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176 - Jingfu Zhang , Dieter Suter 2015
Hybrid systems consisting of different types of qubits are promising for building quantum computers if they combine useful properties of their constituent qubits. However, they also pose additional challenges if one type of qubits is more susceptible to environmental noise than the others. Dynamical decoupling can help to protect such systems by reducing the decoherence due to the environmental noise, but the protection must be designed such that it does not interfere with the control fields driving the logical operations. Here, we test such a protection scheme on a quantum register consisting of the electronic and nuclear spins of a nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. The results show that processing is compatible with protection: The dephasing time was extended almost to the limit given by the longitudinal relaxation time of the electron spin.
Universal quantum computation requires the implementation of arbitrary control operations on the quantum register. In most cases, this is achieved by external control fields acting selectively on each qubit to drive single-qubit operations. In combination with a drift Hamiltonian containing interactions between the qubits, this allows the implementation of any required gate operation. Here, we demonstrate an alternative scheme that does not require local control for all qubits: we implement one- and two-qubit gate operations on a set of target qubits indirectly, through a combination of gates on directly controlled actuator qubits with a drift Hamiltonian that couples actuator and target qubits. Experiments are performed on nuclear spins, using radio-frequency pulses as gate operations and magnetic-dipole couplings for the drift Hamiltonian.
Implementing precise operations on quantum systems is one of the biggest challenges for building quantum devices in a noisy environment. Dynamical decoupling (DD) attenuates the destructive effect of the environmental noise, but so far it has been used primarily in the context of quantum memories. Here, we present a general scheme for combining DD with quantum logical gate operations and demonstrate its performance on the example of an electron spin qubit of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. We achieve process fidelities >98% for gate times that are 2 orders of magnitude longer than the unprotected dephasing time $T_{2}$.
Quantum adiabatic passages can be greatly accelerated by a suitable control field, called a counter-diabatic field, which varies during the scan through resonance. Here, we implement this technique on the electron spin of a single nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. We demonstrate t
Quantum phase transitions occur at zero temperature, when the ground state of a Hamiltonian undergoes a qualitative change as a function of a control parameter. We consider a particularly interesting system with competing one-, two- and three-body interactions. Depending on the relative strength of these interactions, the ground state of the system can be a product state, or it can exhibit genuine tripartite entanglement. We experimentally simulate such a system in an NMR quantum simulator and observe the different ground states. By adiabatically changing the strength of one coupling constant, we push the system from one ground state to a qualitatively different ground state. We show that these ground states can be distinguished and the transitions between them observed by measuring correlations between the spins or the expectation values of suitable entanglement witnesses.
We implement an iterative quantum state transfer exploiting the natural dipolar couplings in a spin chain of a liquid crystal NMR system. During each iteration a finite part of the amplitude of the state is transferred and by applying an external operation on only the last two spins the transferred state is made to accumulate on the spin at the end point. The transfer fidelity reaches one asymptotically through increasing the number of iterations. We also implement the inverted version of the scheme which can transfer an arbitrary state from the end point to any other position of the chain and entangle any pair of spins in the chain, acting as a full quantum data bus.
We use NMR quantum simulators to study antiferromagnetic Ising spin chains undergoing quantum phase transitions. Taking advantage of the sensitivity of the systems near criticality, we detect the critical points of the transitions using a direct measurement of the Loschmidt echo. We test our simulators for spin chains of even and odd numbers of spins, and compare the experimental results to theoretical predictions.
Local or nonlocal character of quantum states can be quantified and is subject to various bounds that can be formulated as complementarity relations. Here, we investigate the local vs. nonlocal character of pure three-qubit states by a four-way interferometer. The complete entanglement in the system can be measured as the entanglement of a specific qubit with the subsystem consisting of the other two qubits. The quantitative complementarity relations are verified experimentally in an NMR quantum information processor.
Quantum phase transitions occur when the ground state of a quantum system undergoes a qualitative change when an external control parameter reaches a critical value. Here, we demonstrate a technique for studying quantum systems undergoing a phase transition by coupling the system to a probe qubit. It uses directly the increased sensibility of the quantum system to perturbations when it is close to a critical point. Using an NMR quantum simulator, we demonstrate this measurement technique for two different types of quantum phase transitions in an Ising spin chain.
Transferring quantum information between two qubits is a basic requirement for many applications in quantum communication and quantum information processing. In the iterative quantum state transfer (IQST) proposed by D. Burgarth et al. [Phys. Rev. A 75, 062327 (2007)], this is achieved by a static spin chain and a sequence of gate operations applied only to the receiving end of the chain. The only requirement on the spin chain is that it transfers a finite part of the input amplitude to the end of the chain, where the gate operations accumulate the information. For an appropriate sequence of evolutions and gate operations, the fidelity of the transfer can asymptotically approach unity. We demonstrate the principle of operation of this transfer scheme by implementing it in a nuclear magnetic resonance quantum information processor.

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