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108 - Juergen Ott 2014
We present maps of a large number of dense molecular gas tracers across the Central Molecular Zone of our Galaxy. The data were taken with the CSIRO/CASS Mopra telescope in Large Projects in the 1.3cm, 7mm, and 3mm wavelength regimes. Here, we focus on the brightness of the shock tracers SiO and HNCO, molecules that are liberated from dust grains under strong (SiO) and weak (HNCO) shocks. The shocks may have occurred when the gas enters the bar regions and the shock differences could be due to differences in the moving cloud mass. Based on tracers of ionizing photons, it is unlikely that the morphological differences are due to selective photo-dissociation of the molecules. We also observe direct heating of molecular gas in strongly shocked zones, with a high SiO/HNCO ratios, where temperatures are determined from the transitions of ammonia. Strong shocks appear to be the most efficient heating source of molecular gas, apart from high energy emission emitted by the central supermassive black hole Sgr A* and the processes within the extreme star formation region Sgr B2.
149 - Juergen Ott 2014
We present a large-scale, interferometric survey of ammonia (1,1) and (2,2) toward the Galactic Center observed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The survey covers Delta l ~1degree (~150pc) at an assumed distance of 8.5 kpc) and Delta b ~0.2degree (~30pc) which spans the region between the supermassive black hole SgrA* and the massive star forming region SgrB2. The resolution is ~20 (~0.8pc) and emission at scales >~2 (>~3.2pc) is filtered out due to missing interferometric short spacings. Consequently, the data represent the denser, compact clouds and disregards the large scale, diffuse gas. Many of the clumps align with the 100 pc dust ring and mostly anti-correlate with 1.2cm continuum emission. We present a kinetic temperature map of the dense gas. The temperature distribution peaks at ~38K with a width at half maximum between 18K and 61K (measurements sensitive within Tkin~10-80K). Larger clumps are on average warmer than smaller clumps which suggests internal heating sources. Our observations indicate that the circumnuclear disk ~1.5 pc around SgrA* is supplied with gas by the 20km/s molecular cloud. This gas is substantially cooler than gas ~3-15pc away from SgrA*. We find a strong temperature gradient across SgrB2. Ammonia column densities correlate well with SCUBA 850um fluxes, but the relation is shifted from the origin, which may indicate a requirement for a minimum amount of dust to form and shield ammonia. Around the Arches and Quintuplet clusters we find shell morphologies with UV-influenced gas in their centers, followed by ammonia and radio continuum layers.
We report the detection of a 22GHz water maser line in the nearest (D~3.8Mpc) radio galaxy Centaurus A using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The line is centered at a velocity of ~960kms-1, which is redshifted by about 400kms-1 from the systemic velocity. Such an offset, as well as the width of ~120kms-1, could be consistent with either a nuclear maser arising from an accretion disk of the central supermassive black hole, or for a jet maser that is emitted from the material that is shocked near the base of the jet in Centaurus,A. The best spatial resolution of our ATCA data constrains the origin of the maser feature within <3pc from the supermassive black hole. The maser exhibits a luminosity of ~1Lo, which classifies it as a kilomaser, and appears to be variable on timescales of months. A kilomaser can also be emitted by shocked gas in star forming regions. Given the small projected distance from the core, the large offset from systemic velocity, as well as the smoothness of the line feature, we conclude that a jet maser line emitted by shocked gas around the base of the AGN is the most likely explanation. For this scenario we can infer a minimum density of the radio jet of ~>10cm-3, which indicates substantial mass entrainment of surrounding gas into the propagating jet material.
We present the Very Large Array survey of Advanced Camera for Surveys Nearby Galaxy Survey Treasury galaxies (VLA-ANGST). VLA-ANGST is a National Radio Astronomy Observatory Large Program consisting of high spectral (0.6-2.6 km/s) and spatial (~6) resolution observations of neutral, atomic hydrogen (HI) emission toward 35 nearby dwarf galaxies from the ANGST survey. ANGST is a systematic HST survey to establish a legacy of uniform multi-color photometry of resolved stars for a volume-limited sample of nearby galaxies (Dlesssim4 Mpc). VLA-ANGST provides VLA HI observations of the sub-sample of ANGST galaxies with recent star formation that are observable from the northern hemisphere and that were not observed in the The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). The overarching scientific goal of VLA-ANGST is to investigate fundamental characteristics of the neutral interstellar medium (ISM) of dwarf galaxies. Here we describe the VLA observations, the data reduction, and the final VLA-ANGST data products. We present an atlas of the integrated HI maps, the intensity-weighted velocity fields, the second moment maps as a measure for the velocity dispersion of the HI, individual channel maps, and integrated HI spectra for each VLA-ANGST galaxy. We closely follow the observational setup and data reduction of THINGS to achieve comparable sensitivity and angular resolution. A major difference, however, is the high velocity resolution of the VLA-ANGST observations (0.65 and 1.3km/s for the majority of the galaxies). The VLA-ANGST data products are made publicly available at: With available star formation histories from resolved stellar populations and lower resolution ancillary observations from the FIR to the UV, VLA-ANGST will enable detailed studies of the relationship between the ISM and star formation in dwarf galaxies on a ~100 pc scale.
