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Bolometric correction and spectral energy distribution of cool stars in Galactic clusters

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 Added by Alberto Buzzoni
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors A. Buzzoni

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We have investigated the relevant trend of the bolometric correction (BC) at the cool-temperature regime of red giant stars and its possible dependence on stellar metallicity. Our analysis relies on a wide sample of optical-infrared spectroscopic observations, along the 3500A-2.5micron wavelength range, for a grid of 92 red giant stars in five (3 globular + 2 open) Galactic clusters, along the -2.2<[Fe/H]<+0.4 metallicity range. Bolometric magnitudes have been found within an internal accuracy of a few percent. Making use of our new database, we provide a set of fitting functions for the V and K BC vs. Teff and broad-band colors, valid over the interval 3300K<Teff<5000K, especially suited for Red Giants. No evident drift of both BC(V) and BC(K) with [Fe/H] is found. Things may be different, however, for the B-band correction, given a clear (B-V) vs. [Fe/H] correlation in place for our data, with metal-poor stars displaying a bluer (B-V) with respect to the metal-rich sample, for fixed Teff. Our empirical bolometric scale supports the conclusion that (a) BC(K) from the most recent studies are reliable within <0.1 mag over the whole color/temperature range considered in this paper, and (b) the same conclusion apply to BC(V) only for stars warmer than ~3800K. At cooler temperatures the agreement is less general, and MARCS models are the only ones providing a satisfactory match to observations.

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The presence of AGB stars in clusters provides key constraints for stellar models, as has been demonstrated with historical data from the Magellanic Clouds. In this work, we look for candidate AGB stars in M31 star clusters from the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) survey. Our photometric criteria selects stars brighter than the tip of the red giant branch, which includes the bulk of the thermally-pulsing AGB stars as well as early-AGB stars and other luminous cool giants expected in young stellar populations (e.g. massive red supergiants, and intermediate-mass red helium-burning stars). The AGB stars can be differentiated, a posteriori, using the ages already estimated for our cluster sample. 937 candidates are found within the cluster aperture radii, half (450) of which are very likely cluster members. Cross-matching with additional databases reveals two carbon stars and ten secure variables among them. The field-corrected age distribution reveals the presence of young supergiants peaking at ages smaller than 100 Myr, followed by a long tail of AGB stars extending up to the oldest possible ages. This long tail reveals the general decrease in the numbers of AGB stars from initial values of 50e-6/Msun at 100 Myr down to 5e-6/Msun at 10 Gyr. Theoretical models of near-solar metallicity reproduce this general trend, although with localized discrepancies over some age intervals, whose origin is not yet identified. The entire catalogue is released together with finding charts to facilitate follow-up studies.
We present a 0.8 -5 micron spectral library of 210 cool stars observed at a resolving power of R = lambda / Delta lambda ~ 2000 with the medium-resolution infrared spectrograph, SpeX, at the 3.0 m NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The stars have well established MK spectral classifications and are mostly restricted to near-solar metallicities. The sample contains the F, G, K, and M spectral types with luminosity classes between I and V, but also includes some AGB, carbon, and S stars. In contrast to some other spectral libraries, the continuum shape of the spectra are measured and preserved in the data reduction process. The spectra are absolutely flux calibrated using Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) photometry. Potential uses of the library include studying the physics of cool stars, classifying and studying embedded young clusters and optically obscured regions of the Galaxy, evolutionary population synthesis to study unresolved stellar populations in optically-obscured regions of galaxies, and synthetic photometry. The library is available in digital form from the IRTF website.
If not properly accounted for, unresolved binary stars can induce a bias in the photometric determination of star cluster masses inferred from star counts and the luminosity function. A correction factor close to 1.15 (for a binary fraction of 0.35) was found in citep{Boro19}, which needs to be applied to blind photometric mass estimates. This value for the correction factor was found to be smaller than literature values. In an attempt to lift this discrepancy, in this work the focus is on higher order multiple stars with the goal of investigating the effect of triple and quadruple systems adopting the same methodology and data-set as in the quoted work. Then the result is found that when triple and quadruple together with binary systems are properly accounted for, the actual cluster mass (computed as all stars were single) should be incremented by a factor of 1.18$-$1.27, depending on the cluster and when the binary fraction $alpha$ is 0.35. Fitting formulae are provided to derive the increment factor for different binary star percentages.
Radio campaigns using maser stellar beacons have provided crucial information to characterize Galactic stellar populations. Currently, the Bulge Asymmetries and Dynamical Evolution (BAaDE) project is surveying infrared (IR) color-selected targets for SiO masers. This provides a sample of evolved stars that can be used to study the inner, optically obscured Galaxy using line of sight velocities and possibly VLBI proper motions. In order to use the BAaDE sample for kinematic studies, the stellar population should be characterized. In this study, the BAaDE targets have been cross-matched with IR (2MASS) and optical Gaia samples. By exploring the synergies of this cross-match together with Gaia parallaxes and extinction maps, the local ($d < 2$ kpc) AGB stars can be characterized. We have defined a textit{BAaDE-Gaia} sample of 20,111 sources resulting from cross-matching BAaDE targets with IR and optical surveys. From this sample, a~{local} sample of 1,812 evolved stars with accurate parallax measurements, confirmed evolved stellar evolution stage, and within 2 kpc distance around the Sun was selected, for which absolute (bolometric) magnitudes are estimated. The evolved stellar population with Gaia counterparts that are variable seems to be predominantly associated with AGB stars with moderate luminosity ($1,500^{+3,000}_{-500} L_odot$) and periods between 250 and 1,250 days.
We have performed a census of the UV-bright population in 78 globular clusters using wide-field UV telescopes. This population includes a variety of phases of post-horizontal branch (HB) evolution, including hot post-asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, and post-early AGB stars. There are indications that old stellar systems like globular clusters produce fewer post-(early) AGB stars than currently predicted by evolutionary models, but observations are still scarce. We obtained FORS2 spectroscopy of eleven of these UV-selected objects (covering a range of -2.3<[Fe/H]<-1.0), which we (re-)analysed together with previously observed data. We used model atmospheres of different metallicities, including super-solar ones. Where possible, we verified our atmospheric parameters using UV spectrophotometry and searched for metal lines in the optical spectra. We calculated evolutionary sequences for four metallicity regimes and used them together with information about the HB morphology of the globular clusters to estimate the expected numbers of post-AGB stars. Seven of the eleven new luminous UV-bright stars are post-AGB or post-early AGB stars, two are evolving away from the HB, one is a foreground white dwarf, and one is a white dwarf merger. So spectroscopy is clearly required to identify the evolutionary status of hot UV-bright stars. For hotter stars, metal-rich model spectra are required to reproduce their optical and UV spectra, which may affect the flux contribution of hot post-AGB stars to the UV spectra of evolved populations. Adding published information on other hot UV-bright stars in globular clusters, we find that the number of observed hot post-AGB stars generally agrees with the predicted values, although the numbers are still low.
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