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We have constructed a mass-selected sample of Mstar>10^11Msolar galaxies at 1<z<3 in the CANDELS UDS and COSMOS fields and have decomposed these systems into their separate bulge and disk components according to their H(160)-band morphologies. By extending this analysis to multiple bands we have been able to conduct individual bulge and disk component SED fitting which has provided us with stellar-mass and star-formation rate estimates for the separate bulge and disk components. These have been combined with size measurements to explore the evolution of these massive high-redshift galaxies. By utilising the new decomposed stellar-mass estimates, we confirm that the bulge components display a stronger size evolution than the disks. This can be seen from both the fraction of bulge components which lie below the local relation and the median sizes of the bulge components, where the bulges are a median factor of 2.93+/-0.32 times smaller than similarly massive local galaxies at 1<z<2 and 3.41+/-0.58 smaller at 2<z<3; for the disks the corresponding factors are 1.65+/-0.14 and 1.99+/-0.25. Moreover, by splitting our sample into the passive and star-forming bulge and disk sub-populations and examining their sizes as a fraction of their present-day counter-parts, we find that the star-forming and passive bulges are equally compact, star-forming disks are larger, while the passive disks have intermediate sizes. This trend is not evident when classifying galaxy morphology on the basis of single-Sersic fits and adopting the overall star-formation rates. Finally, by evolving the star-formation histories of the passive disks back to the redshifts when the passive disks were last active, we show that the passive and star-forming disks have consistent sizes at the relevant epoch. These trends need to be reproduced by any mechanisms which attempt to explain the morphological evolution of galaxies.
We present the results of a new and improved study of the morphological and spectral evolution of massive galaxies over the redshift range 1<z<3. Our analysis is based on a bulge-disk decomposition of 396 galaxies with Mstar>10^11 Msolar from the CANDELS WFC3/IR imaging within the COSMOS and UKIDSS UDS survey fields. We find that, by modelling the H(160) image of each galaxy with a combination of a de Vaucouleurs bulge (Sersic index n=4) and an exponential disk (n=1), we can then lock all derived morphological parameters for the bulge and disk components, and successfully reproduce the shorter-wavelength J(125), i(814), v(606) HST images simply by floating the magnitudes of the two components. This then yields sub-divided 4-band HST photometry for the bulge and disk components which, with no additional priors, is well described by spectrophotometric models of galaxy evolution. Armed with this information we are able to properly determine the masses and star-formation rates for the bulge and disk components, and find that: i) from z=3 to z=1 the galaxies move from disk-dominated to increasingly bulge-dominated, but very few galaxies are pure bulges/ellipticals by z=1; ii) while most passive galaxies are bulge-dominated, and most star-forming galaxies disk-dominated, 18+/-5% of passive galaxies are disk-dominated, and 11+/-3% of star-forming galaxies are bulge-dominated, a result which needs to be explained by any model purporting to connect star-formation quenching with morphological transformations; iii) there exists a small but significant population of pure passive disks, which are generally flatter than their star-forming counterparts (whose axial ratio distribution peaks at b/a~0.7); iv) flatter/larger disks re-emerge at the highest star-formation rates, consistent with recent studies of sub-mm galaxies, and with the concept of a maximum surface-density for star-formation activity.
We investigate the multi-wavelength properties of a sample of 450-mu m selected sources from the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey (S2CLS). A total of 69 sources were identified above 4sigma in deep SCUBA-2 450-mu m observations overlapping the UDS and COSMOS fields and covering 210 sq. arcmin to a typical depth of sigma 450=1.5 mJy. Reliable cross identification are found for 58 sources (84 per cent) in Spitzer and Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/IR data. The photometric redshift distribution (dN/dz) of 450mu m-selected sources is presented, showing a broad peak in the redshift range 1<z<3, and a median of z=1.4. Combining the SCUBA-2 photometry with Herschel SPIRE data from HerMES, the submm spectral energy distribution (SED) is examined via the use of modified blackbody fits, yielding aggregate values for the IR luminosity, dust temperature and emissivity of <LIR>=10^12 +/- 0.8 L_sol, <T_D>=42 +/- 11 K and <beta_D>=1.6 +/- 0.5, respectively. The relationship between these SED parameters and the physical properties of galaxies is investigated, revealing correlations between T_D and LIR and between beta_D and both stellar mass and effective radius. The connection between star formation rate and stellar mass is explored, with 24 per cent of 450 mu m sources found to be ``star-bursts, i.e. displaying anomalously high specific SFRs. However, both the number density and observed properties of these ``star-burst galaxies are found consistent with the population of normal star-forming galaxies.