95 - Juergen Ott 2011
(abridged) We present ATCA and GBT observations of ammonia (NH3) toward the ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG) merger Arp220. We detect the NH3 (1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), and (6,6) inversion lines in absorption against the unresolved, (62+/-9)mJy continuum source at 1.2cm. The peak apparent optical depths of the NH3 lines range from ~0.05 to 0.18. The absorption depth of the NH3 (1,1) line is significantly shallower than expected based on the depths of the other transitions, which might be caused by contamination from emission by a hypothetical, cold (<~20K) gas layer with an estimated column density of <~ 2x10^14 cm^-2. The widths of the NH3 absorption lines are ~120-430 km s^-1, in agreement with those of other molecular tracers. We cannot confirm the extremely large linewidths of up to ~1800km s^-1 previously reported. We determine a rotational temperature of (124+/-19)K, corresponding to a kinetic temperature of T_kin=(186+/-55)K. NH3 column densities depend on the excitation temperature. For an excitation temperature of 50K, we estimate (8.4+/-0.5)x10^16cm^-2. The relation scales linearly for possible higher excitation temperatures. In the context of a model with a molecular ring that connects the two nuclei in Arp220, we estimate the H2 gas density to be ~f_V^-0.5 x (1-4)x10^3, (f_V: volume filling factor). In addition to NH3, our ATCA data show an absorption feature adjacent in frequency to the NH3 (3,3) line. If we interpret the line to be from the OH ^2Pi_3/2 J=9/2 F=4-4 transition, it would have a linewidth, systemic velocity, and apparent optical depth similar to what we detect in the NH3 lines. If this association with OH is correct, it marks the first detection of the highly excited (~511K above ground state) ^2Pi_3/2 J=9/2 F=4-4 OH line in an extragalactic object.
The first detection of ammonia (NH3) is reported from the Magellanic Clouds. Using the Australia Telescope Compact Array, we present a targeted search for the (J,K) = (1,1) and (2,2) inversion lines towards seven prominent star-forming regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). Both lines are detected in the massive star-forming region N159W, which is located in the peculiar molecular ridge south of 30 Doradus, a site of extreme star formation strongly influenced by an interaction with the Milky Way halo. Using the ammonia lines, we derive a kinetic temperature of ~16K, which is 2-3 times below the previously derived dust temperature. The ammonia column density, averaged over ~17 is ~6x10^{12} cm^{-2} <1.5x10^{13} cm^{-2} over 9 in the other six sources) and we derive an ammonia abundance of ~4x10^{-10} with respect to molecular hydrogen. This fractional abundance is 1.5-5 orders of magnitude below those observed in Galactic star-forming regions. The nitrogen abundance in the LMC (~10% solar) and the high UV flux, which can photo-dissociate the particularly fragile NH3 molecule, must both contribute to the low fractional NH3 abundance, and we likely only see the molecule in an ensemble of the densest, best shielded cores of the LMC.
In recent years, HST revolutionized the field of star formation in nearby galaxies. Due to its high angular resolution it has now become possible to construct star formation histories of individual stellar populations on scales of a few arcseconds spanning a range of up to ~600 Myr. This method will be applied to the ANGST galaxies, a large HST volume limited survey to map galaxies up to distances of 3.5-4.0 Mpc (excluding the Local Group). The ANGST sample is currently followed--up by high, ~6 resolution VLA observations of neutral, atomic hydrogen (HI) in the context of VLA-ANGST, an approved Large VLA Project. The VLA resolution is well matched to that of the spatially resolved star formation history maps. The combination of ANGST and VLA-ANGST data will provide a new, promising approach to study essential fields of galaxy evolution such as the triggering of star formation, the feedback of massive stars into the interstellar medium, and the structure and dynamics of the interstellar medium.

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