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We have studied the emission of CO ro-vibrational lines in the disc around the Herbig Be star HD100546 with the final goal of using these lines as a diagnostic to understand inner disc structure in the context of planet formation. High-resolution IR spectra of CO ro-vibrational emission at eight different position angles were taken with CRIRES at the VLT. From these spectra flux tables, CO ro-vibrational line profiles, and population diagrams were produced. We have investigated variations in the line profile shapes and line strengths as a function of slit position angle. We used the thermochemical disc modelling code ProDiMo based on the chemistry, radiation field, and temperature structure of a previously published model for HD100546. Comparing observations and the model, we investigated the possibility of disc asymmetries, the excitation mechanism (UV fluorescence), the geometry, and physical conditions of the inner disc. The observed CO ro-vibrational lines are largely emitted from the inner rim of the outer disc at 10-13 AU. The line shapes are similar for all v levels and line fluxes from all vibrational levels vary only within one order of magnitude. All line profile asymmetries and variations can be explained with a symmetric disc model to which a slit correction and pointing offset is applied. Because the angular size of the CO emitting region (10-13 AU) and the slit width are comparable the line profiles are very sensitive to the placing of the slit. The model reproduces the line shapes and the fluxes of the v=1-0 lines as well as the spatial extent of the CO ro-vibrational emission. It does not reproduce the observed band ratios of 0.5-0.2 with higher vibrational bands. We find that lower gas volume densities at the surface of the inner rim of the outer disc can make the fluorescence pumping more effcient and reproduce the observed band ratios.
85 - M. Goto 2013
We report observations and analysis of infrared spectra of H3+ and CO lines in the Galactic center, within a few parsecs of the central black hole, Sgr A*. We find a cosmic ray ionization rate typically an order of magnitude higher than outside the Galactic center. Notwithstanding, the elevated cosmic ray ionization rate is 4 orders of magnitude too short to match the proton energy spectrum as inferred from the recent discovery of the TeV gamma-ray source in the vicinity of Sgr A*.
98 - M. Goto 2012
We report two-dimensional spectroastrometry of Br gamma emission of TW Hya to study the kinematics of the ionized gas in the star-disk interface region. The spectroastrometry with the integral field spectrograph SINFONI at the Very Large Telescope is sensitive to the positional offset of the line emission down to the physical scale of the stellar diameter (~0.01 AU). The centroid of Br gamma emission is displaced to the north with respect to the central star at the blue side of the emission line, and to the south at the red side. The major axis of the centroid motion is P.A.= -20 degrees, which is nearly equal to the major axis of the protoplanetary disk projected on the sky, previously reported by CO sub millimeter spectroscopy (P.A.= -27 degrees) The line-of-sight motion of the Br gamma emission, in which the northern side of the disk is approaching toward us, is also consistent with the direction of the disk rotation known from the CO observation. The agreement implies that the kinematics of Br gamma emission is accounted for by the ionized gas in the inner edge of the disk. A simple modeling of the astrometry, however, indicates that the accretion inflow similarly well reproduces the centroid displacements of Br gamma, but only if the position angles of the centroid motion and the projected disk ellipse is a chance coincidence. No clear evidence of disk wind is found.
135 - M. Goto 2011
The disk atmosphere is one of the fundamental elements of theoretical models of a protoplanetary disk. However, the direct observation of the warm gas (>> 100 K) at large radius of a disk (>> 10 AU) is challenging, because the line emission from warm gas in a disk is usually dominated by the emission from an inner disk. Our goal is to detect the warm gas in the disk atmosphere well beyond 10 AU from a central star in a nearby disk system of the Herbig Be star HD 100546. We measured the excitation temperature of the vibrational transition of CO at incremental radii of the disk from the central star up to 50 AU, using an adaptive optics system combined with the high-resolution infrared spectrograph CRIRES at the VLT. The observation successfully resolved the line emission with 0.1 angular resolution, which is 10 AU at the distance of HD 100546. Population diagrams were constructed at each location of the disk, and compared with the models calculated taking into account the optical depth effect in LTE condition. The excitation temperature of CO is 400-500 K or higher at 50 AU away from the star, where the blackbody temperature in equilibrium with the stellar radiation drops as low as 90 K. This is unambiguous evidence of a warm disk atmosphere far away from the central star.
