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Within the SECCO survey we identified a candidate stellar counterpart to the Ultra Compact High Velocity Cloud (UCHVC) HVC274.68+74.70-123, that was suggested by Adams et al. (2013) as a possible mini-halo within the Local Group of galaxies. The spectroscopic follow-up of the brightest sources within the candidate reveals the presence of two HII regions whose radial velocity is compatible with physical association with the UVHVC. The available data does not allow us to give a definite answer on the nature of the newly identified system. A few alternative hypotheses are discussed. However, the most likely possibility is that we have found a new faint dwarf galaxy residing in the Virgo cluster of galaxies, which we name SECCO-1. Independently of its actual distance, SECCO-1 displays a ratio of neutral hydrogen mass to V luminosity of M_{HI}/L_V>= 20, by far the largest among local dwarfs. Hence, it appears as a nearly star-less galaxy and it may be an example of the missing links between normal dwarfs and the dark mini halos that are predicted to exist in large numbers according to the currently accepted cosmological model.
We present an imaging survey aimed at searching for the stellar counterparts of recently discovered ultra-compact high-velocity HI clouds (UCHVC). Adams et al. (2013) proposed these clouds to be candidate mini-haloes in the Local Group and/or its surroundings, within a distance range of 0.25-2.0 Mpc. Using the Large Binocular Telescope we obtain wide-field (~ 23 X 23) g- and r-band images of the twenty-five most promising and most compact clouds among the fifty-nine identified by Adams et al. Careful visual inspection of all the images does not reveal any stellar counterpart even slightly resembling LeoP, the only local dwarf galaxy that was found as a counterpart to a previously detected high velocity cloud. Only a possible distant (D>3.0 Mpc) counterpart to HVC274.68+74.70-123 has been identified on our images. The point source photometry in the central 17.3 X 7.7 chips reaches r<= 26.5, and is expected to contain most of the stellar counterparts to the UCHVCs. However, no obvious stellar over-density is detected in any of our fields, in marked contrast to our comparison LeoP field in which the dwarf galaxy is detected at a >30 sigma significance level. Only HVC352.45+59.06+263 may be associated with a weak over-density, whose nature cannot be ascertained with our data. Sensitivity tests shows that our survey would have detected any dwarf galaxy dominated by an old stellar population, with an integrated absolute magnitude M_V<= -8.0, a half-light radius r_h<= 300 pc, and lying within 1.5 Mpc from us, thereby confirming that it is unlikely that the observed UCHVCs are associated with stellar counterparts typical of known Local Group dwarf galaxies.
The Gaia-ESO survey is a large public spectroscopic survey aimed at investigating the origin and formation history of our Galaxy by collecting spectroscopy of representative samples (about 10^5 Milky Way stars) of all Galactic stellar populations, in the field and in clusters. The survey uses globular clusters as intra- and inter-survey calibrators, deriving stellar atmospheric parameters and abundances of a significant number of stars in clusters, along with radial velocity determinations. We used precise radial velocities of a large number of stars in seven globular clusters (NGC 1851, NGC 2808, NGC 4372, NGC 4833, NGC 5927, NGC 6752, and NGC 7078) to validate pipeline results and to preliminarily investigate the cluster internal kinematics. Radial velocity measurements were extracted from FLAMES/GIRAFFE spectra processed by the survey pipeline as part of the second internal data release of data products to ESO. We complemented our sample with ESO archival data obtained with different instrument configurations. Reliable radial velocity measurements for 1513 bona fide cluster star members were obtained in total. We measured systemic rotation, estimated central velocity dispersions, and present velocity dispersion profiles of all the selected clusters, providing the first velocity dispersion curve and the first estimate of the central velocity dispersion for the cluster NGC~5927. Finally, we explore the possible link between cluster kinematics and other physical parameters. The analysis we present here demonstrates that Gaia-ESO survey data are sufficiently accurate to be used in studies of kinematics of stellar systems and stellar populations in the Milky Way.
We present the first evidence of multiple populations in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6362. We used optical and near-UV Hubble Space Telescope and ground based photometry, finding that both the sub giant and red giant branches are split in two parallel sequences in all color magnitude diagrams where the F336W filter (or U band) is used. This cluster is one of the least massive globulars (M_tot~5x10^4 M_sun) where multiple populations have been detected so far. Even more interestingly and at odds with any previous finding, we observe that the two identified populations share the same radial distribution all over the cluster extension. NGC 6362 is the first system where stars from different populations are found to be completely spatially mixed. Based on N-body and hydrodynamical simulations of multiple stellar generations, we argue that, to reproduce these findings, NGC 6362 should have lost up to the 80% of its original mass
We present a detailed study of the stellar and HI structure of the dwarf irregular galaxies SextansA and SextansB, members of the NGC3109 association. We use newly obtained deep (r~26.5) and wide field g,r photometry to extend the Surface Brightness (SB) profiles of the two galaxies down to mu_V~ 31.0 mag/arcsec^2. We find that both galaxies are significantly more extended than what previously traced with surface photometry, out to ~4 kpc from their centers along their major axis. Older stars are found to have more extended distribution with respect to younger populations. We obtain the first estimate of the mean metallicity for the old stars in SexB, from the color distribution of the Red Giant Branch, <[Fe/H]>=-1.6. The SB profiles show significant changes of slope and cannot be fitted with a single Sersic model. Both galaxies have HI discs as massive as their respective stellar components. In both cases the HI discs display solid-body rotation with maximum amplitude of ~50 km/s (albeit with significant uncertainty due to the poorly constrained inclination), implying a dynamical mass ~10^{9}~M_sun, a mass-to-light ratio M/L_V~25 and a dark-to-barionic mass ratio of ~10. The distribution of the stellar components is more extended than the gaseous disc in both galaxies. We find that the main, approximately round-shaped, stellar body of Sex~A is surrounded by an elongated low-SB stellar halo that can be interpreted as a tidal tail, similar to that found in another member of the same association (Antlia). We discuss these, as well as other evidences of tidal disturbance, in the framework of a past passage of the NGC3109 association close to the Milky Way, that has been hypothesized by several authors and is also supported by the recently discovered filamentary configuration of the association itself.
