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We describe the implementation and performance of the ${rm P^3T}$ (Particle-Particle Particle-Tree) scheme for simulating dense stellar systems. In ${rm P^3T}$, the force experienced by a particle is split into short-range and long-range contributions. Short-range forces are evaluated by direct summation and integrated with the fourth order Hermite predictor-corrector method with the block timesteps. For long-range forces, we use a combination of the Barnes-Hut tree code and the leapfrog integrator. The tree part of our simulation environment is accelerated using graphical processing units (GPU), whereas the direct summation is carried out on the host CPU. Our code gives excellent performance and accuracy for star cluster simulations with a large number of particles even when the core size of the star cluster is small.
In this paper, we present a new formulation of smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH), which, unlike the standard SPH (SSPH), is well-behaved at the contact discontinuity. The SSPH scheme cannot handle discontinuities in density (e.g. the contact discontinuity and the free surface), because it requires that the density of fluid is positive and continuous everywhere. Thus there is inconsistency in the formulation of the SSPH scheme at discontinuities of the fluid density. To solve this problem, we introduce a new quantity associated with particles and density of that quantity. This density evolves through the usual continuity equation with an additional artificial diffusion term, in order to guarantee the continuity of density. We use this density or pseudo density, instead of the mass density, to formulate our SPH scheme. We call our new method as SPH with smoothed pseudo-density (SPSPH). We show that our new scheme is physically consistent and can handle discontinuities quite well.
Many massive objects have been found in the outer region of the Solar system. How they were formed and evolved has not been well understood, although there have been intensive studies on accretion process of terrestrial planets. One of the mysteries is the existence of binary planetesimals with near-equal mass components and highly eccentric orbits. These binary planetesimals are quite different from the satellites observed in the asteroid belt region. The ratio of the Hill radius to the physical radius of the planetesimals is much larger for the outer region of the disk, compared to the inner region of the disk. The Hill radius increases with the semi major axis. Therefore, planetesimals in the outer region can form close and eccentric binaries, while those in the inner region would simply collide. In this paper, we carried out $N$-body simulations in different regions of the disk and studied if binaries form in the outer region of the disk. We found that large planetesimals tend to form binaries. A significant fraction of large planetesimals are components of the binaries. Planetesimals that become the components of binaries eventually collide with a third body, through three-body encounters. Thus, the existence of binaries can enhance the growth rate of planetesimals in the Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) region.
The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is a useful numerical tool for the study of a variety of astrophysical and planetlogical problems. However, it turned out that the standard SPH algorithm has problems in dealing with hydrodynamical instabilities. This problem is due to the assumption that the local density distribution is differentiable. In order to solve this problem, a new SPH formulation, which does not require the differentiability of the density, have been proposed. This new SPH method improved the treatment of hydrodynamical instabilities. This method, however, is applicable only to the equation of state (EOS) of the ideal gas. In this paper, we describe how to extend the new SPH method to non-ideal EOS. We present the results of various standard numerical tests for non-ideal EOS. Our new method works well for non-ideal EOS. We conclude that our new SPH can handle hydrodynamical instabilities for an arbitrary EOS and that it is an attractive alternative to the standard SPH.
A compact gas cloud G2 is predicted to reach the pericenter of its orbit around the super massive black hole (SMBH) of our galaxy, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). This event will give us a rare opportunity to observe the interaction between SMBH and gas around it. We report the result of the fully three-dimensional simulation of the evolution of G2 during the first pericenter passage. The strong tidal force by the SMBH stretches the cloud along its orbit, and compresses it strongly in the vertical direction, resulting in the heating up and flaring up of the cloud. The bolometric luminosity will reach the maximum of $sim100 L_{odot}$. This flare should be easily observed in the near infrared.
As an entry for the 2012 Gordon-Bell performance prize, we report performance results of astrophysical N-body simulations of one trillion particles performed on the full system of K computer. This is the first gravitational trillion-body simulation in the world. We describe the scientific motivation, the numerical algorithm, the parallelization strategy, and the performance analysis. Unlike many previous Gordon-Bell prize winners that used the tree algorithm for astrophysical N-body simulations, we used the hybrid TreePM method, for similar level of accuracy in which the short-range force is calculated by the tree algorithm, and the long-range force is solved by the particle-mesh algorithm. We developed a highly-tuned gravity kernel for short-range forces, and a novel communication algorithm for long-range forces. The average performance on 24576 and 82944 nodes of K computer are 1.53 and 4.45 Pflops, which correspond to 49% and 42% of the peak speed.
