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121 - L. C. Wang , L. J. Li , Z. W. Ma 2015
A new method for the determination of the Alfven wave energy generated during magnetic reconnection is introduced and used to analyze the results from two-dimensional MHD simulations. It is found that the regions with strong Alfven wave perturbations almost coincide with that where both magnetic-field lines and flow-stream lines are bent, suggesting that this method is reliable for identifying Alfven waves. The magnetic energy during magnetic reconnection is mainly transformed into the thermal energy. The conversion rate to Alfven wave energy from the magnetic energy is strongly correlated to the magnetic reconnection rate. The maximum conversion rate at the time with the peak reconnection rate is found to be only about 4% for the cases with the plasma beta=0.01,0.1, and 1.0.
We investigate a general scheme for generating, either dynamically or in the steady state, continuous variable entanglement between two mechanical resonators with different frequencies. We employ an optomechanical system in which a single optical cavity mode driven by a suitably chosen two-tone field is coupled to the two resonators. Significantly large mechanical entanglement can be achieved, which is extremely robust with respect to temperature.
107 - J. Li , L. R. Shelford , P. Shafer 2015
By synchronizing a microwave waveform with the synchrotron x-ray pulses, we use the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) of the Py (Ni81Fe19) layer in a Py/Cu/Cu75Mn25/Cu/Co multilayer to pump a pure spin current into the Cu75Mn25 spacer layer, and then directly probe the spin current in the Cu75Mn25 layer by a time-resolved x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). This element-specific pump-probe measurement unambiguously identifies the AC spin current in the Cu75Mn25 layer. In addition, phase resolved x-ray measurements reveal a characteristic bipolar phase behavior of the Co spins that is a fingerprint of spin-current driven spin precession.
Atomically sharp oxide heterostructures often exhibit unusual physical properties that are absent in the constituent bulk materials. The interplay between electrostatic boundary conditions, strain and dimensionality in ultrathin epitaxial films can result in monolayer-scale transitions in electronic or magnetic properties. Here we report an atomically sharp antiferromagnetic-to-ferromagnetic phase transition when atomically growing polar antiferromagnetic LaMnO3 (001) films on SrTiO3 substrates. For a thickness of five unit cells or less, the films are antiferromagnetic, but for six unit cells or more, the LaMnO3 film undergoes a phase transition to a ferromagnetic state over its entire area, which is visualized by scanning superconducting quantum interference device microscopy. The transition is explained in terms of electronic reconstruction originating from the polar nature of the LaMnO3 (001) films. Our results demonstrate how new emergent functionalities can be visualized and engineered in atomically thick oxide films at the atomic level.
430 - Y. F. Cao , K. M. Cai , L. J. Li 2014
We carefully investigated the transport and capacitance properties of few layer charge density wave (CDW) 2H-TaS2 devices. The CDW transition temperature and the threshold voltage vary from device to device, which is attributed to the interlayer interaction and inhomogeneous local defects of these micro-devices based on few layer 2H-TaS2 flakes. Semiconductivity rather than metallic property of 2H-TaS2 devices was observed in our experiment at low temperature. The temperature dependence of the relative threshold voltage can be scaled to (1- T / Tr )^0.5+delta with delta=0.08 for the different measured devices with presence of the CDWs. The conductance-voltage and capacity-voltage measurements were performed simultaneously. At very low ac active voltage, we found that the hysteresis loops of these two measurements exactly match each other. Our results point out that the capacity-voltage measurements can also be used to define the threshold depinning voltage of the CDW, which give us a new method to investigate the CDWs.
We report a systematic study on the low-temperature thermal conductivity (kappa) of R_2Ti_2O_7 (R = Gd and Er) single crystals with different directions of magnetic field and heat current. It is found that the magnetic excitations mainly act as phonon scatterers rather than heat carriers, although these two materials have long-range magnetic orders at low temperatures. The low-T kappa(H) isotherms of both compounds show rather complicated behaviors and have good correspondences with the magnetic transitions, where the kappa(H) curves show drastic dip- or step-like changes. In comparison, the field dependencies of kappa are more complicated in Gd_2Ti_2O_7, due to the complexity of its low-T phase diagram and field-induced magnetic transitions. These results demonstrate the significant coupling between spins and phonons in these materials and the ability of heat-transport properties probing the magnetic transitions.
