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102 - Z. Li , K. Xu , Y. L. Zhang 2015
In the present work, two successive magneto-structural transformations (MSTs) consisting of martensitic and intermartensitic transitions have been reported in polycrystalline Ni55.8Mn18.1Ga26.1 Heusler alloy. Benefiting from the additional latent heat contributed from intermediate phase, this alloy exhibits a large transition entropy change {Delta}Str with the value of ~28 J/kg K. Moreover, the magnetocaloric effect (MCE) has been also evaluated in terms of Maxwell relation. For the magnetic field change of 3 T, it is found that the calculated value of refrigeration capacity for Ni55.8Mn18.1Ga26.1 attains to ~72 J/kg around room temperature, which significantly surpasses those obtained in many Ni-Mn based Heusler alloys. The mechanism underlying the enhanced MCE is believed to be responsible for these multiple transformations, which can sustain the pronounced isothermal entropy change {Delta}ST over a relatively wide temperature interval.
60 - L. Zhang , K. Mursula , 2015
Context. The relation between solar surface rotation and sunspot activity still remains open. Sunspot activity has dramatically reduced in solar cycle 24 and several solar activity indices and flux measurements experienced unprecedentedly low levels during the last solar minimum. Aims. We aim to reveal the momentary variation of solar surface rotation, especially during the recent years of reducing solar activity. Methods. We used a dynamic, differentially rotating reference system to determine the best-fit annual values of the differential rotation parameters of active longitudes of solar X-ray flares and sunspots in 1977-2012. Results. The evolution of rotation of solar active longitudes obtained with X-ray flares and with sunspots is very similar. Both hemispheres speed up since the late 1990s, with the southern hemisphere rotating slightly faster than the north. Earlier, in 1980s, rotation in the northern hemisphere was considerably faster, but experienced a major decrease in the early 1990s. On the other hand, little change was found in the southern rotation during these decades. This led to a positive asymmetry in north-south rotation rate in the early part of the time interval studied. Conclusions. The rotation of both hemispheres has been speeding up at roughly the same rate since late 1990s, with the southern hemisphere rotating slightly faster than the north. This period coincides with the start of dramatic weakening of solar activity, as observed in sunspots and several other solar, interplanetary and geomagnetic parameters.
434 - W.-L. Zhang , P. Richard , H. Ding 2014
We use polarization-resolved Raman spectroscopy to study the anisotropy of the electronic characteristics of the iron-pnictide parent compounds $A$Fe$_{2}$As$_{2}$ ($A$~=~Eu, Sr). We demonstrate that above the structural phase transition at Ts the dynamical anisotropic properties of the 122 compounds are governed by the emergence of $xy$-symmetry critical collective mode foretelling a condensation into a state with spontaneously broken four-fold symmetry at a temperature $T^{*}$. However, the modes critical slowing down is intervened by a structural transition at Ts, about 80~K above $T^{*}$, resulting in an anisotropic density wave state.
116 - L. Zhang , A. Bagrets , D. Xenioti 2014
We report a combined experimental and theoretical study of the Kondo effect in a series of binuclear metal-organic complexes of the form [(Me(hfacac)_2)_2(bpym)]^0, with Me = Nickel (II), Manganese(II), Zinc (II); hfacac = hexafluoroacetylacetonate, and bpym = bipyrimidine, adsorbed on Cu(100) surface. While Kondo-features did not appear in the scanning tunneling spectroscopy spectra of non-magnetic Zn_2, a zero bias resonance was resolved in magnetic Mn_2 and Ni_2 complexes. The case of Ni_2 is particularly interesting as the experiments indicate two adsorption geometries with very different properties. For Ni_2-complexes we have employed density functional theory to further elucidate the situation. Our simulations show that one geometry with relatively large Kondo temperatures T_K ~ 10K can be attributed to distorted Ni_2 complexes, which are chemically bound to the surface via the bipyrimidine unit. The second geometry, we assign to molecular fragmentation: we suggest that the original binuclear molecule decomposes into two pieces, including Ni(hexafluoroacetylacetonate)_2, when brought into contact with the Cu-substrate. For both geometries our calculations support a picture of the (S=1)-type Kondo effect emerging due to open 3d shells of the individual Ni^{2+} ions.
185 - L. Jiao , J. L. Zhang , Y. Chen 2014
We report measurements of London penetration depth $lambda(T)$ for the noncentrosymmetric superconductor BiPd by using a tunnel diode oscillator. Pronounced anisotropic behavior is observed in the low-temperature penetration depth; the in-plane penetration depth $lambda_{ac}(T)$ follows an exponential decrease, but the interplane penetration depth $lambda_b(T)$ shows power-law-type behavior. The superfluid density $rho_s(T)$, converted from the penetration depth $lambda(T)$, is best fitted by an anisotropic two-band BCS model. We argue that such a complex order parameter is attributed to the admixture of spin-singlet and spin-triplet pairing states as a result of antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling in BiPd.