The standard formulation of the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) assumes that the local density distribution is differentiable. This assumption is used to derive the spatial derivatives of other quantities. However, this assumption breaks down at the contact discontinuity. At the contact discontinuity, the density of the low-density side is overestimated while that of the high-density side is underestimated. As a result, the pressure of the low (high) density side is over (under) estimated. Thus, unphysical repulsive force appears at the contact discontinuity, resulting in the effective surface tension. This tension suppresses fluid instabilities. In this paper, we present a new formulation of SPH, which does not require the differentiability of density. Instead of the mass density, we adopt the internal energy density (pressure), and its arbitrary function, which are smoothed quantities at the contact discontinuity, as the volume element used for the kernel integration. We call this new formulation density independent SPH (DISPH). It handles the contact discontinuity without numerical problems. The results of standard tests such as the shock tube, Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities, point like explosion, and blob tests are all very favorable to DISPH. We conclude that DISPH solved most of known difficulties of the standard SPH, without introducing additional numerical diffusion or breaking the exact force symmetry or energy conservation. Our new SPH includes the formulation proposed by Ritchie & Thomas (2001) as a special case. Our formulation can be extended to handle a non-ideal gas easily.
We present the results of the Cosmogrid cosmological N-body simulation suites based on the concordance LCDM model. The Cosmogrid simulation was performed in a 30Mpc box with 2048^3 particles. The mass of each particle is 1.28x10^5 Msun, which is sufficient to resolve ultra-faint dwarfs. We found that the halo mass function shows good agreement with the Sheth & Tormen fitting function down to ~10^7 Msun. We have analyzed the spherically averaged density profiles of the three most massive halos which are of galaxy group size and contain at least 170 million particles. The slopes of these density profiles become shallower than -1 at the inner most radius. We also find a clear correlation of halo concentration with mass. The mass dependence of the concentration parameter cannot be expressed by a single power law, however a simple model based on the Press-Schechter theory proposed by Navarro et al. gives reasonable agreement with this dependence. The spin parameter does not show a correlation with the halo mass. The probability distribution functions for both concentration and spin are well fitted by the log-normal distribution for halos with the masses larger than ~10^8 Msun. The subhalo abundance depends on the halo mass. Galaxy-sized halos have 50% more subhalos than ~10^{11} Msun halos have.
Earth-mass dark matter microhalos with size of ~100 AUs are the first structures formed in the universe, if the dark matter of the Universe are made of neutralino. Here, we report the results of ultra-high-resolution simulations of the formation and evolution of these microhalos. We found that microhalos have the central density cusps of the form $rho propto r^{-1.5}$, much steeper than the cusps of larger dark halos. The central regions of these microhalos survive the encounters with stars except in very inner region of the galaxy down to the radius of a few hundreds pcs from the galactic center. The annihilation signals from nearest microhalos are observed as gamma-ray point-sources (radius less than 1), with unusually large proper motions of ~0.2 degree per year. Their surface brightnesses are ~10% of that of the galactic center. Their S/N ratios might be better if they are far from the galactic plane. Luminosities of subhalos are determined only by their mass, and they are more than one order of magnitude luminous than the estimation by Springel et al. (2008): A boost factor can be larger than 1000. Perturbations to the millisecond pulsars by gravitational attractions of nearby earth-mass microhalos can be detected by the observations of Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA).
We propose a symmetrized form of the softened gravitational potential which is a natural extension of the Plummer potential. The gravitational potential at the position of particle i (x_i,y_i,z_i), induced by particle j at (x_j,y_j,z_j), is given by: phi_ij = -G m_j/|r_ij^2+e_i^2+e_j^2|^1/2, where G is the gravitational constant, m_j is the mass of particle j, r_ij = |(x_i-x_j)^2+(y_i-y_j)^2+(z_i-z_j)^2|^1/2 and e_i and e_j are the gravitational softening lengths of particles i and j, respectively. This form is formally an extension of the Newtonian potential to five dimensions. The derivative of this equation in the x,y, and z directions correspond to the gravitational accelerations in these directions and these are always symmetric between two particles. When one applies this potential to a group of particles with different softening lengths, as is the case with a tree code, an averaged gravitational softening length for the group can be used. We find that the most suitable averaged softening length for a group of particles is <e_j^2> = sum_j^N m_j e_j^2 / M, where M = sum_j^N m_j and N are the mass and number of all particles in the group, respectively. The leading error related to the softening length is O(sum_j r_j d(e_j^2)/r_ij^3), where r_j is the distance between particle j and the center of mass of the group and d(e_j^2) = e_j^2 - <e_j^2>. Using this averaged gravitational softening length with the tree method, one can use a single tree to evaluate the gravitational forces for a system of particles with a wide variety of gravitational softening lengths. Consequently, this will reduce the calculation cost of the gravitational force for such a system with different softenings without the need for complicated forms of softening. We present the result of simple numerical tests. We found that our modification of the Plummer potential works well.

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