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110 - Coral Wheeler 2015
We present FIRE/Gizmo hydrodynamic zoom-in simulations of isolated dark matter halos, two each at the mass of classical dwarf galaxies ($M_{rm vir} simeq 10^{10} M_{odot}$) and ultra-faint galaxies ($M_{rm vir} simeq 10^9 M_{odot}$), and with two feedback implementations. The resultant central galaxies lie on an extrapolated abundance matching relation from $M_{star} simeq 10^6$ to $10^4 M_{odot}$ without a break. Every host is filled with subhalos, many of which form stars. Our dwarfs with $M_{star} simeq 10^6 M_{odot}$ each have 1-2 well-resolved satellites with $M_{star} = 3-200 times 10^3 M_{odot}$. Even our isolated ultra-faint galaxies have star-forming subhalos. If this is representative, dwarf galaxies throughout the universe should commonly host tiny satellite galaxies of their own. We combine our results with the ELVIS simulations to show that targeting $sim 50~ rm kpc$ regions around nearby isolated dwarfs could increase the chances of discovering ultra-faint galaxies by $sim 35%$ compared to random halo pointings, and specifically identify the region around the Phoenix dwarf galaxy as a good potential target. The well-resolved ultra-faint galaxies in our simulations ($M_{star} simeq 3 - 30 times 10^3 M_{odot}$) form within $M_{rm peak} simeq 0.5 - 3 times 10^9 M_{odot}$ halos. Each has a uniformly ancient stellar population ($ > 10~ rm Gyr$) owing to reionization-related quenching. More massive systems, in contrast, all have late-time star formation. Our results suggest that $M_{rm halo} simeq 5 times 10^9 M_{odot}$ is a probable dividing line between halos hosting reionization fossils and those hosting dwarfs that can continue to form stars in isolation after reionization.
Reionizing the Universe with galaxies appears to require significant star formation in low-mass halos at early times, while local dwarf galaxy counts tell us that star formation has been minimal in small halos around us today. Using simple models and the ELVIS simulation suite, we show that reionization scenarios requiring appreciable star formation in halos with $M_{rm vir} approx 10^{8},M_{odot}$ at $z=8$ are in serious tension with galaxy counts in the Local Group. This tension originates from the seemingly inescapable conclusion that 30 - 60 halos with $M_{rm vir} > 10^{8},M_{odot}$ at $z=8$ will survive to be distinct bound satellites of the Milky Way at $z = 0$. Reionization models requiring star formation in such halos will produce dozens of bound galaxies in the Milky Ways virial volume today (and 100 - 200 throughout the Local Group), each with $gtrsim 10^{5},M_{odot}$ of old stars ($gtrsim 13$ Gyr). This exceeds the stellar mass function of classical Milky Way satellites today, even without allowing for the (significant) post-reionization star formation observed in these galaxies. One possible implication of these findings is that star formation became sharply inefficient in halos smaller than $sim 10^9 ,M_{odot}$ at early times, implying that the high-$z$ luminosity function must break at magnitudes brighter than is often assumed (at ${rm M_{UV}} approx -14$). Our results suggest that JWST (and possibly even HST with the Frontier Fields) may realistically detect the faintest galaxies that drive reionization. It remains to be seen how these results can be reconciled with the most sophisticated simulations of early galaxy formation at present, which predict substantial star formation in $M_{rm vir} sim 10^8 , M_{odot}$ halos during the epoch of reionization.
We combine our Hubble Space Telescope measurement of the proper motion of the Leo I dwarf spheroidal galaxy (presented in a companion paper) with the highest resolution numerical simulations of Galaxy-size dark matter halos in existence to constrain the mass of the Milky Ways dark matter halo (M_MW). Despite Leo Is large Galacto-centric space velocity (200 km/s) and distance (261 kpc), we show that it is extremely unlikely to be unbound if Galactic satellites are associated with dark matter substructure, as 99.9% of subhalos in the simulations are bound to their host. The observed position and velocity of Leo I strongly disfavor a low mass Milky Way: if we assume that Leo I is the least bound of the Milky Ways classical satellites, then we find that M_MW > 10^{12} M_sun at 95% confidence for a variety of Bayesian priors on M_MW. In lower mass halos, it is vanishingly rare to find subhalos at 261 kpc moving as fast as Leo I. Should an additional classical satellite be found to be less bound than Leo I, this lower limit on M_MW would increase by 30%. Imposing a mass weighted LCDM prior, we find a median Milky Way virial mass of M_MW=1.6 x 10^{12} M_sun, with a 90% confidence interval of [1.0-2.4] x 10^{12} M_sun. We also confirm a strong correlation between subhalo infall time and orbital energy in the simulations and show that proper motions can aid significantly in interpreting the infall times and orbital histories of satellites.