326 - B. Guo , Z. H. Li , Y. J. Li 2013
Fluorine is a key element for nucleosynthetic studies since it is extremely sensitive to the physical conditions within stars. The astrophysical site to produce fluorine is suggested to be asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. In these stars the 15N(n, g)16N reaction could affect the abundance of fluorine by competing with 15N(a, g)19F. The 15N(n, g)16N reaction rate depends directly on the neutron spectroscopic factors of the low-lying states in 16N. The angular distributions of the 15N(7Li, 6Li)16N reaction populating the ground state and the first three excited states in 16N are measured using a Q3D magnetic spectrograph and are used to derive the spectroscopic factors of these states based on distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) analysis. The spectroscopic factors of these four states are extracted to be 0.96+-0.09, 0.69+-0.09, 0.84+-0.08 and 0.65+-0.08, respectively. Based on the new spectroscopic factors we derive the 15N(n,g)16N reaction rate. The accuracy and precision of the spectroscopic factors are enhanced due to the first application of high-precision magnetic spectrograph for resolving the closely-spaced 16N levels which can not be achieved in most recent measurement. The present result demonstrates that two levels corresponding to neutron transfers to the 2s1/2 orbit in 16N are not so good single-particle levels although 15N is a closed neutron-shell nucleus. This finding is contrary to the shell model expectation. The present work also provides an independent examination to shed some light on the existing discrepancies in the spectroscopic factors and the 15N(n, g)16N rate.
XSS J12270-4859 is the only low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) with a proposed persistent gamma-ray counterpart in the Fermi-LAT domain, 2FGL 1227.7-4853. Here, we present the results of the analysis of recent INTEGRAL observations, aimed at assessing the long-term variability of the hard X-ray emission, and thus the stability of the accretion state. We confirm that the source behaves as a persistent hard X-ray emitter between 2003 and 2012. We propose that XSS J12270-4859 hosts a neutron star in a propeller state, a state we investigate in detail, developing a theoretical model to reproduce the associated X-ray and gamma-ray properties. This model can be understood as being of a more general nature, representing a viable alternative by which LMXBs can appear as gamma-ray sources. In particular, this may apply to the case of millisecond pulsars performing a transition from a state powered by the rotation of their magnetic field, to a state powered by matter in-fall, such as that recently observed from the transitional pulsar PSR J1023+0038. While the surface magnetic field of a typical NS in a LMXB is lower by more than four orders of magnitude than the much more intense fields of neutron stars accompanying high-mass binaries, the radius at which the matter in-flow is truncated in a NS-LMXB system is much lower. The magnetic field at the magnetospheric interface is then orders of magnitude larger at this interface, and as consequence, so is the power to accelerate electrons. We demonstrate that the cooling of the accelerated electron population takes place mainly through synchrotron interaction with the magnetic field permeating the interface, and through inverse Compton losses due to the interaction between the electrons and the synchrotron photons they emit. We found that self-synchrotron Compton processes can explain the high energy phenomenology of XSS J12270-4859.
169 - Q. J. Li , L. M. Xu , C. Fan 2013
We report a systematic study on the crystal growth of the rare-earth titanates $R_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ ($R$ = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Y, Er, Yb and Lu) and Y-doped Tb$_{2-x}$Y$_x$Ti$_2$O$_7$ ($x$ = 0.2 and 1) using an optical floating-zone method. High-quality single crystals were successfully obtained and the growth conditions were carefully optimized. The oxygen pressure was found to be the most important parameter and the appropriate ones are 0.1--0.4 MPa, depending on the radius of rare-earth ions. The growth rate is another parameter and was found to be 2.5--4 mm/h for different rare-earth ions. X-ray diffraction data demonstrated the good crystallinity of these crystals. The basic physical properties of these crystals were characterized by the magnetic susceptibility and specific heat measurements.
145 - Z. Q. Liu , C. J. Li , W. M. Lu 2013
The relative importance of atomic defects and electron transfer in explaining conductivity at the crystalline LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface has been a topic of debate. Metallic interfaces with similar electronic properties produced by amorphous oxide overlayers on SrTiO3 have called in question the original polarization catastrophe model. We resolve the issue by a comprehensive comparison of (100)-oriented SrTiO3 substrates with crystalline and amorphous overlayers of LaAlO3 of different thicknesses prepared under different oxygen pressures. For both types of overlayers, there is a critical thickness for the appearance of conductivity, but its value is always 4 unit cells (around 1.6 nm) for the oxygen-annealed crystalline case, whereas in the amorphous case, the critical thickness could be varied in the range 0.5 to 6 nm according to the deposition conditions. Subsequent ion milling of the overlayer restores the insulating state for the oxygen-annealed crystalline heterostructures but not for the amorphous ones. Oxygen post-annealing removes the oxygen vacancies, and the interfaces become insulating in the amorphous case. However, the interfaces with a crystalline overlayer remain conducting with reduced carrier density. These results demonstrate that oxygen vacancies are the dominant source of mobile carriers when the LaAlO3 overlayer is amorphous, while both oxygen vacancies and polarization catastrophe contribute to the interface conductivity in unannealed crystalline LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures, and the polarization catastrophe alone accounts for the conductivity in oxygen-annealed crystalline LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures. Furthermore, we find that the crystallinity of the LaAlO3 layer is crucial for the polarization catastrophe mechanism in the case of crystalline LaAlO3 overlayers.

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