133 - Y. Meng , J. Lin , L. Zhang 2014
Giant flares on soft gamma-ray repeaters that are thought to take place on magnetars release enormous energy in a short time interval. Their power can be explained by catastrophic instabilities occurring in the magnetic field configuration and the subsequent magnetic reconnection. By analogy with the coronal mass ejection (CME) events on the Sun, we develop a theoretical model via an analytic approach for magnetar giant flares. In this model, the rotation and/or displacement of the crust causes the field to twist and deform, leading to flux rope formation in the magnetosphere and energy accumulation in the related configuration. When the energy and helicity stored in the configuration reach a threshold, the system loses its equilibrium, the flux rope is ejected outward in a catastrophic way, and magnetic reconnection helps the catastrophe develop to a plausible eruption. By taking SGR 1806 - 20 as an example, we calculate the free magnetic energy released in such an eruptive process and find that it is more than $10^{47}$ ergs, which is enough to power a giant flare. The released free magnetic energy is converted into radiative energy, kinetic energy and gravitational energy of the flux rope. We calculated the light curves of the eruptive processes for the giant flares of SGR 1806 - 20, SGR 0526-66 and SGR 1900+14, and compared them with the observational data. The calculated light curves are in good agreement with the observed light curves of giant flares.
99 - J. Chen , L. Jiao , J. L. Zhang 2013
We present research on the superconducting properties of Nb$_{x}$Re$_{1-x}$ ($x$ = 0.13-0.38) obtained by measuring the electrical resistivity $rho(T)$, magnetic susceptibility $chi(T)$, specific heat $C_P(T)$, and London penetration depth $Deltalambda(T)$. It is found that the superconducting transition temperature $T_c$ decreases monotonically with an increase of $x$. The upper critical field $B_{c2}(T)$ for various $x$ can be nicely scaled by its corresponding $T_c$. The electronic specific heat $C_e(T)/T$, penetration depth $Deltalambda(T)$, and superfluid density $rho_{s}(T)$ demonstrate exponential behavior at low temperatures and can be well fitted by a one-gap BCS model. The residual Sommerfeld coefficient $gamma_0(B)$ in the superconducting state follows a linear field dependence. All these properties suggest an emph{s}-wave BCS-type of superconductivity with a very large $B_{c2}(0)$ for Nb$_{x}$Re$_{1-x}$ (0.13 $leq x leq$ 0.38).
128 - L. Zhang , J. Evers 2013
A setup to frequency-convert an arbitrary image encoded in the spatial profile of a probe field onto a signal field using four-wave mixing in a thermal atom vapor is proposed. The atomic motion is exploited to cancel diffraction of both signal and probe fields simultaneously. We show that an incoherent probe field can be used to enhance the transverse momentum bandwidth which can be propagated without diffraction, such that smaller structures with higher spatial resolution can be transmitted. It furthermore compensate linear absorption with non-linear gain, to improve the four-wave mixing performance since the propagation dynamics of the various field intensities is favorably modified.
385 - J. Zhu , J. L. Zhang , P. P. Kong 2013
Topological superconductivity is one of most fascinating properties of topological quantum matters that was theoretically proposed and can support Majorana Fermions at the edge state. Superconductivity was previously realized in a Cu-intercalated Bi2Se3 topological compound or a Bi2Te3 topological compound at high pressure. Here we report the discovery of superconductivity in the topological compound Sb2Te3 when pressure was applied. The crystal structure analysis results reveal that superconductivity at a low-pressure range occurs at the ambient phase. The Hall coefficient measurements indicate the change of p-type carriers at a low-pressure range within the ambient phase, into n-type at higher pressures, showing intimate relation to superconducting transition temperature. The first principle calculations based on experimental measurements of the crystal lattice show that Sb2Te3 retains its Dirac surface states within the low-pressure ambient phase where superconductivity was observed, which indicates a strong relationship between superconductivity and topology nature.
The pressure induced superconductivity and structural evolution for Bi2Se3 single crystal have been studied. The emergence of superconductivity with onset transition temperature (Tc) about 4.4K is observed around 12GPa. Tc increases rapidly to the highest 8.5K at 16GPa, decreases to 6.5K at 21GPa, then keep almost constant. It is found that Tc versus pressure is closely related to the carrier density which increases by more than two orders of magnitude from 2GPa to 23GPa. High pressure synchrotron radiation measurements reveal structure transitions occur around 12GPa, 20GPa, and above 29GPa, respectively. A phase diagram of superconductivity versus pressure is obtained.

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