172 - M. Goto 2011
We present follow-up observations to those of Geballe & Oka (2010), who found high column densities of H3+ ~100 pc off of the Galactic center (GC) on the lines of sight to 2MASS J17432173-2951430 (J1743) and 2MASS J17470898-2829561 (J1747). The wavelength coverages on these sightlines have been extended in order to observe two key transitions of H3+, R(3,3)l and R(2,2)l, that constrain the temperatures and densities of the environments. The profiles of the H3+ R(3,3)l line, which is due only to gas in the GC, closely matches the differences between the H3+ R(1,1)l and CO line profiles, just as it does for previously studied sightlines in the GC. Absorption in the R(2,2)l line of H3+ is present in J1747 at velocities between -60 and +100 km/s. This is the second clear detection of this line in the interstellar medium after GCIRS 3 in the Central Cluster. The temperature of the absorbing gas in this velocity range is 350 K, significantly warmer than in the diffuse clouds in other parts of the Central Molecular Zone. This indicates that the absorbing gas is local to Sgr B molecular cloud complex. The warm and diffuse gas revealed by Oka et al. (2005) apparently extends to ~100 pc, but there is a hint that its temperature is somewhat lower in the line of sight to J1743 than elsewhere in the GC. The observation of H3+ toward J1747 is compared with the recent Herschel observation of H2O+ toward Sgr B2 and their chemical relationship and remarkably similar velocity profiles are discussed.
96 - M. Goto 2010
We report monitoring observations of the T Tauri star EX Lupi during its outburst in 2008 in the CO fundamental band at 4.6-5.0 um. The observations were carried out at the VLT and the Subaru Telescope at six epochs from April to August 2008, covering the plateau of the outburst and the fading phase to a quiescent state. The line flux of CO emission declines with the visual brightness of the star and the continuum flux at 5 um, but composed of two subcomponents that decay with different rates. The narrow line emission (50 km s-1 in FWHM) is near the systemic velocity of EX Lupi. These emission lines appear exclusively in v=1-0. The line widths translate to a characteristic orbiting radius of 0.4 AU. The broad line component (FWZI ~ 150 km s-1) is highly excited upto v<=6. The line flux of the component decreases faster than the narrow line emission. Simple modeling of the line profiles implies that the broad-line emitting gas is orbiting around the star at 0.04-0.4 AU. The excitation state, the decay speed of the line flux, and the line profile, indicate that the broad-line emission component is physically distinct from the narrow-line emission component, and more tightly related to the outburst event.
90 - C. Thalmann 2010
We present H- and Ks-band imaging data resolving the gap in the transitional disk around LkCa 15, revealing the surrounding nebulosity. We detect sharp elliptical contours delimiting the nebulosity on the inside as well as the outside, consistent with the shape, size, ellipticity, and orientation of starlight reflected from the far-side disk wall, whereas the near-side wall is shielded from view by the disks optically thick bulk. We note that forward-scattering of starlight on the near-side disk surface could provide an alternate interpretation of the nebulosity. In either case, this discovery provides confirmation of the disk geometry that has been proposed to explain the spectral energy distributions (SED) of such systems, comprising an optically thick outer disk with an inner truncation radius of ~46 AU enclosing a largely evacuated gap. Our data show an offset of the nebulosity contours along the major axis, likely corresponding to a physical pericenter offset of the disk gap. This reinforces the leading theory that dynamical clearing by at least one orbiting body is the cause of the gap. Based on evolutionary models, our high-contrast imagery imposes an upper limit of 21 Jupiter masses on companions at separations outside of 0.1 and of 13 Jupiter masses outside of 0.2. Thus, we find that a planetary system around LkCa 15 is the most likely explanation for the disk architecture.
461 - M. Goto 2008
We present spatially resolved 3 um spectra of Elias 1 obtained with an adaptive optics system. The central part of the disk is almost devoid of PAH emission at 3.3 um; it shows up only at 30 AU and beyond. The PAH emission extends up to 100 AU, at least to the outer boundary of our observation. The diamond emission, in contrast, is more centrally concentrated, with the column density peaked around 30 AU from the star. There are only three Herbig Ae/Be stars known to date that show diamond emission at 3.53 um. Two of them have low-mass companions likely responsible for the large X-ray flares observed toward the Herbig Ae/Be stars. We speculate on the origin of diamonds in circumstellar disks in terms of the graphitic material being transformed into diamond under the irradiation of highly energetic particles.

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