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We study the effect of local stellar radiation and UVB on the physical properties of DLAs and LLSs at z=3 using cosmological SPH simulations. We post-process our simulations with the ART code for radiative transfer of local stellar radiation and UVB. We find that the DLA and LLS cross sections are significantly reduced by the UVB, whereas the local stellar radiation does not affect them very much except in the low-mass halos. This is because clumpy high-density clouds near young star clusters effectively absorb most of the ionizing photons from young stars. We also find that the UVB model with a simple density threshold for self-shielding effect can reproduce the observed column density distribution function of DLAs and LLSs very well, and we validate this model by direct radiative transfer calculations of stellar radiation and UVB with high angular resolution. We show that, with a self-shielding treatment, the DLAs have an extended distribution around star-forming regions typically on ~ 10-30 kpc scales, and LLSs are surrounding DLAs on ~ 30-60 kpc scales. Our simulations suggest that the median properties of DLA host haloes are: Mh = 2.4*10^10 Msun, SFR = 0.3 Msun/yr, M* = 2.4*10^8 Msun, and Z/Zsun = 0.1. About 30 per cent of DLAs are hosted by haloes having SFR = 1 - 20 Msun/yr, which is the typical SFR range for LBGs. More than half of DLAs are hosted by the LBGs that are fainter than the current observational limit. Our results suggest that fractional contribution to LLSs from lower mass haloes is greater than for DLAs. Therefore the median values of LLS host haloes are somewhat lower with Mh = 9.6*10^9 Msun, SFR = 0.06 Msun/yr, M* = 6.5*10^7 Msun and Z/Zsun = 0.08. About 80 per cent of total LLS cross section are hosted by haloes with SFR < 1 Msun/yr, hence most LLSs are associated with low-mass halos with faint LBGs below the current detection limit.
We study the gas accretion onto a supermassive black hole (SMBH) using the 3D SPH code GADGET-3 on scales of 0.1-200 pc. First we test our code with spherically symmetric, adiabatic Bondi accretion problem. We find that our simulation can reproduce the expected Bondi accretion flow very well for a limited amount of time until the effect of outer boundary starts to be visible. We also find artificial heating of gas near the inner accretion boundary due to the artificial viscosity of SPH. Second, we implement radiative cooling and heating due to X-rays, and examine the impact of thermal feedback by the central X-ray source. The accretion flow roughly follows the Bondi solution for low central X-ray luminosities, however, the flow starts to exhibit non-spherical fragmentation due to thermal instability for a certain range of central L_X, and a strong overall outflow develops for greater L_X. The cold gas develops filamentary structures that fall into the central SMBH, whereas the hot gas tries to escape through the channels in-between the cold filaments. Such fragmentation of accreting gas can assist in the formation of clouds around AGN, induce star-formation, and contribute to the observed variability of narrow-line regions.
204 - Kentaro Nagamine 2010
We study the properties of Lyman-alpha emitters (LAEs) and Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at z=3-6 using cosmological SPH simulations. We investigate two simple scenarios for explaining the observed Ly-a and rest-frame UV luminosity functions (LFs) of LAEs: (i) the escape fraction scenario, in which the effective escape fraction (including the IGM attenuation) of Ly-a photons is f_Lya ~0.1 (0.15) at z=3 (6), and (ii) the stochastic scenario, in which the fraction of LAEs that are turned on at z=3 (6) is Cstoc ~0.07 (0.2) after correcting for the IGM attenuation. Our comparisons with a number of different observations suggest that the stochastic scenario is preferred over the escape fraction scenario. We find that the mean values of stellar mass, metallicity and black hole mass hosted by LAEs are all smaller in the stochastic scenario than in the escape fraction scenario. In our simulations, the galaxy stellar mass function evolves rapidly, as expected in hierarchical structure formation. However, its evolution is largely compensated by a beginning decline in the specific star formation rate, resulting in little evolution of the rest-frame UV LF from z=6 to 3. The rest-frame UV LF of both LAEs and LBGs at z=3 & 6 can be described well by the stochastic scenario provided the extinction is moderate, E(B-V) ~0.15, for both populations, although our simulation might be overpredicting the number of bright LBGs at z=6. We also discuss the correlation function and bias of LAEs. The Ly-a LFs at z=6 in a field-of-view of 0.2 deg^2 show a significantly larger scatter owing to cosmic variance relative to that in a 1 deg^2 field, and the scatter seen in the current observational estimates of the Ly-a LF can be accounted for by cosmic variance.
96 - Tae Song Lee 2010
We calculate the cross-correlation function (CCF) between damped Ly-a systems (DLAs) and Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations at z=3. We compute the CCF with two different methods. First, we assume that there is one DLA in each dark matter halo if its DLA cross section is non-zero. In our second approach we weight the pair-count by the DLA cross section of each halo, yielding a cross-section-weighted CCF. We also compute the angular CCF for direct comparison with observations. Finally, we calculate the auto-correlation functions of LBGs and DLAs, and their bias against the dark matter distribution. For these different approaches, we consistently find that there is good agreement between our simulations and observational measurements by Cooke et al. and Adelberger et al. Our results thus confirm that the spatial distribution of LBGs and DLAs can be well described within the framework of the concordance Lambda CDM model. We find that the correlation strengths of LBGs and DLAs are consistent with the actual observations, and in the case of LBGs it is higher than would be predicted by low-mass galaxy merger models.