138 - Miguel Rocha 2012
We use cosmological simulations to study the effects of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) on the density profiles and substructure counts of dark matter halos from the scales of spiral galaxies to galaxy clusters, focusing explicitly on models with cross sections over dark matter particle mass sigma/m = 1 and 0.1 cm^2/g. Our simulations rely on a new SIDM N-body algorithm that is derived self-consistently from the Boltzmann equation and that reproduces analytic expectations in controlled numerical experiments. We find that well-resolved SIDM halos have constant-density cores, with significantly lower central densities than their CDM counterparts. In contrast, the subhalo content of SIDM halos is only modestly reduced compared to CDM, with the suppression greatest for large hosts and small halo-centric distances. Moreover, the large-scale clustering and halo circular velocity functions in SIDM are effectively identical to CDM, meaning that all of the large-scale successes of CDM are equally well matched by SIDM. From our largest cross section runs we are able to extract scaling relations for core sizes and central densities over a range of halo sizes and find a strong correlation between the core radius of an SIDM halo and the NFW scale radius of its CDM counterpart. We construct a simple analytic model, based on CDM scaling relations, that captures all aspects of the scaling relations for SIDM halos. Our results show that halo core densities in sigma/m = 1 cm^2/g models are too low to match observations of galaxy clusters, low surface brightness spirals (LSBs), and dwarf spheroidal galaxies. However, SIDM with sigma/m ~ 0.1 cm^2/g appears capable of reproducing reported core sizes and central densities of dwarfs, LSBs, and galaxy clusters without the need for velocity dependence. (abridged)
We use cosmological SPH simulations to study the kinematic signatures of cool gas accretion onto a pair of well-resolved galaxy halos. Cold-flow streams and gas-rich mergers produce a circum-galactic component of cool gas that generally orbits with high angular momentum about the galaxy halo before falling in to build the disk. This signature of cosmological accretion should be observable using background-object absorption line studies as features that are offset from the galaxys systemic velocity by ~100 km/s. Accreted gas typically co-rotates with the central disk in the form of a warped, extended cold flow disk, such that the observed velocity offset is in the same direction as galaxy rotation, appearing in sight lines that avoid the galactic poles. This prediction provides a means to observationally distinguish accreted gas from outflow gas: the accreted gas will show large one-sided velocity offsets in absorption line studies while radial/bi-conical outflows will not (except possibly in special polar projections). This rotation signature has already been seen in studies of intermediate redshift galaxy-absorber pairs; we suggest that these observations may be among the first to provide indirect observational evidence for cold accretion onto galactic halos. Cold mode halo gas typically has ~3-5 times more specific angular momentum than the dark matter. The associated cold mode disk configurations are likely related to extended HI/XUV disks seen around galaxies in the local universe. The fraction of galaxies with extended cold flow disks and associated offset absorption-line gas should decrease around bright galaxies at low redshift, as cold mode accretion dies out.
We use cosmological SPH simulations to study the cool, accreted gas in two Milky Way-size galaxies through cosmic time to z=0. We find that gas from mergers and cold flow accretion results in significant amounts of cool gas in galaxy halos. This cool circum-galactic component drops precipitously once the galaxies cross the critical mass to form stable shocks, Mvir = Msh ~ 10^12 Msun. Before reaching Msh, the galaxies experience cold mode accretion (T<10^5 K) and show moderately high covering fractions in accreted gas: f_c ~ 30-50% for R<50 co-moving kpc and N_HI>10^16 cm^-2. These values are considerably lower than observed covering fractions, suggesting that outflowing gas (not included here) is important in simulating galaxies with realistic gaseous halos. Within ~500 Myr of crossing the Msh threshold, each galaxy transitions to hot mode gas accretion, and f_c drops to ~5%. The sharp transition in covering fraction is primarily a function of halo mass, not redshift. This signature should be detectable in absorption system studies that target galaxies of varying host mass, and may provide a direct observational tracer of the transition from cold flow accretion to hot mode accretion in galaxies.
