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In this contribution to the study of one dimensional point potentials, we prove that if we take the limit $qto 0$ on a potential of the type $v_0delta({y})+{2}v_1delta({y})+w_0delta({y}-q)+ {2} w_1delta({y}-q)$, we obtain a new point potential of the type ${u_0} delta({y})+{2 u_1} delta({y})$, when $ u_0$ and $ u_1$ are related to $v_0$, $v_1$, $w_0$ and $w_1$ by a law having the structure of a group. This is the Borel subgroup of $SL_2({mathbb R})$. We also obtain the non-abelian addition law from the scattering data. The spectra of the Hamiltonian in the exceptional cases emerging in the study are also described in full detail. It is shown that for the $v_1=pm 1$, $w_1=pm 1$ values of the $delta^prime$ couplings the singular Kurasov matrices become equivalent to Dirichlet at one side of the point interaction and Robin boundary conditions at the other side.
The effects induced by the quantum vacuum fluctuations of one massless real scalar field on a configuration of two partially transparent plates are investigated. The physical properties of the infinitely thin plates are simulated by means of Dirac-$delta-delta^prime$ point interactions. It is shown that the distortion caused on the fluctuations by this external background gives rise to a generalization of Robin boundary conditions. The $T$-operator for potentials concentrated on points with non defined parity is computed with total generality. The quantum vacuum interaction energy between the two plates is computed using the $TGTG$ formula to find positive, negative, and zero Casimir energies. The parity properties of the $delta-delta^prime$ potential allow repulsive quantum vacuum force between identical plates.
It is shown that the Confluent Heun Equation (CHEq) reduces for certain conditions of the parameters to a particular class of Quasi-Exactly Solvable models, associated with the Lie algebra $sl (2,{mathbb R})$. As a consequence it is possible to find a set of polynomial solutions of this quasi-exactly solvable version of the CHEq. These finite solutions encompass previously known polynomial solutions of the Generalized Spheroidal Equation, Razavy Eq., Whittaker-Hill Eq., etc. The analysis is applied to obtain and describe special eigen-functions of the quantum Hamiltonian of two fixed Coulombian centers in two and three dimensions.
The bipartite ground state entanglement in a finite linear harmonic chain of particles is numerically investigated. The particles are subjected to an external on-site periodic potential belonging to a family parametrized by the unit interval encompassing the sine-Gordon potential at both ends of the interval. Strong correspondences between the soliton entanglement entropy and the kink energy distribution profile as functions of the sub-chain length are found.
We show that Abelian Higgs Models with dielectric function defined on the noncommutative plane enjoy self-dual vorticial solutions. By choosing a particular form of the dielectric function, we provide a family of solutions whose Higgs and magnetic fields interpolate between the profiles of the noncommutative Nielsen-Olesen and Chern-Simons vortices. This is done both for the usual $U(1)$ model and for the $SU(2)times U(1)$ semilocal model with a doublet of complex scalar fields. The variety of known noncommutative self-dual vortices which display a regular behaviour when the noncommutativity parameter tends to zero results in this way considerably enlarged.
In this paper we construct $mathcal{N}=2$ supersymmetric (SUSY) quantum mechanics over several configurations of Dirac-$delta$ potentials from one single delta to a Dirac comb rqrq. We show in detail how the building of supersymmetry on potentials with delta interactions placed in two or more points on the real line requires the inclusion of quasi-square wells. Therefore, the basic ingredient of a supersymmetric Hamiltonian containing two or more Dirac-$delta$s is the singular potential formed by a Dirac-$delta$ plus a step ($theta$) at the same point. In this $delta/theta$ SUSY Hamiltonian there is only one singlet ground state of zero energy annihilated by the two supercharges or a doublet of ground states paired by supersymmetry of positive energy depending on the relation between the Dirac well strength and the height of the step potential. We find a scenario of either unbroken supersymmetry with Witten index one or supersymmetry breaking when there is one bosonicrqrq and one fermionicrqrq ground state such that the Witten index is zero. We explain next the different structure of the scattering waves produced by three $delta/theta$ potentials with respect to the eigenfunctions arising in the non-SUSY case. In particular, many more bound states paired by supersymmetry exist within the supersymmetric framework compared with the non-SUSY problem. An infinite array of equally spaced $delta$-interactions of the same strength but alternatively attractive and repulsive are susceptible of being promoted to a ${cal N}=2$ supersymmetric system...
Planar supersymmetric quantum mechanical systems with separable spectral problem in curvilinear coordinates are analyzed in full generality. We explicitly construct the supersymmetric extension of the Euler/Pauli Hamiltonian describing the motion of a light particle in the field of two heavy fixed Coulombian centers. We shall also show how the SUSY Kepler/Coulomb problem arises in two different limits of this problem: either, the two centers collapse in one center - a problem separable in polar coordinates -, or, one of the two centers flies to infinity - to meet the Coulomb problem separable in parabolic coordinates.
Two planar supersymmetric quantum mechanical systems built around the quantum integrable Kepler/Coulomb and Euler/Coulomb problems are analyzed in depth. The supersymmetric spectra of both systems are unveiled, profiting from symmetry operators not related to invariance with respect to rotations. It is shown analytically how the first problem arises at the limit of zero distance between the centers of the second problem. It appears that the supersymmetric modified Euler/Coulomb problem is a quasi-isospectral deformation of the supersymmetric Kepler/Coulomb problem.
In this paper we describe the structure of a class of two-component scalar field models in a (1+1) Minkowskian space-time which generalize the well-known Montonen-Sarker-Trullinger-Bishop -hence MSTB- model. This class includes all the field models whose static field equations are equivalent to the Newton equations of two-dimensional type I Liouville mechanical systems with a discrete set of instability points. We offer a systematic procedure to characterize these models and to identify the solitary wave or kink solutions as homoclinic or heteroclinic trajectories in the analogous mechanical system. This procedure is applied to a one-parametric family of generalized MSTB models with a degree-eight polynomial as potential energy density.

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