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In this article we study the nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with a Gaussian regulator in the chiral limit. Finite temperature effects and the presence of a homogeneous magnetic field are considered. The magnetic evolution of the critical temperature for chiral symmetry restoration is then obtained. Here we restrict ourselves to the case of low magnetic field values, being this a complementary discussion to the exisiting analysis in nonlocal models in the strong magnetic field regime.
We consider the evolution of critical temperature both for the formation of a pion condensate as well as for the chiral transition, from the perspective of the linear sigma model, in the background of a magnetic field. We developed the discussion for the pion condensate in one loop approximation for the effective potential getting magnetic catalysis for high values of B, i.e. a raising of the critical temperature with the magnetic field. For the analysis of the chiral restoration, we go beyond this approximation, by taking one loop thermo-magnetic corrections to the couplings as well as plasma screening effects for the bosons masses, expressed through the resumation of ring diagrams. Here we found the opposite behavior, i.e. inverse magnetica catalysis, i.e. a decreasing of the chiral critical temperature as function of the intensity of the magnetic field, which seems to be in agreement with recent results form the lattice community.
It has been recently pointed out, that nonlocal Nambu--Jona-Lasinio models, may present unphysical thermodynamical behavior like negative pressure and oscillating entropy. Here we show how these thermodynamic instabilities can be related to the analytical structure of the poles of the quark propagator in the model. The analysis is carried out for two different regulators and we show, in each case, how the instabilities are related to the pressence of highly unstable poles. We also argue that the softening of these instabilities by the inclusion of the Polyakov loop is related to the effect the latter has on the poles of the propagator.
We compute the critical temperature for the chiral transition in the background of a magnetic field in the linear sigma model, including the quark contribution and the thermo-magnetic effects induced on the coupling constants at one loop level. We show that the critical temperature decreases as a function of the field strength. The effect of fermions on the critical temperature is small and the main effect on this observable comes from the charged pions. The findings support the idea that the anticatalysis phenomenon receives a contribution due only to quiral symmetry effects independent of the deconfinement transition.
We discuss the charged pion condensation phenomenon in the linear sigma model, in the presence of an external uniform magnetic field. The critical temperature is obtained as a function of the external magnetic field, assuming the transition is of second order, by considering a dilute gas at low temperature. As a result we found magnetic anti-catalysis in the Bose-Einstein condensation for lower values of the external magnetic field, and catalysis for higher values of the external magnetic field. This behavior confirms previous results with a single charged scalar field.
In this article we study the finite temperature and chemical potential effects in a nonlocal Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (nNJL) model in the real time formalism. We make the usual Wick rotation to get from imaginary to real time formalism. In doing so, we need to define our regulator in the complex plane q^2. This deffinition will be crucial in our later analysis. We study the poles in the propagator of this model and conclude that only some of them are of interst to us. Once we have a well defined model in real time formalism, we look at the chiral condensate to find the temperature at which chiral symmetry restoration will occur. We find a second order phase transition that turns to a first order one for high enough values of the chemical potential.
439 - H. Falomir , J. Gamboa , M. Loewe 2011
A three-dimensional harmonic oscillator with spin non-commutativity in the phase space is considered. The system has a regular symplectic structure and by using supersymmetric quantum mechanics techniques, the ground state is calculated exactly. We find that this state is infinitely degenerate and it has explicit spontaneous broken symmetry. Analyzing the Heisenberg equations, we show that the total angular momentum is conserved.
78 - H. Falomir , J. Gamboa , M. Loewe 2011
In this article we employ a simple nonrelativistic model to describe the low energy excitation of graphene. The model is based on a deformation of the Heisenberg algebra which makes the commutator of momenta proportional to the pseudo-spin. We solve the Landau problem for the resulting Hamiltonian which reduces, in the large mass limit while keeping fixed the Fermi velocity, to the usual linear one employed to describe these excitations as massless Dirac fermions. This model, extended to negative mass, allows to reproduce the leading terms in the low energy expansion of the dispersion relation for both nearest and next-to-nearest neighbor interactions. Taking into account the contributions of both Dirac points, the resulting Hall conductivity, evaluated with a $zeta$-function approach, is consistent with the anomalous integer quantum Hall effect found in graphene. Moreover, when considered in first order perturbation theory, it is shown that the next-to-leading term in the interaction between nearest neighbor produces no modifications in the spectrum of the model while an electric field perpendicular to the magnetic field produces just a rigid shift of this spectrum. PACS: 03.65.-w, 81.05.ue, 73.43.-f
The thermal evolution of the hadronic parameters of charmonium in the vector channel, i.e. the J/psi resonance mass, coupling (leptonic decay constant), total width, and continuum threshold is analyzed in the framework of thermal Hilbert moment QCD sum rules. The continuum threshold $s_0$, as in other hadronic channels, decreases with increasing temperature until the PQCD threshold s_0 = 4, m_Q^2 is reached at T simeq 1.22T_c (m_Q is the charm quark mass) and the J/psi mass is essentially constant in a wide range of temperatures. The other hadronic parameters behave in a very different way from those of light-light and heavy-light quark systems. The total width grows with temperature up to T simeq 1.04T_c beyond which it decreases sharply with increasing T. The resonance coupling is also initially constant beginning to increase monotonically around T simeq T_c. This behavior strongly suggests that the J/psi resonance might survive beyond the critical temperature for deconfinement, in agreement with lattice QCD results.
245 - C.A. Dominguez , M. Loewe , 2008
The Kroll-Lee-Zumino renormalizable Abelian quantum field theory of pions and a massive rho-meson is used to calculate the scalar radius of the pion at next to leading (one loop) order in perturbation theory. Due to renormalizability, this determination involves no free parameters. The result is $<r^2_pi>_s = 0.40 {fm}^2$. This value gives for $bar{ell}_4$, the low energy constant of chiral perturbation theory, $bar{ell}_4 = 3.4$, and $F_pi/F = 1.05$, where F is the pion decay constant in the chiral limit. Given the level of accuracy in the masses and the $rhopipi$ coupling, the only sizable uncertainty in this result is due to the (uncalculated) NNLO contribution.

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