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We performed an optical spectroscopy measurement on single crystals of $mathrm{Ba_2Ti_2Fe_2As_4O}$, which is a newly discovered superconductor showing a coexistence of superconductivity and density wave order. The study reveals a spectral change related to the formation density wave energy gap below $T_{DW}approx$125 K, leading to the removal of about half of the multiple Fermi surface sheets. The ratio of 2$Delta_{DW}$/$k_B T_{DW}approx$ 11.9 is considerably larger than the mean-field value based on the weak-coupling BCS theory. At the lowest temperature in the superconducting state, we observed opening of superconducting energy gaps $Delta_1(0) =3.4$ meV and $Delta_2(0)=7.9$ meV. The properties of superconducting state in $mathrm{Ba_2Ti_2Fe_2As_4O}$ are similar to that in $mathrm{BaFe_{1.85}Co_{0.15}As_2}$.
104 - Zhang-qi Yin , W. L. Yang , L. Sun 2014
We propose a scheme to realize quantum networking of superconducting qubits based on the opto-mechanical interface. The superconducting qubits interact with the microwave photons, which then couple to the optical photons through the opto-mechanical interface. The interface generates a quantum link between superconducting qubits and optical flying qubits with tunable pulse shapes and carrier frequencies, enabling transmission of quantum information to other superconducting or atomic qubits. We show that the scheme works under realistic experimental conditions and it also provides a way for fast initialization of the superconducting qubits under 1 K instead of 20 mK operation temperature.
154 - Z. Q. Liu , L. Sun , Z. Huang 2014
We report that in unannealed LaAlO3/SrTiO3 (LAO/STO) heterostructures the critical thickness for the appearance of the two-dimensional electron gas can be less than 4 unit cell (uc), the interface is conducting even for STO substrates with mixed terminations and the low-temperature resistance upturn in LAO/STO heterostructures with thick LAO layers strongly depends on laser fluence. Our experimental results provide fundamental insights into the different roles played by oxygen vacancies and polarization catastrophe in the two-dimensional electron gas in crystalline LAO/STO heterostructures.
220 - L. Sun , A. Petrenko , Z. Leghtas 2013
Quantum error correction (QEC) is required for a practical quantum computer because of the fragile nature of quantum information. In QEC, information is redundantly stored in a large Hilbert space and one or more observables must be monitored to reveal the occurrence of an error, without disturbing the information encoded in an unknown quantum state. Such observables, typically multi-qubit parities such as <XXXX>, must correspond to a special symmetry property inherent to the encoding scheme. Measurements of these observables, or error syndromes, must also be performed in a quantum non-demolition (QND) way and faster than the rate at which errors occur. Previously, QND measurements of quantum jumps between energy eigenstates have been performed in systems such as trapped ions, electrons, cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, and superconducting qubits. So far, however, no fast and repeated monitoring of an error syndrome has been realized. Here, we track the quantum jumps of a possible error syndrome, the photon number parity of a microwave cavity, by mapping this property onto an ancilla qubit. This quantity is just the error syndrome required in a recently proposed scheme for a hardware-efficient protected quantum memory using Schr{o}dinger cat states in a harmonic oscillator. We demonstrate the projective nature of this measurement onto a parity eigenspace by observing the collapse of a coherent state onto even or odd cat states. The measurement is fast compared to the cavity lifetime, has a high single-shot fidelity, and has a 99.8% probability per single measurement of leaving the parity unchanged. In combination with the deterministic encoding of quantum information in cat states realized earlier, our demonstrated QND parity tracking represents a significant step towards implementing an active system that extends the lifetime of a quantum bit.
137 - Z. H. Wu , D. L. Sun , S. Z. Wang 2012
We demonstrated a 967 nm diode end-pumped Er:GSGG laser operated at 2.794 Micrometer with spectrum width 3.6 nm in the continuous wave(CW) mode. The maximum output power of 440 mW is obtained at an incident pumping power of 3.4 W, which corresponds to an optical-to-optical efficiency of 13% and slope efficiency of 13.2%. The results suggest that short cavity and efficient cooling setup for crystal are advantageous to improve laser performance.
145 - L. DiCarlo , M. D. Reed , L. Sun 2010
Traditionally, quantum entanglement has played a central role in foundational discussions of quantum mechanics. The measurement of correlations between entangled particles can exhibit results at odds with classical behavior. These discrepancies increase exponentially with the number of entangled particles. When entanglement is extended from just two quantum bits (qubits) to three, the incompatibilities between classical and quantum correlation properties can change from a violation of inequalities involving statistical averages to sign differences in deterministic observations. With the ample confirmation of quantum mechanical predictions by experiments, entanglement has evolved from a philosophical conundrum to a key resource for quantum-based technologies, like quantum cryptography and computation. In particular, maximal entanglement of more than two qubits is crucial to the implementation of quantum error correction protocols. While entanglement of up to 3, 5, and 8 qubits has been demonstrated among spins, photons, and ions, respectively, entanglement in engineered solid-state systems has been limited to two qubits. Here, we demonstrate three-qubit entanglement in a superconducting circuit, creating Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states with fidelity of 88%, measured with quantum state tomography. Several entanglement witnesses show violation of bi-separable bounds by 830pm80%. Our entangling sequence realizes the first step of basic quantum error correction, namely the encoding of a logical qubit into a manifold of GHZ-like states using a repetition code. The integration of encoding, decoding and error-correcting steps in a feedback loop will be the next milestone for quantum computing with integrated circuits.
We present a detailed temperature dependent Raman light scattering study of optical phonons in Ba{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.28, superconducting Tc ~ 29 K), Sr{1-x}K{x}Fe{2}As{2} (x ~ 0.15, Tc ~ 29 K) and non-superconducting BaFe{2}As{2} single crystals. In all samples we observe a strong continuous narrowing of the Raman-active Fe and As vibrations upon cooling below the spin-density-wave transition Ts. We attribute this effect to the opening of the spin-density-wave gap. The electron-phonon linewidths inferred from these data greatly exceed the predictions of ab-initio density functional calculations without spin polarization, which may imply that local magnetic moments survive well above Ts. A first-order structural transition accompanying the spin-density-wave transition induces discontinuous jumps in the phonon frequencies. These anomalies are increasingly suppressed for higher potassium concentrations. We also observe subtle phonon anomalies at the superconducting transition temperature Tc, with a behavior qualitatively similar to that in the cuprate superconductors.
203 - W. Yi , L. Sun , Z. Ren 2008
Here we report pressure effect on superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of ReFeAsO0.85 (Re= Sm and Nd) system without fluorine doping. In-situ measurements under high pressure showed that Tc of the two compounds decrease monotonously over the pressure range investigated. The pressure coefficients dTc/dP in SmFeAsO0.85 and Nd FeAsO0.85 were different, revealing the important influence of the deformation in layers on Tc. Theoretical calculations suggested that the electron density of states decrease with increasing pressure, following the same trend of experimental data.

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