We have used high-resolution, HST WFC3/IR, near-infrared imaging to conduct a detailed bulge-disk decomposition of the morphologies of ~200 of the most massive (M_star > 10^11 M_solar) galaxies at 1<z<3 in the CANDELS-UDS field. We find that, while such massive galaxies at low redshift are generally bulge-dominated, at redshifts 1<z<2 they are predominantly mixed bulge+disk systems, and by z>2 they are mostly disk-dominated. Interestingly, we find that while most of the quiescent galaxies are bulge-dominated, a significant fraction (25-40%) of the most quiescent galaxies, have disk-dominated morphologies. Thus, our results suggest that the physical mechanisms which quench star-formation activity are not simply connected to those responsible for the morphological transformation of massive galaxies.
We have used deep, HST, near-IR imaging to study the morphological properties of the most massive galaxies at high z, modelling the WFC3/IR H-band images of the ~200 galaxies in the CANDELS-UDS field with 1 < z_phot < 3, and stellar masses M_star > 10^11 M_sun. We have used both single-Sersic and bulge+disk models, have investigated the errors/biases introduced by uncertainties in the background and the PSF, and have obtained formally-acceptable model fits to >90% of the galaxies. Our results indicate that these massive galaxies at 1 < z < 3 lie both on and below the local size-mass relation, with a median R_e~2.6 kpc, a factor of ~2.3 smaller than comparably-massive local galaxies. Moreover, we find that bulge-dominated objects in particular show evidence for a growing bimodality in the size-mass relation with increasing z, and by z > 2 the compact bulges display effective radii a factor ~4 smaller than local ellipticals of comparable mass. These trends appear to extend to the bulge components of disk-dominated galaxies, and vice versa. We also find that, while such massive galaxies at low z are bulge-dominated, at 1 < z < 2 they are predominantly mixed bulge+disk systems, and by z > 2 they are mostly disk-dominated. The majority of the disk-dominated galaxies are actively forming stars, but this is also true for many of the bulge-dominated systems. Interestingly, however, while most of the quiescent galaxies are bulge-dominated, we find that a significant fraction (25-40%) of the most quiescent galaxies have disk-dominated morphologies. Thus, while our results show that the massive galaxy population is undergoing dramatic changes at this crucial epoch, they also suggest that the physical mechanisms which quench star-formation activity are not simply connected to those responsible for the morphological transformation of massive galaxies into present-day giant ellipticals.
We report the results of a comprehensive study of the relationship between galaxy size, stellar mass and specific star-formation rate (sSFR) at redshifts 1.3<z<1.5. Based on a mass complete (M_star >= 6x10^10 Msun), spectroscopic sample from the UKIDSS Ultra-deep Survey (UDS), with accurate stellar-mass measurements derived from spectro photometric fitting, we find that at z~1.4 the location of massive galaxies on the size-mass plane is determined primarily by their sSFR. At this epoch we find that massive galaxies which are passive (sSFR <= 0.1 Gyr^-1) follow a tight size-mass relation, with half-light radii a factor f=2.4+/-0.2 smaller than their local counterparts. Moreover, amongst the passive sub-sample we find no evidence that the off-set from the local size-mass relation is a function of stellar population age. Based on a sub-sample with dynamical mass estimates we also derive an independent estimate of f=2.3+/-0.3 for the typical growth in half-light radius between z~1.4 and the present day. Focusing on the passive sub-sample, we conclude that to produce the necessary evolution predominantly via major mergers would require an unfeasible number of merger events and over populate the high-mass end of the local stellar mass function. In contrast, we find that a scenario in which mass accretion is dominated by minor mergers can produce the necessary evolution, whereby an increase in stellar mass by a factor of ~2, accompanied by an increase in size by a factor of ~3.5, is sufficient to reconcile the size-mass relation at z~1.4 with that observed locally. Finally, we note that a significant fraction (44+/-12%) of the passive galaxies in our sample have a disk-like morphology, providing additional evidence that separate physical processes are responsible for the quenching of star-formation and the morphological transformation of massive galaxies (abridged).
We present the results of a photometric redshift analysis designed to identify z>6 galaxies from the near-IR HST imaging in three deep fields (HUDF, HUDF09-2 & ERS). By adopting a rigorous set of criteria for rejecting low-z interlopers, and by employing a deconfusion technique to allow the available IRAC imaging to be included in the candidate selection process, we have derived a robust sample of 70 Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) spanning the redshift range 6.0<z<8.7. Based on our final sample we investigate the distribution of UV spectral slopes (beta), finding a variance-weighted mean value of <beta>=-2.05 +/- 0.09 which, contrary to some previous results, is not significantly bluer than displayed by lower-redshift starburst galaxies. We confirm the correlation between UV luminosity and stellar mass reported elsewhere, but based on fitting galaxy templates featuring a range of star-formation histories, metallicities and reddening we find that, at z>=6, the range in mass-to-light ratio (M*/L_UV) at a given UV luminosity could span a factor of ~50. Focusing on a sub-sample of twenty-one candidates with IRAC detections at 3.6-microns we find that L* LBGs at z~6.5 have a median stellar mass of M* = (2.1 +/- 1.1) x 10^9 Msun and a median specific star-formation rate of 1.9 +/- 0.8 Gyr^-1. Using the same sub-sample we have investigated the influence of nebular continuum and line emission, finding that for the majority of candidates (16 out of 21) the best-fitting stellar-mass estimates are reduced by less than a factor of 2.5. Finally, a detailed comparison of our final sample with the results of previous studies suggests that, at faint magnitudes, several high-redshift galaxy samples in the literature are significantly contaminated by low-redshift interlopers (abridged).
