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We observed superconductivity ($T_{c}$ $simeq$2-3 K) in Li$_{x}$RhB$_{y}$ intermetallics wherein $x$ and $y$ vary over a wide compositional range. The crystal structure consists of cubic unit-cell ($a$ $simeq$ 12.1 AA ) with centro-symmetric space group $Pnbar{3}n$. A weak but positive pressure-induced increase of $T_{c}$ was observed. The correlations between the composition and each of the followings were followed over a wide range of $x$ and $y$: the unit-cell dimensions, $T_{c}$ , Sommerfeld coefficient $gamma$, Debye temperature $theta_{D}$, and critical fields $H$$_{c1}$ and $H$$_{c2}$. The thermal evolution of the electronic specific heat within the superconducting phase was observed to follow a quadratic-in-$T$ behavior. In addition, a paramagnetic Meissner Effect (PME) is manifested during a low-field-cooled magnetization cycle. This manifestation of quadratic-in-$T$ behavior and PME feature will be discussed.
Based on a systematic analysis of the thermal evolution of the resistivities of Fe-based chalcogenides Fe$_{1+delta }$Te$_{1-x}X_{x}$ ($X$= Se, S), it is inferred that their often observed nonmetallic resistivities are related to a presence of two resistive channels: one is a high-temperature thermally-activated process while the other is a low-temperature log-in-$T$ process. On lowering temperature, there are often two metal-to-nonmetall crossover events: one from the high-$T$ thermally-activated nonmetallic regime into a metal-like phase and the other from the log-in-$T$ regime into a second metal-like phase. Based on these events, together with the magnetic and superconducting transitions, a phase diagram is constructed for each series. We discuss the origin of both processes as well as the associated crossover events. We also discuss how these resistive processes are being influenced by pressure, intercalation, disorder, doping, or sample condition and, in turn, how these modifications are shaping the associated phase diagrams.
The magnetic properties of polycrystalline Tb(Co_{x}Ni_{1-x})_{2}B_{2}C (x=0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8) samples were probed by magnetization, specific heat, ac susceptibility, and resistivity techniques. For x{ eq}0.4, the obtained curves are consistent with the features expected for the corresponding magnetic modes, namely k_{1}=(0.55,0,0) at x=0; k_{2}=([nicefrac] icefrac{1}{2}</LaTeX>,0,[nicefrac]<LaTeX> icefrac{1}{2}) at x= 0.2; k_{3}=(0,0,[nicefrac] icefrac{1}{3}) at x= 0.6, and k_{4}=(0,0,0) at x= 0.8 and 1. For x=0.4, even though the neutron diffraction indicates a k_{2} mode, but with a reduced magnetic moment, the magnetization, the ac susceptibility, and resistivity indicate two magnetic events; furthermore, deviation from Curie-Weiss behavior is observed below 150 K for this sample. These features, together with the evolution of both magnetic moment and critical temperature, are attributed to an interplay between competing magnetic couplings; for the particular x=0.4 case, additional factors such as crystalline electric field effects may be in operation.
Neutron diffraction and thermodynamics techniques were used to probe the evolution of the magnetic properties of Tb(Co_{x}Ni_{1-x})_{2}B_{2}C. A succession of magnetic modes was observed as x is varied: the longitudinal modulated k=(0.55,0,0) state at x=0 is transformed into a collinear k=([nicefrac]<LaTeX> icefrac{1}{2}</LaTeX>,0,[nicefrac]<LaTeX> icefrac{1}{2}</LaTeX>) antiferromagnetic state at x= 0.2, 0.4; then into a transverse c-axis modulated k=(0,0,[nicefrac]<LaTeX> icefrac{1}{3}</LaTeX>) mode at x= 0.6, and finally into a simple ferromagnetic structure at x= 0.8 and 1. Concomitantly, the low-temperature orthorhombic distortion of the tetragonal unit cell at x=0 is reduced smoothly such that for x >= 0.4 only a tetragonal unit cell is manifested. Though predicted theoretically earlier, this is the first observation of the k=(0,0,[nicefrac]<LaTeX> icefrac{1}{3}</LaTeX>) mode in borocarbides; our findings of a succession of magnetic modes upon increasing x also find support from a recently proposed theoretical model. The implication of these findings and their interpretation on the magnetic structure of the RM_{2}B_{2}C series are also discussed.