We compute the infrared (IR) emission from high-redshift galaxies in cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations by coupling the output of the simulation with the population synthesis code `GRASIL by Silva et al. Based on the stellar mass, metallicity and formation time of each star particle, we estimate the full spectral energy distribution of each star particle from ultraviolet to IR, and compute the luminosity function of simulated galaxies in the Spitzer broadband filters for direct comparison with the available Spitzer observations.
We study the impact of ultraviolet background (UVB) radiation field and the local stellar radiation on the H_I column density distribution f(N_HI) of damped Ly-alpha systems (DLAs) and sub-DLAs at z=3 using cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations. We find that, in the previous simulations with an optically thin approximation, the UVB was sinking into the H_I cloud too deeply, and therefore we underestimated the f(N_HI) at 19 < log(N_HI) < 21.2 compared to the observations. If the UVB is shut off in the high-density regions with n_gas > 6 x 10^{-3} cm^{-3}, then we reproduce the observed f(N_HI) at z=3 very well. We also investigate the effect of local stellar radiation by post-processing our simulation with a radiative transfer code, and find that the local stellar radiation does not change the f(N_HI) very much. Our results show that the shape of f(N_HI) is determined primarily by the UVB with a much weaker effect by the local stellar radiation and that the optically thin approximation often used in cosmological simulation is inadequate to properly treat the ionization structure of neutral gas in and out of DLAs. Our result also indicates that the DLA gas is closely related to the transition region from optically-thick neutral gas to optically-thin ionized gas within dark matter halos.
117 - Jun-Hwan Choi 2010
We develop a new ``Multicomponent and Variable Velocity (MVV) galactic outflow model for cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations. The MVV wind model reflects the fact that the wind material can arise from different phases in the interstellar medium (ISM), and the mass-loading factor in the MVV model is a function of galaxy stellar mass. We find that the simulation with the MVV outflow has the following characteristics: (i) the intergalactic medium (IGM) is hardly heated up, and the mean IGM temperature is almost the same as in the no-wind run; (ii) it has lower cosmic star formation rates (SFRs) compared to the no-wind run, but higher SFRs than the constant velocity wind run; (iii) it roughly agrees with the observed IGM metallicity, and roughly follows the observed evolution of Omega(Civ); (iv) the lower mass galaxies have larger mass-loading factors, and the low-mass end of galaxy stellar mass function is flatter than in the previous simulations. Therefore, the MVV outflow model mildly alleviates the problem of too steep galaxy stellar mass function seen in the previous SPH simulations. In summary, the new MVV outflow model shows reasonable agreement with observations, and gives better results than the constant velocity wind model.
90 - Jun-Hwan Choi 2009
We investigate the effects of the change of cosmological parameters and star formation (SF) models on the cosmic SF history using cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations based on the cold dark matter (CDM) model. We vary the cosmological parameters within 1-sigma error from the WMAP best-fit parameters, and find that such changes in cosmological parameters mostly affect the amplitude of the cosmic SF history. At high redshift (hereafter high-z), the star formation rate (SFR) is sensitive to the cosmological parameters that control the small-scale power of the primordial power spectrum, while the cosmic matter content becomes important at lower redshifts. We also test two new SF models: 1) the `Pressure model based on the work by Schaye & Dalla Vecchia (2008), and 2) the `Blitz model that takes the effect of molecular hydrogen formation into account, based on the work by Blitz & Rosolowsky (2006). Compared to the previous conventional SF model, the Pressure model reduces the SFR in low-density regions and shows better agreement with the observations of the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. This model also suppresses the early star formation and shifts the peak of the cosmic SF history toward lower redshift, more consistently with the recent observational estimates of cosmic SFR density. The simulations with the new SF model also predict lower global stellar mass densities at high-z, larger populations of low-mass galaxies and a higher gas fraction in high-z galaxies. Our results suggest that there is room left in the model uncertainties to reconcile the discrepancy that was found between the theory and observations of cosmic SF history and stellar mass density. Nevertheless, our simulations still predict higher stellar mass densities than most of the observational estimates.
200 - Kentaro Nagamine 2009
We examine the past and current work on the star formation (SF) histories of dwarf galaxies in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. The results obtained from different numerical methods are still somewhat mixed, but the differences are understandable if we consider the numerical and resolution effects. It remains a challenge to simulate the episodic nature of SF history in dwarf galaxies at late times within the cosmological context of a cold dark matter model. More work is needed to solve the mysteries of SF history of dwarf galaxies employing large-scale hydrodynamic simulations on the next generation of supercomputers.
99 - Jun-Hwan Choi 2008
We present the results of a numerical study on the effects of metal enrichment and metal cooling on galaxy formation and cosmic star formation (SF) history using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. We find following differences in the simulation with metal cooling when compared to the run without it: (1) the cosmic star formation rate (SFR) is enhanced by about 50 & 20% at z=1 & 3, respectively; (2) the gas mass fraction in galaxies is lower; (3) the total baryonic mass function (gas + star) at z=3 does not differ significantly, but shows an increase in the number of relatively massive galaxies at z=1; (4) the baryonic mass fraction of intergalactic medium (IGM) is reduced at z<3 due to more efficient cooling and gas accretion onto galaxies. Our results suggest that the metal cooling enhances the galaxy growth by two different mechanisms: (1) increase of SF efficiency in the local interstellar medium (ISM), and (2) increase of IGM accretion onto galaxies. The former process is effective throughout most of the cosmic history, while the latter is effective only at z<3 when the IGM is sufficiently enriched by metals owing to feedback.

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