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Truthful spectrum auctions have been extensively studied in recent years. Truthfulness makes bidders bid their true valuations, simplifying greatly the analysis of auctions. However, revealing ones true valuation causes severe privacy disclosure to the auctioneer and other bidders. To make things worse, previous work on secure spectrum auctions does not provide adequate security. In this paper, based on TRUST, we propose PS-TRUST, a provably secure solution for truthful double spectrum auctions. Besides maintaining the properties of truthfulness and special spectrum reuse of TRUST, PS-TRUST achieves provable security against semi-honest adversaries in the sense of cryptography. Specifically, PS-TRUST reveals nothing about the bids to anyone in the auction, except the auction result. To the best of our knowledge, PS-TRUST is the first provably secure solution for spectrum auctions. Furthermore, experimental results show that the computation and communication overhead of PS-TRUST is modest, and its practical applications are feasible.
The atom-to-molecule conversion by the technique of optical Feshbach resonance in a magnetic lattice is studied in the mean-field approximation. For the case of shallow lattice, we give the dependence of the atom-to-molecule conversion efficiency on the tunnelling strength and the atomic interaction by taking a double-well as an example. We find that one can obtain a high atom-to-molecule conversion by tuning the tunnelling and interaction strengths of the system. For the case of deep lattice, we show that the existence of lattice can improve the atom-to-molecule conversion for certain initial states.
120 - Rujiang Li , Fei Lv , Lu Li 2011
We study light-beam propagation in a nonlinear coupler with an asymmetric double-channel waveguide and derive various analytical forms of optical modes. The results show that the symmetry-preserving modes in a symmetric double-channel waveguide are deformed due to the asymmetry of the two-channel waveguide, yet such a coupler supports the symmetry-breaking modes. The dispersion relations reveal that the system with self-focusing nonlinear response supports the degenerate modes, while for self-defocusingmedium the degenerate modes do not exist. Furthermore, nonlinear manipulation is investigated by launching optical modes supported in double-channel waveguide into a nonlinear uniform medium.
91 - Lu Li , C. Richter , S. Paetel 2010
Novel electronic systems forming at oxide interfaces comprise a class of new materials with a wide array of potential applications. A high mobility electron system forms at the LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interface and, strikingly, both superconducts and displays indications of hysteretic magnetoresistance. An essential step for device applications is establishing the ability to vary the electronic conductivity of the electron system by means of a gate. We have fabricated metallic top gates above a conductive interface to vary the electron density at the interface. By monitoring capacitance and electric field penetration, we are able to tune the charge carrier density and establish that we can completely deplete the metallic interface with small voltages. Moreover, at low carrier densities, the capacitance is significantly enhanced beyond the geometric capacitance for the structure. In the same low density region, the metallic interface overscreens an external electric field. We attribute these observations to a negative compressibility of the electronic system at the interface. Similar phenomena have been observed previously in semiconducting two-dimensional electronic systems. The observed compressibility result is consistent with the interface containing a system of mobile electrons in two dimensions.
101 - Zhi Lu , Li Yu 2009
In this paper we study the (equivariant) topological types of a class of 3-dimensional closed manifolds (i.e., 3-dimensional small covers), each of which admits a locally standard $(mathbb{Z}_2)^3$-action such that its orbit space is a simple convex 3-polytope. We introduce six equivariant operations on 3-dimensional small covers. These six operations are interesting because of their combinatorial natures. Then we show that each 3-dimensional small cover can be obtained from $mathbb{R}P^3$ and $S^1timesmathbb{R}P^2$ with certain $(mathbb{Z}_2)^3$-actions under these six operations. As an application, we classify all 3-dimensional small covers up to $({Bbb Z}_2)^3$-equivariant unoriented cobordism.
We have investigated the behavior of the resistance of graphene at the $n=0$ Landau Level in an intense magnetic field $H$. Employing a low-dissipation technique (with power $P<$3 fW), we find that, at low temperature $T$, the resistance at the Dirac point $R_0(H)$ undergoes a 1000-fold increase from $sim$10 k$Omega$ to 40 M$Omega$ within a narrow interval of field. The abruptness of the increase suggests that a transition to an insulating, ordered state occurs at the critical field $H_c$. Results from 5 samples show that $H_c$ depends systematically on the disorder, as measured by the offset gate voltage $V_0$. Samples with small $V_0$ display a smaller critical field $H_c$. Empirically, the steep increase in $R_0$ fits acccurately a Kosterlitz-Thouless-type correlation length over 3 decades. The curves of $R_0$ vs. $T$ at fixed $H$ approach the thermal-activation form with a gap $Deltasim$15 K as $Hto H_c^{-}$, consistent with a field-induced insulating state.
147 - Zhi Lu , Li Yu 2008
As a generalization of Davis-Januszkiewicz theory, there is an essential link between locally standard $(Z_2)^n$-actions (or $T^n$-actions) actions and nice manifolds with corners, so that a class of nicely behaved equivariant cut-and-paste operations on locally standard actions can be carried out in step on nice manifolds with corners. Based upon this, we investigate what kinds of closed manifolds admit locally standard $(Z_2)^n$-actions; especially for the 3-dimensional case. Suppose $M$ is an orientable closed connected 3-manifold. When $H_1(M;Z_2)=0$, it is shown that $M$ admits a locally standard $(Z_2)^3$-action if and only if $M$ is homeomorphic to a connected sum of 8 copies of some $Z_2$-homology sphere $N$, and if further assuming $M$ is irreducible, then $M$ must be homeomorphic to $S^3$. In addition, the argument is extended to rational homology 3-sphere $M$ with $H_1(M;Z_2) cong Z_2$ and an additional assumption that the $(Z_2)^3$-action has a fixed point.
We present high spatial resolution X-ray spectroscopy of supernova remnant Cassiopeia A with the {sl Chandra} observations. The X-ray emitting region of this remnant was divided into 38 $times$ 34 pixels with a scale of 10$arcsec$ $times$ 10$arcsec$ each. Spectra of 960 pixels were created and fitted with an absorbed two component non-equilibrium ionization model. With the spectral analysis results we obtained maps of absorbing column density, temperatures, ionization ages, and the abundances for Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ca and Fe. The Si, S and possibly Ca abundance maps show obviously jet structures, while Fe doesnt follow the jet but seems to be distributed perpendicular to it. In the range of about two orders of magnitude, the abundances of Si, S and Ca show tight correlations between each other, suggesting them to be ejecta from explosive O-burning and incomplete Si-burning. Meanwhile, Ne abundance is well correlated with that of Mg, indicating them to be the ashes of explosive C/Ne burning. The Fe abundance is positively correlated with that of Si when Si abundance is lower than 3 solar abundances, but a negative correlation appears when the Si abundance is higher. We suggest that such a two phase correlation is the results of different ways in which Fe is synthesized.
509 - Y. Onose , Lu Li , C. Petrovic 2007
The heavy-electron superconductor CeCoIn$_5$ exhibits a puzzling precursor state above its superconducting critical temperature at $T_c$ = 2.3 K. The thermopower and Nernst signal are anomalous. Below 15 K, the entropy current of the electrons undergoes a steep decrease reaching $sim$0 at $T_c$. Concurrently, the off-diagonal thermoelectric current $alpha_{xy}$ is enhanced. The delicate sensitivity of the zero-entropy state to field implies phase coherence over large distances. The prominent anomalies in the thermoelectric current contrast with the relatively weak effects in the resistivity and magnetization.

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