes the rise time dt = 9-23 days and shows an NUV-NIR SED with temperature > 17x10^3 K and a peak rise magnitude of Mz = -18.9 mag. SN Ibn spectroscopic properties are commonly interpreted as the signature of a massive star (17 - 100 M_sun) explosion within a He-enriched circumstellar medium. However, unlike previous Type Ibn supernovae, PS1-12sk is associated with an elliptical brightest cluster galaxy, CGCG 208-042 (z = 0.054) in cluster RXC J0844.9+4258. The expected probability of an event like PS1-12sk in such environments is low given the measured infrequency of core-collapse SNe in red sequence galaxies compounded by the low volumetric rate of SN Ibn. Furthermore, we find no evidence of star formation at the explosion site to sensitive limits (Sigma Halpha < 2x10^-3 M_sun/yr/kpc^2). We therefore discuss white dwarf binary systems as a possible progenitor channel for SNe Ibn. We conclude that PS1-12sk represents either a fortuitous and statistically unlikely discovery, evidence for a top-heavy IMF in galaxy cluster cooling flow filaments, or the first clue suggesting an alternate progenitor channel for Type Ibn SNe.
We present X-ray, UV/optical, and radio observations of the stripped-envelope, core-collapse supernova (SN) 2011ei, one of the least luminous SNe IIb or Ib observed to date. Our observations begin with a discovery within 1 day of explosion and span several months afterward. Early optical spectra exhibit broad, Type II-like hydrogen Balmer profiles that subside rapidly and are replaced by Type Ib-like He-rich features on the timescale of one week. High-cadence monitoring of this transition suggests that absorption attributable to a high velocity (> 12,000 km/s) H-rich shell is not rare in Type Ib events. Radio observations imply a shock velocity of v = 0.13c and a progenitor star mass-loss rate of 1.4 x 10^{-5} Msun yr^{-1} (assuming wind velocity v_w=10^3 km/s). This is consistent with independent constraints from deep X-ray observations with Swift-XRT and Chandra. Overall, the multi-wavelength properties of SN 2011ei are consistent with the explosion of a lower-mass (3-4 Msun), compact (R* <= 1x10^{11} cm), He core star. The star retained a thin hydrogen envelope at the time of explosion, and was embedded in an inhomogeneous circumstellar wind suggestive of modest episodic mass-loss. We conclude that SN 2011eis rapid spectral metamorphosis is indicative of time-dependent classifications that bias estimates of explosion rates for Type IIb and Ib objects, and that important information about a progenitor stars evolutionary state and mass-loss immediately prior to SN explosion can be inferred from timely multi-wavelength observations.
111 - Nathan E. Sanders 2012
We present the largest spectroscopic study of the host environments of Type Ibc supernovae (SN Ibc) discovered exclusively by untargeted SN searches. Past studies of SN Ibc host environments have been biased towards high-mass, high-metallicity galaxies by focusing on SNe discovered in galaxy-targeted SN searches. Our new observations more than double the total number of spectroscopic stellar population age and metallicity measurements published for untargeted SN Ibc host environments, and extend to a median redshift about twice as large as previous statistical studies (z = 0.04). For the 12 SNe Ib and 21 SNe Ic in our metallicity sample, we find median metallicities of log(O/H)+12 = 8.48 and 8.61, respectively, but determine that the discrepancy in the full distribution of metallicities is not statistically significant. This median difference would correspond to only a small difference in the mass loss via metal-line driven winds (<30%), suggesting this does not play the dominant role in distinguishing SN Ib and Ic progenitors. However, the median metallicity of the 7 broad-lined SN Ic (SN Ic-BL) in our sample is significantly lower, log(O/H)+12 = 8.34. The age of the young stellar population of SN Ic-BL host environments also seems to be lower than for SN Ib and Ic, but our age sample is small. A synthesis of SN Ibc host environment spectroscopy to date does not reveal a significant difference in SN Ib and Ic metallicities, but reinforces the significance of the lower metallicities for SN Ic-BL. This combined sample demonstrates that galaxy-targeted SN searches introduce a significant bias for studies seeking to infer the metallicity distribution of SN progenitors, and we identify and discuss other systematic effects that play smaller roles. We discuss the path forward for making progress on SN Ibc progenitor studies in the LSST era.
We report unique EVLA observations of SN 2011fe representing the most sensitive radio study of a Type Ia supernova to date. Our data place direct constraints on the density of the surrounding medium at radii ~10^15-10^16 cm, implying an upper limit on the mass loss rate from the progenitor system of Mdot <~ 6 x 10^-10 Msol/yr (assuming a wind speed of 100 km/s), or expansion into a uniform medium with density n_CSM <~ 6 cm^-3. Drawing from the observed properties of non-conservative mass transfer among accreting white dwarfs, we use these limits on the density of the immediate environs to exclude a phase space of possible progenitors systems for SN 2011fe. We rule out a symbiotic progenitor system and also a system characterized by high accretion rate onto the white dwarf that is expected to give rise to optically-thick accretion winds. Assuming that a small fraction, 1%, of the mass accreted is lost from the progenitor system, we also eliminate much of the potential progenitor parameter space for white dwarfs hosting recurrent novae or undergoing stable nuclear burning. Therefore, we rule out the most popular single degenerate progenitor models for SN 2011fe, leaving a limited phase space inhabited by some double degenerate systems and exotic progenitor scenarios.
We report on Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) observations of the Type IIb supernova 2011dh, performed over the first 100 days of its evolution and spanning 1-40 GHz in frequency. The radio emission is well-described by the self-similar propagation of a spherical shockwave, generated as the supernova ejecta interact with the local circumstellar environment. Modeling this emission with a standard synchrotron self-absorption (SSA) model gives an average expansion velocity of v approx 0.1c, supporting the classification of the progenitor as a compact star (R_* approx 10^11 cm). We find that the circumstellar density is consistent with a {rho} propto r^-2 profile. We determine that the progenitor shed mass at a constant rate of approx 3 times 10^-5 M_odot / yr, assuming a wind velocity of 1000 km / s (values appropriate for a Wolf-Rayet star), or approx 7 times 10^-7 M_odot / yr assuming 20 km / s (appropriate for a yellow supergiant [YSG] star). Both values of the mass-loss rate assume a converted fraction of kinetic to magnetic energy density of {epsilon}_B = 0.1. Although optical imaging shows the presence of a YSG, the rapid optical evolution and fast expansion argue that the progenitor is a more compact star - perhaps a companion to the YSG. Furthermore, the excellent agreement of the radio properties of SN 2011dh with the SSA model implies that any YSG companion is likely in a wide, non-interacting orbit.

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