150 - E. Pancino 2013
We present a simulation of twelve globular clusters with different concentration, distance, and background population, whose properties are transformed into Gaia observables with the help of the lates Gaia science performances prescriptions. We adopt simplified crowding receipts, based on five years of simulations performed by DPAC (Data Processing and Analysis Consortium) scientists, to explore the effect of crowding and to give a basic idea of what will be made possible by Gaia in the field of Galactic globular clusters observations.
71 - M. Bellazzini 2013
A few years ago we started an observational campaign aimed at the thorough study of the massive and remote globular cluster NGC2419. We have used the collected data, e.g., to test alternative theories of gravitation, to constrain the stellar M/L ratio by direct analysis of the observed luminosity function, and to search for Dark Matter within the cluster. Here we present some recent results about (a) the peculiar abundance pattern that we observed in a sample of cluster giants, and (b) newly found photometric evidence for the presence of multiple populations in the cluster. In particular, from new deep and accurate uVI LBT photometry, we find that the color spread on the Red Giant Branch is significantly larger than the observational errors both in V-I and u-V, and that the stars lying to the blue of the RGB ridge line are more concentrated toward the center of the cluster than those lying to the red of the ridge line.
126 - S. Perina 2012
We use deep, high quality colour magnitude diagrams obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope to compute a simplified version of the Mironov index [SMI; B/(B+R)] to parametrize the horizontal branch (HB) morphology for 23 globular clusters in the M31 galaxy (Sample-A), all located in the outer halo at projected distances between 10 kpc and 100 kpc. This allows us to compare them with their Galactic counterparts, for which we estimated the SMI exactly in the same way, in the SMI vs. [Fe/H] plane. We find that the majority of the considered M31 clusters lie in a significantly different locus, in this plane, with respect to Galactic clusters lying at any distance from the center of the Milky Way. In particular they have redder HB morphologies at a given metallicity, or, in other words, clusters with the same SMI value are ~0.4 dex more metal rich in the Milky Way than in M31. We discuss the possible origin of this difference and we conclude that the most likely explanation is that many globular clusters in the outer halo of M31 formed ~1-2 Gyr later than their counterparts in the outer halo of the Milky Way, while differences in the cluster-to-cluster distribution of He abundance of individual stars may also play a role. The analysis of another sample of 25 bright M31 clusters (eighteen of them with M_V<= -9.0, Sample-B), whose SMI estimates are much more uncertain as they are computed on shallow colour magnitude diagrams, suggests that extended blue HB tails can be relatively frequent among the most massive M31 globular clusters, possibly hinting at the presence of multiple populations.
We present a detailed study of the dwarf galaxy VV124, recently recognized as a isolated member of the Local Group. We have obtained deep (r=26.5) wide-field g,r photometry of individual stars with the LBT under sub-arcsec seeing conditions. The Color-Magnitude Diagram suggests that the stellar content of the galaxy is dominated by an old, metal-poor population, with a significant metallicity spread. A very clean detection of the RGB tip allows us to derive an accurate distance of D=1.3 +/- 0.1 Mpc. Combining surface photometry with star counts, we are able to trace the surface brightness profile of VV124 out to ~ 5 = 1.9 kpc radius (where mu_r=30 mag/arcsec^2), showing that it is much more extended than previously believed. Moreover, the surface density map reveals the presence of two symmetric flattened wings emanating from the central elongated spheroid and aligned with its major axis, resembling a stellar disk seen nearly edge-on. We also present HI observations obtained with the WSRT, the first ever of this object. A total amount of 10^6 M_sun of HI gas is detected in VV124. Compared to the total luminosity, this gives a value of M_HI/L_V=0.11, which is particularly low for isolated Local Group dwarfs. The spatial distribution of the gas does not correlate with the observed stellar wings. The systemic velocity of the HI in the region superposed to the stellar main body of the galaxy is V_h=-25 km/s. The velocity field shows substructures typical of galaxies of this size but no sign of rotation. The HI spectra indicates the presence of a two-phase interstellar medium, again typical of many dwarf galaxies.
115 - A. Buzzoni 2010
We have investigated the relevant trend of the bolometric correction (BC) at the cool-temperature regime of red giant stars and its possible dependence on stellar metallicity. Our analysis relies on a wide sample of optical-infrared spectroscopic observations, along the 3500A-2.5micron wavelength range, for a grid of 92 red giant stars in five (3 globular + 2 open) Galactic clusters, along the -2.2<[Fe/H]<+0.4 metallicity range. Bolometric magnitudes have been found within an internal accuracy of a few percent. Making use of our new database, we provide a set of fitting functions for the V and K BC vs. Teff and broad-band colors, valid over the interval 3300K<Teff<5000K, especially suited for Red Giants. No evident drift of both BC(V) and BC(K) with [Fe/H] is found. Things may be different, however, for the B-band correction, given a clear (B-V) vs. [Fe/H] correlation in place for our data, with metal-poor stars displaying a bluer (B-V) with respect to the metal-rich sample, for fixed Teff. Our empirical bolometric scale supports the conclusion that (a) BC(K) from the most recent studies are reliable within <0.1 mag over the whole color/temperature range considered in this paper, and (b) the same conclusion apply to BC(V) only for stars warmer than ~3800K. At cooler temperatures the agreement is less general, and MARCS models are the only ones providing a satisfactory match to observations.

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