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130 - Lawrence G. Brown 2015
We answer a question of Takesaki by showing that the following can be derived from the thesis of N-T Shen: If A and B are sigma-unital hereditary C*-subalgebras of C such that ||p - q|| < 1, where p and q are the corresponding open projections, then A and B are isomorphic. We give some further elaborations and counterexamples with regard to the sigma-unitality hypothesis. We produce a natural one-to-one correspondence between complete order isomorphisms of C*-algebras and invertible left multipliers of imprimitivity bimodules. A corollary of the above two results is that any complete order isomorphism between sigma-unital C*-algebras is the composite of an isomorphism with an inner complete order isomorphism. We give a separable counterexample to a question of Akemann and Pedersen; namely, the space of quasi-multipliers is not linearly generated by left and right multipliers. But we show that the space of quasi-multipliers is multiplicatively generated by left and right multipliers in the sigma-unital case. In particular every positive quasi-multiplier is of the form T*T for T a left multiplier. We show that a Lie theory consequence of the negative result just stated is that the map sending T to T*T need not be open, even for very nice C*-algebras. We show that surjective maps between sigma-unital C*-algebras induce surjective maps on left, right, and quasi-multipliers. (The more significant similar result for multipliers is Pedersens Non-commutative Tietze extension theorem.) We elaborate the relations of the above results with continuous fields of Hilbert spaces and in so doing answer a question of Dixmier and Douady (yes for separable fields, no in general). We discuss the relationship of our results to the theory of perturbations of C*-algebras.
116 - Lawrence G. Brown 2014
The main result (roughly) is that if (H_i) converges weakly to H and if also f(H_i) converges weakly to f(H), for a single strictly convex continuous function f, then (H_i) must converge strongly to H. One application is that if f(pr(H)) = pr(f(H)), where pr denotes compression to a closed subspace M, then M must be invariant for H. A consequence of this is the verification of a conjecture of Arveson, that Theorem 9.4 of [Arv] remains true in the infinite dimensional case. And there are two applications to operator algebras. If h and f(h) are both quasimultipliers, then h must be a multiplier. Also (still roughly stated) if h and f(h) are both in pA_sa p, for a closed projection p, then h must be strongly q-continuous on p.
124 - Lawrence G. Brown 2014
In [B1, Theorem 2.36] we proved the equivalence of six conditions on a continuous function f on an interval. These conditions define a subset of the set of operator convex functions, whose elements are called strongly operator convex. Two of the six conditions involve operator-algebraic semicontinuity theory, as given by C. Akemann and G. Pedersen in [AP], and the other four conditions do not involve operator algebras at all. Two of these conditions are operator inequalities, one is a global condition on f, and the fourth is an integral representation of f stronger than the usual integral representation for operator convex functions. The purpose of this paper is to make the equivalence of these four conditions accessible to people who do not know operator algebra theory as well as to operator algebraists who do not know the semicontinuity theory. We also provide a similar treatment of one theorem from [B1] concerning (usual) operator convex functions. And in two final sections we give a somewhat tentative treatment of some other operator inequalities for strongly operator convex functions, and we give a differential criterion for strong operator convexity.
126 - Lawrence G. Brown 2014
Let A be a C*-algebra and A** its enveloping von Neumann algebra. C. Akemann suggested a kind of non-commutative topology in which certain projections in A** play the role of open sets. The adjectives open, closed, compact, and relatively compact all can be applied to projections in A**. Two operator inequalities were used by Akemann in connection with compactness. Both of these inequalities are equivalent to compactness for a closed projection in A**, but only one is equivalent to relative compactness for a general projection. A third operator inequality, also related to compactness, was used by the author. It turns out that the study of all three inequalities can be unified by considering a numerical invariant which is equivalent to the distance of a projection from the set of relatively compact projections. Since the subject concerns the relation between a projection and its closure, Tomitas concept of regularity of projections seems relevant, and some results and examples on regularity are also given. A few related results on semicontinuity are also included.
We consider the properties weak cancellation, K_1-surjectivity, good index theory, and K_1-injectivity for the class of extremally rich C*-algebras, and for the smaller class of isometrically rich C*-algebras. We establish all four properties for isometrically rich C*-algebras and for extremally rich C*-algebras that are either purely infinite or of real rank zero, K_1-injectivity in the real rank zero case following from a prior result of H. Lin. We also show that weak cancellation implies the other properties for extremally rich C*-algebras and that the class of extremally rich C*-algebras with weak cancellation is closed under extensions. Moreover, we consider analogous properties which replace the group K_1(A) with the extremal K-set K_e(A) as well as t

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