101 - M. ElMassalami 2011
The low-temperature normal-state specific heat and resistivity curves of various nonmagnetic intermetallic compounds manifest an anomalous thermal evolution. Such an anomaly is exhibited as a break in the slope of the linearized C/T versus T^2 curve and as a drop in the R versus T curve, both at the same T_{beta}{gamma}. It is related, not to a thermodynamic phase transition, but to an anomaly in the density of states curves of the phonon or electron subsystems. On representing these two anomalies as additional Dirac-type delta functions, situated respectively at kB.{theta}_L (for lattice) and kB.{theta}_E (for electrons), an analytical expression for the total specific heat can be obtained. A least-square fit of this expression to experimental specific heat curves of various compounds reproduced satisfactorily all the features of the anomalous thermal evolution. The obtained fit parameters (in particular the Sommerfeld constant, {gamma}_{0}, and Debye temperatures, {theta}_D, compare favorably with the reported values. Furthermore, the analysis shows that (i) (T_{beta}{gamma}) / ({theta}_D) = 0.2(1pm1/surd6) and (ii) {gamma}_{0} {propto} ({theta}_D)^2; both relations are in a reasonable agreement with the experimental results. Finally, this analysis (based on the above arguments) justifies the often-used procedure that treats the above anomaly in terms of either a thermal variation of {theta}_D or an additional Einstein mode.
The magnetic structures of the title compounds have been studied by neutron diffraction. In contrast to the isomorphous RNi2B2C compounds wherein a variety of exotic incommensurate modulated structures has been observed, the magnetic structure of ErCo2B2C is found to be collinear antiferromagnet with k=((1/2),0,(1/2)) while that of HoCo2B2C and DyCo2B2C are observed to be simple ferromagnets. For all studied compounds, the moments are found to be confined within the basal plane and their magnitudes are in good agreement with the values obtained from the low-temperature isothermal magnetization measurements. The absence of modulated magnetic structures in the RCo2B2C series (for ErCo2B2C, verified down to 50 mK) is attributed to the quenching of the Fermi surface nesting features.
The borocarbides RNi2B2C (R=Gd, Ho, Er) exhibit a large variety of magnetic states and as a consequence rich phase diagrams. We have analyzed the nature of these states by specific heat investigations. The data were measured down to 0.5 K and up to 80 kOe. The overall evolution of each Cm(T,H) curve is observed to reflect faithfully the features of the corresponding H-T phase diagram. Within the lower ranges of temperature and fields, the calculations based on linearized field-dependent spin-wave theory are found to reproduce satisfactorily the measured Cm(T,H) curves: accordingly, within these ranges, the thermodynamical properties of these compounds can be rationalized in terms of only two parameters: the spin-wave energy gap and the stiffness coefficient. For the intermediate fields ranges (H1<H<Hsat) wherein successive field-induced metamagnetic modes are stabilized, the evolution of Cm(T,H) is discussed in terms of the Maxwell relation (dCm/dH)T=T(d^2M/dT^2)H. For the particular case of GdNi2B2C wherein the anisotropy is dictated by the classical dipole interaction, Cm(T,H) across the whole ordered state is numerically evaluated within the model of Jensen and Rotter [PRB 77 (2008) 134408].
A new quaternary intermetallic borocarbide TmCo2B2C has been synthesized via a rapid-quench of an arc-melted ingot. Elemental and powder-diffraction analyses established its correct stoichiometry and single-phase character. The crystal structure is isomorphous to that of TmNi2B2C(I4/mmm) and is stable over the studied temperature range. Above 7 K, the paramagnetic state follows the modified Curie-Weiss behavior (X=C/(T-theta)+X0 wherein X0=0.008(1) emu/mole and the temperature-dependent term reflecting the paramagnetism of the Tm subsystem: ueff=7.6(2) uB [in agreement with the expected value for a free Tm3+ ion] and theta = -4.5(3) K. Long range ferromagnetic order of the Tm sublattice is observed to develop around ~1 K. No superconductivity is detected in TmCo2B2C down to 20 mK, a feature which is consistent with the general trend in the RCo2B2C series. Finally, the influence of the rapid-quench process on the magnetism (and superconductivity) of TmNi2B2C will be discussed and compared to that of TmCo2B2C.
Based on magnetization, specific heat, magnetostriction, and neutron diffraction studies on single-crystal TbCo2B2C, it is found out that the paramagnetic properties, down to liquid nitrogen temperatures, are well described by a Curie-Weiss behavior of the Tb+3 moments. Furthermore, below Tc= 6.3 K, the Tb-sublattice undergoes a ferromagnetic (FM) phase transition with the easy axis being along the (100) direction and, concomitantly, the unit cell undergoes a tetragonal-to-orthorhhombic distortion. For fields up to 90 kOe, no field-induced splitting of the Co 3d orbitals was observed; as such the internal field must be well below the critical value needed to polarize the Co 3d subsystem. The manifestation of a FM state in TbCo2B2C is unique among all other isomorphous borocarbides, in particular TbNi2B2C (Tn=15 K, incommensurate modulated magnetic state) even though the Tb-ions in both isomorphs have almost the same crystalline electric field properties. The difference in the magnetic modes of these Tb-based isomorphs is attributed to a difference in their exchange couplings caused by a variation in their lattice parameters and in the position of their Fermi levels.

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