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83 - Lan Zhou , S. Yang , Yu-xi Liu 2010
Using a dynamical quantum Zeno effect, we propose a general approach to control the coupling between a two-level system (TLS) and its surroundings, by modulating the energy level spacing of the TLS with a high frequency signal. We show that the TLS--surroundings interaction can be turned on or off when the ratio between the amplitude and the frequency of the modulating field is adjusted to be a zero of a Bessel function. The quantum Zeno effect of the TLS can also be observed by the vanishing of the photon reflection at these zeros. Based on these results, we propose a quantum switch to control the transport of a single photon in a 1D waveguide. Our analytical results agree well with numerical results using Floquet theory.
We theoretically study how to control transport, bound states, and resonant states of a single photon in a one-dimensional coupled-cavity array. We find that the transport of a single photon in the cavity array can be controlled by tuning the frequency of either one or two cavities. If one of the cavities in the array has a tunable frequency, and its frequency is tuned to be larger (or smaller) than those of other cavities, then there is a photon bound state above (or below) the energy band of the coupled cavity array. However, if two cavities in the array have tunable frequencies, then there exist both bound states and resonant states. When the frequencies of the two cavities are chosen to be much larger than those of other cavities and the hopping couplings between any two nearest-neighbor cavities are weak, a single photon with a resonant wave vector can be trapped in the region between the two frequency-tunable cavities. In this case, a quantum supercavity can be formed by these two frequency-tunable cavities. We also study how to apply this photon transport control to an array of coupled superconducting transmission line resonators.
46 - Jing Lu , Lan Zhou , Le-Man Kuang 2009
We study the nonlinear dynamics of collective excitation in a $N$-site $XXZ$ quantum spin chain, which is manipulated by an oblique magnetic field. We show that, when the tilted field is applied along the magic angle $theta_{0} =pmarccos sqrt{1/3}$, the anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain becomes isotropic and thus an free propagating spin wave is stimulated. And in the regime of the tilted angle larger and smaller then the magic angle, two types of nonlinear excitations appear, which are bright soliton and dark soliton.
301 - Lan Zhou , H. Dong , Yu-xi Liu 2008
We study single-photon transport in an array of coupled microcavities where two two-level atomic systems are embedded in two separate cavities of the array. We find that a single-photon can be totally reflected by a single two-level system. However, two separate two-level systems can also create, between them, single-photon quasi-bound states. Therefore, a single two-level system in the cavity array can act as a mirror while a different type of cavity can be formed by using two two-level systems, acting as tunable mirrors, inside two separate cavities in the array. In analogy with superlattices in solid state, we call this new cavity inside a coupled-cavity array a super-cavity. This supercavity is the quantum analog of Fabry-Perot interferometers. Moreover, we show that the physical properties of this quantum super-cavity can be adjusted by changing the frequencies of these two-level systems.
86 - Lan Zhou , Z. R. Gong , Yu-xi Liu 2008
We analyze coherent transport of photons, which propagate in a one-dimensional coupled-resonator waveguide (CRW) and are scattered by a controllable two-level system located inside the CRW. Our approach, which uses discrete coordinates, unifies low and high energy effective theories for single photon scattering. We show that the controllable two-level system can behave as a quantum switch for the coherent transport of photons. This study may inspire new electro-optical single-photon quantum devices. We also suggest an experimental setup based on superconducting transmission line resonators and qubits
131 - Z. R. Gong , H. Ian , Lan Zhou 2008
We study the coherent scattering process of a single photon confined in an one-dimensional (1D) coupled cavity-array, where a $Lambda$-type three-level atom is placed inside one of the cavities in the array and behaves as a functional quantum node (FQN). We show that, through the electromagnetic induced transparency (EIT) mechanism, the $Lambda$-type FQN bears complete control over the reflection and transmission of the incident photon along the cavity-array. We also demonstrate the emergence of a quasibound state of the single photon inside a secondary cavity constructed by two distant FQNs as two end mirrors, from which we are motivated to design an all-optical single photon storage device of quantum coherence.
94 - Yu Guo , Lan Zhou , Le-Man Kuang 2008
We study the birefringence of the quantized polarized light in a magneto-optically manipulated atomic ensemble as a generalized Stern-Gerlach Effect of light. To explain this engineered birefringence microscopically, we derive an effective Shrodinger equation for the spatial motion of two orthogonally polarized components, which behave as a spin with an effective magnetic moment leading to a Stern-Gerlach split in an nonuniform magnetic field. We show that electromagnetic induced transparency (EIT) mechanism can enhance the magneto-optical Stern-Gerlach effect of light in the presence of a control field with a transverse spatial profile and a inhomogeneous magnetic field.
148 - Jing Lu , Lan Zhou , Le-Man Kuang 2008
In recent experiments[e.g., Nature Physics 2, 332 (2006)], the enhanced light deflection in an atomic ensemble due to inhomogeneous fields is demonstrated by the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) based mechanism. In this paper, we explore an different mechanism for the similar phenomenon of the enhanced light deflection. This mechanism is based on the coherent population oscillation, which leads to the hole burning in the absorption spectrum. The medium causing the deflection of probe light is an ensemble of two-level atoms manipulated by a strong controlled field on the two photon resonances. In the large detuning condition, the response of the medium to the pump field and signal field is obtained with steady state approximation. And it is found that after the probe field travels across the medium, the signal ray bends due to the spatial-dependent profile of the control beam.
28 - Lan Zhou , Jing Lu , D. L. Zhou 2008
Polaritons are the collective excitations of many atoms dressed by resonant photons, which can be used to explain the slow light propagation with the mechanism of electromagnetically induced transparency. As quasi-particles, these collective excitations possess the typical feature of the matter particles, which can be reflected and deflected by the inhomogeneous medium in its spatial motion with some velocity. In this paper we develop a quantum theory to systematically describe the spatial motion of polaritons in inhomogeneous magnetic and optical fields. This theoretical approach treats these quasi-particles through an effective Schr{o}dinger equation with anisotropic depression that the longitudinal motion is like a ultra-relativistic motion of a slow light velocity while the transverse motion is of non-relativity with certain effective mass. We find that, after passing through the EIT medium, the light ray bends due to the spatial-dependent profile of external field. This phenomenon explicitly demonstrates the exotic corpuscular property of polaritons with anisotropic nature.
166 - D.L. Zhou , Lan Zhou , R.Q. Wang 2007
We present a semi-classical theory for light deflection by a coherent $Lambda$-type three-level atomic medium in an inhomogeneous magnetic field or an inhomogeneous control laser. When the atomic energy levels (or the Rabi coupling by the control laser) are position-dependent due to the Zeeman effect by the inhomogeneous magnetic field (or the inhomogeneity of the control field profile), the spatial dependence of the refraction index of the atomic medium will result in an observable deflection of slow signal light when the electromagnetically induced transparency happens to avoid medium absorption. Our theoretical approach based on Fermats principle in geometrical optics not only provides a consistent explanation for the most recent experiment in a straightforward way, but also predicts the new effects for the slow signal light deflection by the atomic media in an inhomogeneous off-resonant control laser field.

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