Minor accretion events with mass ratio M_sat : M_host ~ 1:10 are common in the context of LCDM cosmology. We use high-resolution simulations of Galaxy-analogue systems to show that these mergers can dynamically eject disk stars into a diffuse light component that resembles a stellar halo both spatially and kinematically. For a variety of orbital configurations, we find that ~3-5e8 M_sun of primary stellar disk material is ejected to a distance larger than 5 kpc above the galactic plane. This ejected contribution is similar to the mass contributed by the tidal disruption of the satellite galaxy itself, though it is less extended. If we restrict our analysis to the approximate solar neighborhood in the disk plane, we find that ~1% of the initial disk stars in that region would be classified kinematically as halo stars. Our results suggest that the inner parts of galactic stellar halos contain ancient disk stars and that these stars may have been liberated in the very same events that delivered material to the outer stellar halo.
60 - Tobias Kaufmann 2009
We present a pair of high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations that explore the evolution and cooling behavior of hot gas around Milky-Way size galaxies. The simulations contain the same total baryonic mass and are identical other than their initial gas density distributions. The first is initialised with a low entropy hot gas halo that traces the cuspy profile of the dark matter, and the second is initialised with a high-entropy hot halo with a cored density profile as might be expected in models with pre-heating feedback. Galaxy formation proceeds in dramatically different fashion depending on the initial setup. While the low-entropy halo cools rapidly, primarily from the central region, the high-entropy halo is quasi-stable for ~4 Gyr and eventually cools via the fragmentation and infall of clouds from ~100 kpc distances. The low-entropy halos X-ray surface brightness is ~100 times brighter than current limits and the resultant disc galaxy contains more than half of the systems baryons. The high-entropy halo has an X-ray brightness that is in line with observations, an extended distribution of pressure-confined clouds reminiscent of observed populations, and a final disc galaxy that has half the mass and ~50% more specific angular momentum than the disc formed in the low-entropy simulation. The final high-entropy system retains the majority of its baryons in a low-density hot halo. The hot halo harbours a trace population of cool, mostly ionised, pressure-confined clouds that contain ~10% of the halos baryons after 10 Gyr of cooling. The covering fraction for HI and MgII absorption clouds in the high-entropy halo is ~0.4 and ~0.6, respectively, although most of the mass that fuels disc growth is ionised, and hence would be under counted in HI surveys.
122 - James S. Bullock 2009
Over the past five years, searches in Sloan Digital Sky Survey data have more than doubled the number of known dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, and have revealed a population of ultra-faint galaxies with luminosities smaller than typical globular clusters, L ~ 1000 Lsun. These systems are the faintest, most dark matter dominated, and most metal poor galaxies in the universe. Completeness corrections suggest that we are poised on the edge of a vast discovery space in galaxy phenomenology, with hundreds more of these extreme galaxies to be discovered as future instruments hunt for the low-luminosity threshold of galaxy formation. Dark matter dominated dwarfs of this kind probe the small-scale power-spectrum, provide the most stringent limits on the phase-space packing of dark matter, and offer a particularly useful target for dark matter indirect detection experiments. Full use of dwarfs as dark matter laboratories will require synergy between deep, large-area photometric searches; spectroscopic and astrometric follow-up with next-generation optical telescopes; and subsequent observations with gamma-ray telescopes for dark matter indirect detection.
109 - Evan N. Kirby 2009
The hierarchical theory of galaxy formation rests on the idea that smaller galactic structures merge to form the galaxies that we see today. The past decade has provided remarkable observational support for this scenario, driven in part by advances in spectroscopic instrumentation. Multi-object spectroscopy enabled the discovery of kinematically cold substructures around the Milky Way and M31 that are likely the debris of disrupting satellites. Improvements in high-resolution spectroscopy have produced key evidence that the abundance patterns of the Milky Way halo and its dwarf satellites can be explained by Galactic chemical evolution models based on hierarchical assembly. These breakthroughs have depended almost entirely on observations of nearby stars in the Milky Way and luminous red giant stars in M31 and Local Group dwarf satellites. In the next decade, extremely large telescopes will allow observations far down the luminosity function in the known dwarf galaxies, and they will enable observations of individual stars far out in the Galactic halo. The chemical abundance census now available for the Milky Way will become possible for our nearest neighbor, M31. Velocity dispersion measurements now available in M31 will become possible for systems beyond the Local Group such as Sculptor and M81 Group galaxies. Detailed studies of a greater number of individual stars in a greater number of spiral galaxies and their satellites will test hierarchical assembly in new ways because dynamical and chemical evolution models predict different outcomes for halos of different masses in different environments.

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