We have analysed a sample of 1292 4.5 micron-selected galaxies at z>=3, over 0.6 square degrees of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Survey (UKIDSS) Ultra Deep Survey (UDS). Using photometry from the U band through 4.5 microns, we have obtained photometric redshifts and derived stellar masses for our sources. Only two of our galaxies potentially lie at z>5. We have studied the galaxy stellar mass function at 3<=z<5, based on the 1213 galaxies in our catalogue with [4.5]<= 24.0. We find that: i) the number density of M > 10^11 Msun galaxies increased by a factor > 10 between z=5 and 3, indicating that the assembly rate of these galaxies proceeded > 20 times faster at these redshifts than at 0<z<2; ii) the Schechter function slope alpha is significantly steeper than that displayed by the local stellar mass function, which is both a consequence of the steeper faint end and the absence of a pure exponential decline at the high-mass end; iii) the evolution of the comoving stellar mass density from z=0 to 5 can be modelled as log10 (rho_M) =-(0.05 +/- 0.09) z^2 - (0.22 -/+ 0.32) z + 8.69. At 3<=z<4, more than 30% of the M > 10^11 Msun galaxies would be missed by optical surveys with R<27 or z<26. Thus, our study demonstrates the importance of deep mid-IR surveys over large areas to perform a complete census of massive galaxies at high z and trace the early stages of massive galaxy assembly.
We present the results of a systematic search for galaxies in the redshift range z = 6 - 9, within the new, deep, near-infrared imaging of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field provided by the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on HST. We have performed full SED fitting to the optical+infrared photometry of all high-redshift galaxy candidates detected at greater than 5-sigma in at least one of the WFC3/IR broad-band filters. After rejection of contaminants, the result is a sample of 49 galaxies with primary redshift solutions z > 5.9. Our sample, selected without recourse to specific colour cuts, re-selects all but the faintest one of the 16 z-drops selected by Oesch et al. (2009), recovers all 5 of the Y-drops reported by Bouwens et al. (2009), and adds a further 29 galaxy candidates, of which 12 lie beyond z = 6.3, and 4 lie beyond z = 7. We also present confidence intervals on our photometric redshift estimates, and caution that acceptable low-redshift (z < 2) solutions exist for 28 out of the 37 galaxies at z > 6.3, and for all 8 galaxy candidates at z > 7.5. Nevertheless, the very highest redshift candidates appear to be strongly clustered in the field. We derive new estimates of the ultraviolet galaxy luminosity function at z = 7 and z = 8. Where our results are most robust, at a characteristic luminosity M(1500) ~ -19.5 (AB), we find that the comoving number density of galaxies declines by a factor of ~ 2.5 between z = 6 and z = 7, and by a further factor of ~ 2 by z = 8. These results suggest that it is difficult for the observed population of high-redshift star-forming galaxies to achieve reionisation by z ~ 6 without a significant contribution from galaxies well below the detection limits, plus alterations in the escape fraction of ionising photons and/or continued vigorous star formation at z > 15.
We present the first results from the largest deep extragalactic millimetre-wavelength survey undertaken to date. These results are derived from maps covering over 0.7 deg^2, made at 1.1mm, using the AzTEC continuum camera mounted on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The maps were made in the two fields originally targeted at 0.85mm with SCUBA in the SHADES project, namely the Lockman Hole East (mapped to a depth of 0.9-1.3 mJy rms) and the Subaru XMM Deep Field (1.0-1.7 mJy rms). The wealth of existing and forthcoming deep multi-frequency data in these two fields will allow the bright mm source population revealed by these images to be explored in detail in subsequent papers. Here we present the maps themselves, a catalogue of 114 high-significance sub-millimetre galaxy detections, and a thorough statistical analysis leading to the most robust determination to date of the 1.1mm source number counts. Through careful comparison, we find that both the COSMOS and GOODS North fields, also imaged with AzTEC, contain an excess of mm sources over the new 1.1mm source-count baseline established here. In particular, our new AzTEC/SHADES results indicate that very luminous high-redshift dust enshrouded starbursts (S_{1.1} > 3 mJy) are 25-50% less common than would have been inferred from these smaller surveys, thus highlighting the potential roles of cosmic variance and clustering in such measurements. We compare number count predictions from recent models of the evolving mm/sub-mm source population to these SMG surveys, which provide important constraints for the ongoing refinement of semi-analytic and hydrodynamical models of galaxy formation, and find that all recent models over-predict the number of bright sub-millimetre galaxies found in this survey.

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